Matt Parrott

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Faith, Family, and Folk against Zionist Colonial Capitalism -

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Репост из: Counter-Currents
Saturday's livestream will be the next meeting of the Counter-Currents Book Club, where we will be discussing Greg Johnson's new book, Against Imperialism. There are some debates among those White Nationalists who wish to build a political movement that are best left until after our race is saved from the brink of extinction. Ethnonationalism versus imperialism is not one of them, however. Ethnonationalists want a world in which every distinct people has the right to a sovereign homeland. Imperialists want a single white racial state. Please join us for a lively discussion! Also, the book is available through our site at a 20% discount through Saturday. Follow the link for details:

Yesterday I got into an argument on twitter that spilled over onto the guy's livestream. Check out me and "The Contraband Wagon" arguing about race in America.
Speaking w/ another random Twitter user, Jason Littlefield, a racialized white man and cofounder of Free Black Thought somehow, about race. - thecontrabandwagon on Twitch
thecontrabandwagon went live on Twitch. Catch up on their Just Chatting VOD now.

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"The problem with these White Nationalists choking up your replies isn’t that they’re pro-White and complaining about anti-White bias. It’s that they have given very little thought to the policy consequences of those opinions, and what little thought they’ve given is generally bad."

Репост из: Laura Towler
By now you will have heard that my husband Sam Melia was sentenced today to two years in prison for his intentions behind publishing stickers that the prosecution said were both lawful and truthful.

The sentencing guidelines gave the judge the option of choosing anywhere between 2 years and 6 years, and the minimum was given due to the lack of seriousness regarding the offence. The judge could’ve suspended the sentence (and sent Sam home) at two years, however he chose not to and said the reason why was because he wanted the sentencing to act as a deterrent to other people with the same beliefs.

Before today, Sam met with his Probation Officer who said that Sam was no risk to the public and there was no chance of reoffending, and recommended a community order. The judge chose to ignore this.

The worst case scenario is that Sam will serve 12 months in prison. Potentially, he could serve 6 - 8 months. He is considered low risk and could therefore be on day release from as early as in a few months.

If you take anything from this, let it remind you why we do what we do. We live in a country where our people are attacked by the anti-White state for advocating for their own safety and interests.

I don’t want cuddles and condolences. I don’t want thoughts and prayers. I want you to join me in filling the void that Sam leaves for the next few months. There are no excuses. Not everybody has to be on the front line. There is plenty you can do behind the scenes.

Sam should hold his head up high knowing that he put his head above the parapet when many others dare not. He didn’t back down at any point over the last three years, nor did he take any offer they offered him. He remained defiant for us, and now it’s our turn to repay his sacrifice by carrying his flame until he is back.

"The interview effectively disassembled the pro-Russian talking points of paleocon and America First opponents of supporting Ukraine. Point by point, Putin explained that he does not regard any of Ukraine or its independence as legitimate."

"The feds hold all the cards here, and even if they do temporarily fold to avoid taking general election damage, they’ll do so in a targeted and temporary manner, redirecting the caravans to states that aren’t resisting the invasion and ripping down the wires shortly after the election (regardless of who wins)."

Репост из: Laura Towler
My husband Sam Melia has just been found guilty of inciting racial hatred and encouraging criminal damage for creating stickers that said slogans such as:

-Reject White Guilt
-It’s ok to be White
-We will be a minority in our homeland by 2066
-White Lives Matter
-Stop Anti-White Rape Gangs
-Love Your Nation

He awaits sentencing on 1st March and has been advised not to talk about the case or trial as it could impact the sentence. I will also refrain from talking about the case or the trial until after sentencing as I don’t want to influence the sentence, being so close to Sam. Anybody else is free to talk about it, so please do.

I will say, however, that I am proud of my husband. He put his head above the parapet, defended his people and told the truth.

As detailed above, I won’t say any more about Sam just to be on the safe side, but I and many others unapologetically stand for a safe homeland for the British people. This will never change for us, no matter what they throw at us.

We ask those who join us to march with us in a great and hazardous adventure. We ask them to be prepared to sacrifice all, but to do so for no small and unworthy ends. We ask them to dedicate their lives to building in this country a movement of the modern age, which by its British expression shall transcend, as so often before in our history, every precursor of the Continent in conception and in constructive achievement. We ask them to rewrite the greatest pages of British history by finding for the spirit of their age its highest mission in these islands. Neither to our friends nor to the country do we make any promises; not without struggle and ordeal will the future be won. Those who march with us will certainly face abuse, misunderstanding, bitter animosity, and possibly the ferocity of struggle and of danger. In return, we can only offer to them the deep belief that they are fighting that a great land may live.”

"While I do not compare myself in wisdom or esteem to St. Herman of Alaska, I am inspired by his ministerial approach to the Inuit, one where he worked with rather than against the ethnic heritage and identity of the peoples he sought to baptize into the one truth Faith. By being both an advocate for those people and for the Faith, he brought Orthodoxy to the new world. And it will be through the inspiration of his example that Orthodoxy might finally take hold among White Americans."

Репост из: Keith Woods
Many conservatives have been sharing Javier Milei's speech at the WEF, they usually exclude the part where he receives a big round of applause from the attendees, or where Klaus Schwab praises Milei for his pro-business policies.

The right was led down the garden path by WEF-centric conspiracies which allege the organisation is the head of some kind of communist plot. The truth is, it's an annual Ted talks for the global superelite of capitalists who love individualism, free trade and Western liberal democracy.

They are not communists and there is no depopulation agenda. They do not fear conservatives getting power to lower their taxes and regulations. Why would they? This superelite was empowered under neoliberalism by the same policies of marketisation championed by people like Milei.

Right wing influencers are trying to generate excitement for figures like Milei and bring the right back to the low IQ Reaganism that dominated conservatism up to the early 2010s, before Trump disrupted it with his rhetorical embrace of protectionism and nationalism.

The same Reaganite conservatives like Glenn Beck now publish bestselling books exposing the "WEF agenda" with mainstream book publishers. The obsession with the WEF over the COVID period was a nice way for them to repackage the same losing formula conservatives have had for decades as something revolutionary.

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Репост из: Buttafuoco's Memes N' Takes
I don't agree with all of Matt's predictions here, but at around 1h11m in he talks about how fertility rates among whites really aren't that bad in America, while they're plummeting throughout the Global South. In fact, fertility rates have gone off a cliff for non-whites throughout the world (including in the West), and they're dropping even faster than they ever did in America or even in Europe.

Whatever you blame for low fertility rates (urbanization, industrialization, liberalism, feminism, a financialized economy, individualism, materialism, etc.), whites were affected first. I believe what we're seeing now is a more complex version of the declines in fertility that had cyclically plagued past civilizations. The way I see it, whites were the first to enter this dark tunnel of low fertility. I believe we may soon see light at the end of that tunnel at a time when other peoples are just entering the tunnel. Naturally, we will be the first to emerge out of this end of the cycle.

As Matt points out, the sources of immigration will be drying up in the coming decades. I'd also add that continued automation, roboticization, and the proliferation of A.I. will likely cause a job crunch, resulting in a fair number of non-whites in Western countries returning to their ancestral homelands in seek of the type of jobs that will desperately need to be filled in socieities that will, by then, be rapidly aging. With these demographic variables shifting, and with white identity emerging across the West, I am confident that whites will be able to determine their own destiny, whether we end up in countless enclaves or are able to direct some sort of quasi-fascist managerial state that implicitly or explicitly gives preference to the interests of it's white population.

AmRen has been going strong for generations. PF and other groups have none of this stuff going on. Literally everything is organized on the Internet now and has been for decades.

The reason these guys all blame Telegram is because it's the only platform they didn't either heavily censor or get banned from, a platform where they had to answer to their audience and the community as equals.

"If only our echo chamber had been sealed better!"

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"Curated data will become more important for LLM models in the future, as generic scraping of unfiltered Internet data is vulnerable to pollution with AI-generated content and content specifically designed to influence and subvert AI results. If somebody doesn’t step in and challenge Wikipedia’s monopoly on curated data with an intelligent solution that works with rather than against its insurmountable network effect, woke western elite opinion will only be further reified and reinforced by the LLM revolution."

Репост из: Mark Collett
Over the last month we have seen the most incredible global political shift when it comes to the discussion of Zionist influence and the power wielded by the state of Israel. For years a brave few have spoken out against Zionist power and Israeli influence and faced incredible censorship, debanking, the loss of their jobs and even jail. But the sacrifice was worth it as finally the dam is breaking and Zionist power is at last being exposed and challenged by significant voices within the mainstream. This should be a massive White Pill, as it is clear evidence that a small but dedicated group of activists with zero elected representation can create massive political waves that can dramatically shift the Overton window.

Sometimes it's easier to convey ideas through storytelling than through political screeds. This story is not intended as fortune telling or prophesy or whatever, but as a portrait of a possible future. Please let me know in the comments whether you found this juvenile or fun, and whether you'd like to see more (or less) of this kind of post.

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