ash 🎶 moodboard OBRAL ‼️

Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
Категория: не указана

owner : @beastskull
connected to @ashtraydump
☎️ : @ashtrayrobot (order)
☎️ : @ashmutualbot (mutual needs)

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Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: SerasiV, On Duty with Promo.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𖦞 Regulations
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𖦞 Pricelist
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𖦞 About Prem Apps
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𖦞 SerasiV's evidence

Henceforth amisntena consignment of anguished memoir whichener she continuously relishing inwardly epochen o’erses serendipitous remembrance, subsequently. nonetheless, as those memoir o’ paramour betwixt inexhaustible mellifluoust oodlethane beauteous lachrymose encapsulate herself, endowen throughout lonesome solitary, ayondethe philautias amour.. ˑ 𝅦 ⸼

Репост из: 🦁📔🌻 ; Jeyuk Boards
(untuk mutuals tercinta, tolong sebarkan pesan ini ke saluran bisnis kalian, terimakasih)

Sorak-sorai suara terdengar oleh telinga, manusia berdatangan untuk melihat @jeyukboard yang akhirnya debut, pada tanggal 02 Juli 2023. Burung-burung pun berkicau menemani insan yang melihat beberapa moodboard ready di (@jeyukboard), tidak perlu ragu untuk berkerjasama dengan toko ini.

🥇Untuk memulai silahkan baca '' rel='nofollow'>REGULATIONS terlebih dahulu.

🥈Setelah itu, lihatlah hasil MOODBOARD READY

🥉Dan jangan lupa untuk membaca beberapa TESTIMONI

Репост из: Kios Miong!
[especially toward all mutual businesses concerned, please forward this message to your channels. massive thanks in advance.]
the staircase soared up to the lobby of the beautiful building. there was a cat wandering the streets—a little thirsty. she took the initiative to run around a little while looking for a fish pond for herself. to her surprise, she found a place with the equipment she needed. ✧⁠\⁠(⁠>⁠o⁠

[to anyone who sees this especially raymoots, please help forward this message to your channel. thank you, love.]


Astaga, astaga, moodboard di ashtray lagi banting harga 😱😱😱

Diskon 1K untuk semua moodboard yang ada di @moodboardash, ayo buruan kepoin mb kece nya disini !!


Dikarenakan gue (@beastskull) mulai sibuk dan tidak memungkinkan untuk bikin mb baru lagi, gue memutuskan untuk ga jadi buka mb store.

Dan karena mb gue yang tersedia sekarang cakep-cakep tapi kaga ada yang punya + sayang kalo dikasih gratis ke orang, jadi gue obral deh! Kali aja ada yang mau, silahkan baca regulasi obral, isi format dan kirim ke @ashtrayrobot.


best regards, Rivaldo.


✯ 3,500 ➜ 2,500
♪. Minji from NEWJEANS
♪. Jisoo from BLACKPINK
♪. Mingyu from SEVENTEEN

✯ 4,500 ➜ 3,500
♪. Winter from AESPA
♪. Jisoo from BLACKPINK
♪. Heeseung from ENHYPEN
♪. Jaemin from NCT
♪. Jaemin from NCT
♪. Haechan from NCT

✯ 5,500 ➜ 4,500
♪. Jungwon from ENHYPEN
♪. Yeonjun from TXT
♪. JaemRina (Jaemin from NCT x
Karina from AESPA)

send format 🎶 to @ashtrayrobot

note : promo berlaku sampai moodboard diatas habis, masa iya ga mau mb kece yang lagi banting harga? ayo buruan bawa pulang moodboard yang kamu suka!


𝐈. Tidak perlu men-subscribe channel @moodboardash, langsung kirim format saja.

𝐈𝐈. Pembayaran tetap dilakukan diawal guna menghindari hit-and-run.

𝐈𝐈𝐈. Kami hanya menerima pembayaran via DANA dan OVO.

𝐈𝐕. Harap bersabar dan tidak spam.

Репост из: ♡ Rolling Dreams.
⏰🗓 — 2 JUNI 2023 pada JAM 13.30 WIB
☎️💭 @xeelasbot & @xeesia, for urgent needs or as small as asking.

Репост из: “eOomph” : ambrosial establish’s 📞 ..
{ please precocious this mail–boxes to y'r métier artery! your measures is very help us, thank a bunch! }

ㅤㅤㅤ 💌💌 .. (/) “ dewy–modish sheet’s o!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤglossy brochures has come out! ”

ʚ .. ♡ who doesn't know this dossiers?? there are myriad varieties of plebeians in the tiny mail–box on gracious media primed for this. yep, that's right! the grandiose aperture o! adorable market that has a idiosyncratic & stink like aroma o’ y2k, they're in the saddle to scrutinized every-veer of the pamphlets (.n) ballyhoo, rose-nymph doodads w: shimmering nuances of gleams padding the lacuna with recherché knick-knacks! there are so multifold various hidden-gems for trade!! the marionette’s at the boundaries of the margin elevated and said a colloquial "come to grand opening & fight to get unique items from the most primary!"

< .. 🧸🎀 > marionette’s void of at a settled & pushed knob to gain entrée ‘e cryptic margin, oh no?! it's a shivery luggage what i'm scrutiny for!

Репост из: majesté of ballistic, soon.
{ to all my beloved mutual, can you guys spread this message to your channel? much obliged

Репост из: Cezo Store
[ for mutuals, can you help with forwarding messages to your channel?? Thank You ]

hello friends, with great hope I want new mutuals for more business friends and to be able to interact with my business friends. I accept all BA types as long as they are active and like interaction even though it's still coming soon, so let's be mutual @CezoStore

if you are interested in quality with my BA store, you can contact @MutualCezobot and don't forget to fill in your data Thank you for those who are interested in mutual with me, have a nice day Cezories 💗💗

Репост из: ఇ.. huffleboom! phraseography’s (finding mutual)
Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram
ㅤ you get one message from 📲
こんにちは! regarding mutuals! 💌

{mirthful day, my lovely-dweller! could you—sweet souls—spread these love letters into your sublime message, thanks a bunch.ᐟ ꒰ᐢ..ᐢ꒱ ♥️}

🍮 lovedisie.era/) it crossed his mind to set up a desert shop. blissful he builds a building that’s neither too huge not too small. with a milk chocolate theme, to attract attention! however, a little quieter than expected.. :c can you help me? so that many will be attracted by the eye-pleasing and cute desserts! 👀💬 please contact @huffleboombot right away to be hufflie’s savior! we assume all of your business facsimile after our profiling necessity is complete. we’d love it if you wanna involve in this help, much obliged sweetheart! >3

Репост из: matctrive, soon cuy.
[ Hey for the special mutual or everyone who saw these message, could you forwarding this dreamies message into your channel? much obligated you'd be so helpfull for us ]

The delightful shining has woken up in an interesting enjoyment things in the beauty of a pleasant world, where is the way of the world about @Matcrive which will soon make a beautiful debut for the first time with a very sweet about a great storyline that seems timeless. Beyond the 30th June 2023 things to be debuted and helding such a precious discount for the first times! for all catalogue will be get discount above 25% and for any icons / manis purchase more than one would be get free 1 icons / manips again either. Whatta beautiful things in the heavens spoken, kindly contact for the interested feeli'n of the orders.


Perfect home–place, @Matctrive.

Репост из: ࣭ ˟ ɣ ֑ ٞ ˖ Sya's Wording﹢𓄹 ִ ׂ 𖧡 ۫ ࣭
𓏲࣪ In the m'rning a princess did dress as goddess traces the kingdom and heads to h'r garden with floweth'rs, using the key the lady endues, unlocks the secret doth'r yond is inside the garden. ᝰ @Wornding is the princess 'favourite lodging. ༊ Wearing h'r typical pink shoes, the fragrant scent of floweth'rs on h'r corse, with a clump of floweth'rs already on h'r casket in h'r handeth, and the locketh of the doth'r to a quite quaint lodging in h'r quaint dresseth container. ᨳ᭬

                  Welcometh to Sya's Wording

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Term & Conditions ⌯ ( tapeth h're to seeth the rules of the princess ). ୭‌

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Catalogue  ⌯ ( tapeth h're to seeth the listeth did provide by the princess ). ୭‌ 

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫  Owneth'r ⌯ ( tapeth h're to seeth the princess's contact listeth ). ୭‌

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Result Wording ⌯ ( tapeth h're to seeth the princess's w'rding results ). ୭‌

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Wording Ready ⌯ ( tapeth h're to seeth the currently available listeth of ingredients madeth by the princess ). ୭‌

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Payment ⌯ ( tapeth h'r for the payment the princess provides ). ୭‌

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Format ⌯ ( taps h're to 'rd'r something from the princess ). ୭‌

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Discount ⌯ ( taps h're to seeth something spesial from the princess ). ୭‌

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Testimonie ⌯ ( tapeth h're to seeth evidence of the princess's s'rvice to h'r people ). ୭‌

𔘓 A secret lodging did fill with a quite quaint view of heaven f'r the princess. ꧞ Enjoying @wornding beauty. ៸៸

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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