Natural health knowledge

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Mission statement- this page is dedicated to helping you become empowered with an arsenal of tools and knowledge of natural Heath. I will outline things simply so that you have a starting point to do your own research on important health topics.

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You can break down health into 3 categories




Each terrain has its own intricacies and methodologies. Each is also interconnected and dependent on one another.

People talk a lot about mental health. That is a misnomer and falls under emotional health. If you sweep emotions under the rug, they pile up and show up eventually.

The discipline of health is vast. When you factor in each person is unique and responds differently to each adjustment the field becomes infinite. There is always something to learn. There is always something to try. There are always new discoveries.

The next factor of resistance you come up against is discipline. It’s one thing to learn a thing. It’s another to try it. It’s yet another thing entirely to stick with it, especially when it means sacrificing routine, comfort or pleasure.

So, I look at health as a spiritual journey. It’s a shared journey because our lives are interconnected. We share culture, food and information. No one is perfect or completely right.

Without a decent level of health we cannot do anything. So it’s important. I think a lot of people get turned off of health because they think that it’s all or nothing. They slip up and get down on themselves and try to avoid the issue altogether.

Others develop a dogmatic approach. They believe that they have the only way and everyone must follow the one way or they are doomed.

They key is flexibility, moderation, honest self appraisal, acceptance of other ways and other people having their own individual path.

Like I said, true health is a spiritual pursuit. I love it. I never get bored of it. It’s my passion.

The trend that I am exposing is that our consciousness affects our body. In fact it really creates our body. Not just how you would expect like decisions on what to eat or working out. Our thoughts and emotions and words create a powerful wave that changes water molecules. Our thoughts program our bodies, and our thoughts ultimately create our world.

Most people will argue against that. They don’t like that idea. They will say that we don’t have control of the circumstances around us. It makes them feel better to place the blame elsewhere. Most people have been brainwashed into a trance where they cannot see what is right in front of them.

Well, things are changing and people are waking up. Part of the great awakening is to discover your own innate power that has been hidden from you. We the people are powerful.

Our power of creation has been leveraged against us by the media, government, bankers, education systems, etc. They have sown doubts and fears into our collective subconscious.

We have the power to change ourselves, then we can be an inspiration for others.

Are you aware of the Masaru Emoto water experiments? He said words to a droplet of water and then froze the droplet. Then he took photos.

Many people have replicated the experiment. There is also a variation of this called the love/hate rice experiment.

The implications of these experiments are truly amazing. Once you understand the fundamentals at play here everything changes.

Laughter unleashes your killer T-cells which eliminate cancer and other disease. Fear collars them. This has been proven in experiments.

Worry and stress also increase cortisol which leads to weight gain and lowered immune response.

Happiness is a choice. Gratitude is a choice. We can control that right now. It is hard sometimes because we are influenced by the chaos of the outside world.

Break the spell. Stop following the narrative and decide your destiny.

Mind over matter- the essence of taking charge of your emotions and thoughts to forge your own reality.

Mission statement- this page is dedicated to helping you become empowered with an arsenal of tools and knowledge of natural Heath. I will outline things simply so that you have a starting point to do your own research on important health topics. I’ve been studying natural health systems for 20 years. My goal is to empower you with solutions and allow you to see the larger picture. Everything is connected when it comes to health.

Показано 7 последних публикаций.


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