New Great Awakening

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Репост из: Covid19Truth
Western Australia has the foundation to be the real ground zero for the COVID poison genocide within Australia.

The health minister during the recent Premier address contradicted WHO and claimed with certainty asymptomatic carriers, asymptomatic super spreaders and that there is no difference between infectiveness of symptomatic vs asymptomatic carriers.
The Premier is also on the path of going "full retard" with denying travel to anyone for funerals, weddings or anything he considers "non essential".
He has also stressed the "reality" of their being a pandemic.
Also mandating masks, and advocating the vaccines as a pathway out of COVID.

Due to the amount of evidence collected on COVID Hoaxes over the last 12 months, we are probably well placed to saturate WA with truth before this rogue Premier is able to build the false narratives as other Premiers such as Dan Andrews as done.

If you know Western Australians, bring them here URGENTLY.

From The Protocols of The Elders of Zion to Agenda 2030 - Introduction
The New World Order - Planned for over a century!
Part 1 - Introduction

✡️ Summary of Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion
💀 Problem - Reaction - Solution
💀 Replace Governments with a Single Government
💀 Place agents and helpers everywhere
💀 It will take a long time and involve much bloodshed
💀 Take control of the media and use it as propaganda for our plans
💀 Start fights between races, classes and religions
💀 Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way
💀 Appoint puppet leaders controllable by blackmail
💀Use Freemasonry to attract officials
💀 Appeal to egos
💀 Replace Royal Rule —-> Socialist Rule —> Communism —> Despotism
💀 Abolish all rights and freedoms - Except by force by us
💀 Eliminate Religion
💀 Control education to spread deception & destroy intellect
💀 Rewrite history to our benefit
💀 Create entertaining distractions
💀 Corrupt minds and morals
💀 Keep masses in poverty and perpetual labour
💀 Take possession of all true wealth & property
💀 Have people spy on one another (virtue signal)
💀 Manipulate markets - cause depressions
💀 Foster speculation
💀 Make long term interest bearing loans to governments
💀 Eventually goyim will be angry with their governments
💀 Masses will then support a descendent of David to be King of the world

✡️ The Red Terror - Bolsheviks, Communism, Genocide, Holodomors

✡️ 9/11 Terrorist Attacks
"If Americans ever know that Israel did this (9/11), they are going to scrub them off the Earth"

✡️ "Socialism, Marxism, Communism and Zionism share the same roots...and goal - Domination of the world"

✡️ A One World Government with central army, policing and banking

Sources for next Episodes:

0️⃣ Teaser
1️⃣ Part 1 - Introduction

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From The Protocols of The Elders of Zion to Agenda 2030 - Introduction
The New World Order - Planned for over a century!
Part 1 - Introduction

✡️ Summary of Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion
💀 Problem - Reaction - Solution
💀 Replace Governments with a Single Government
💀 Place agents and helpers everywhere
💀 It will take a long time and involve much bloodshed
... Click for full list ...
💀 Masses will then support a descendent of David to be King of the world

✡️ The Red Terror - Bolsheviks, Communism, Genocide, Holodomors

✡️ 9/11 Terrorist Attacks
"If Americans ever know that Israel did this (9/11), they are going to scrub them off the Earth"

✡️ "Socialism, Marxism, Communism and Zionism share the same roots...and goal - Domination of the world"

✡️ A One World Government with central army, policing and banking

Sources for next Episodes:
👉 NewGreatAwakening
👉 Covid19Truth

👉 Anargie
👉 BSAntidote

0️⃣ Teaser
1️⃣ Part 1 - Introduction

Share this if you have the courage. Share if you are not cucked by your government. Share if you don't want a WW3.

It is time we stop respecting those that through ignorance carry out atrocities simply because their government tells them to.

And time to respect truth and sound judgement and true heroes that are not only brave, but fight for truth and justice against an enemy of lies and propaganda that result in millions of deaths of innocents.

It is sad to see so many Australians and New Zealanders today glorifying those that died fighting for the JCS so the groundwork could be laid for the Communist take over of the world we are seeing today through COVID lies, Economic Reset and WW3.

Brave soldiers have gone to their death fighting for causes that are pure propaganda.

Most know now of the lies of WMDs and Iraq, some know the lies of 9/11 that formed the pretext for 2 decades of wars fought for the JCS... But...

Very few know the truth of WW2. That if not for Germany the Communist takeover would have been much sooner.
How many know that General Patton declared "We fought the wrong enemy" and was "accidented" to death shortly thereafter.
How many know that the Nuremberg Tribunal was a kangaroo court witch hunt designed to cover up the crimes of the Allies that are glorified on this day?

That US supreme court justice called Fiskar called Nuremberg "a modern day lynching party".

One of the Allies, Russia, controlled by the JCS genocided at least 60 million mostly Christian Russians, with some estimates being over 140 million.

Because Russia was an ally... these victims still cry out for justice. There was no Nuremberg held for these genocides.

Did you know Britain relentlessly bombed German civilians for months before Germany responded with any retaliation?
Did you know Hitler sent over 20 generous peace offers to the British government pleading for sanity and they were all kept secret from the people of Britain?

Did you know Hitler invaded Poland because the Poles led by the JCS had beaten to death over 56,000 German men women and children by the time of the Sep 1939 "invasion", that was actually a "liberation"?

Australia still supports Israel that have continued to genocide, since WW2, an average of 70,000 Palestinians per year after Britain stole the land of Palestine and gave it to Jews with the Balfour declaration.

China was an ally in WW2 and it was due to the Allies that China became Communist and embarked on more campaigns of genocide.

Americans did not want to enter "Europe's war" in WW2, but the American government forced Japan into Pearl Harbour attack by blocking fuel supplies to Japan while Japan was at war with China. All so the American public would support WW2.

The real enemy is lies and governments that use the lies to manipulate it's own people into committing atrocities that if they become victors, are glorified.

The stage is being set for WW3. Will you continue to believe the lies of your government to bring about the completion of global Communism for the "Elite"?

Stop being manipulated by lies. Ask for the Core Truth Materials in the comments

Репост из: Covid19Truth
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On this day, 20th April, in 1889 Adolf Hitler was born.

It's time you stopped blindly believing, and starting questioning and critically thinking.

Perhaps 2020 could be called, "The year of the lie". However, COVID is not the only big lies we are still living with.

Few people even know the truth about why Hitler invaded Poland.

Truth fears no investigation. Yet most have been made to hate and loathe Hitler, and even Germans so much, that they would not perform such investigation.

2000 people a year are charged for questioning the "Holocaust" in Germany. Critical thinkers such as Ursula Haverbeck at 90 years old, have been imprisoned for showing evidence contrary to the narrative that the governments want you to believe.

In honour of truth, we present you with a documentary on the life of Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told, a side of him & much history of that era that has been hidden from you. eg the greatest economic recovery in known history, primarily by kicking out the bankers.

Репост из: Myanmar_News
A good article summarising the situation in Myanmar.

Part 1/3
Myanmar is on the brink of collapse: The generals are unable to impose their will on the country
April 17th 2021

It would be hours before Hla Hla Win felt any pain, which was just as well. It was the morning of March 27th and more than a thousand people, Ms Hla Hla Win among them, had gathered in Yangon to protest against the army’s coup. When security forces began firing automatic weapons into the crowd, she fled the scene, but not quickly enough to avoid being shot in the hand. Her father, waiting nearby on his motorbike, drove her to the nearest clinic. But as they drew towards it, they saw it was surrounded by armed soldiers.

Ms Hla Hla Win, a 17-year-old student whose name The Economist has changed for her safety, retreated home cradling her hand, which now resembled “a bag closed with a drawstring”. She did not receive treatment until mid-afternoon, at a monastery where doctors loyal to the resistance had set up a mobile clinic. But lacking the proper equipment, they could not set the broken bone. When the pain finally set in, says her mother, she cried and cried. It was four days before she had an operation.

Last November Myanmar held a general election that returned Aung San Suu Kyi, the de facto leader of Myanmar, and her government to power. On February 1st the army seized power in a coup, claiming without evidence that the poll, which its party had lost resoundingly, had been marred by voter fraud. The public disagreed, and hundreds of thousands of Burmese marched through the streets. But after two weeks, with the protests showing no signs of abating, the commander-in-chief, Min Aung Hlaing, put his foot down.

Since then, he has presided over a reign of terror. At night, shouting soldiers enter residential areas, conduct house-to-house searches, indiscriminately fire live rounds into buildings, and beat and arrest people suspected of opposing the coup. Over 3,000 people have been jailed; some have been tortured. By day, security services attack protesters and random passers-by with assault weapons and grenades; many have been shot in the head. No mercy is shown to medical staff and doctors, who have been beaten, arrested and killed. On April 9th the army massacred 82 people in Bago, a town in the centre of the country. Local activists say the Tatmadaw, as the army is known, is charging families 120,000 kyat ($85) to retrieve the bodies. The death toll now exceeds 700.

The junta thinks it can crush the protests using the tactics it deployed against ethnic insurgencies that have simmered in the remote borderlands for decades. To that end it has sent large contingents of battle-hardened troops into the country’s biggest cities, including the divisions allegedly responsible for atrocities in 2017 against the Rohingyas, an ethnic minority.

Since early March the army has set up bases in schools, universities and monasteries. Not only do such places make convenient billets, but occupying them deprives its opponents of places to congregate. Hospitals are especially soft targets. The security forces are arresting wounded protesters who seek medical treatment. Ms Hla Hla Win would have been captured by police at the hospital where she was operated on, if plucky nurses had not wheeled her to safety in the nick of time.

Part 1/3
Part 2/3
Part 3/3

Репост из: Covid19Truth
What the shills on the Left / Right / Q want you to think...


Репост из: Myanmar_News
George Orwell 1984 media propaganda control

Myanmar terrorists
(Tatmadar Military) are seen seizing PSI Satellites nationwide.

PSI Sat receives news services telling the people what is really going on. Such as from Mizzima & DVB News.

The totalitarian dictatorship has destroyed the fledgling democracy after the ILD party received overwhelming support from the people in the Nov 2020 elections by introducing martial law, killing protesters to their takeover and banning the Internet, have now taken it a step further towards complete totalitarianism.

A typical tactic of Communist takeover is to give the people only propaganda news.


If you can help with news in Myanmar, please join our chat 🙏🏾


Репост из: COVID19TruthGroup

If you control the media, you control the people.
This is why censorship outside of the MSM is so important for them to maintain their control of the people.
If you have corrections or additions please let us know.

Share Share Share the truth. Free the People! 🙏

Репост из: Covid19Truth
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Even if all the claimed COVID deaths were actually from a new virus, called SARS CoV-2, which we know they're not, this demonstration puts that alleged death toll into perspective for Germany.

Репост из: Covid19Truth
Morgellons? Nanoworms? In Respiratory Masks?

There are increasing videos surfacing with black fibers in respiratory masks and sometimes in cotton nasal swabs.

At this stage we suspect the most likely culprit is cotton fibers that have been damaged by boll rot, referred to in the industry as "never drying fibers".

We would like to see better tests done, but unless we some convincing evidence with eliminates boll rot fibers as the culprit we are going to mark this case closed and will re-open if if someone can eliminate this conclusion.

We include several pictures of boll rot fibers taken at various magnitudes.

So for now, while we are not mask advocates, we are not alarmists about masks causing some bio-synthetic lab created parasite to enter your body.

This is a link to a publication on it. If anyone has the full version, we would appreciate you sharing it to our group Thankyou.

Репост из: Myanmar_News

It is increasingly urgent that the world hear the cries of the brave Myanmar souls and the well over 500 that have been murdered by the Tatmadaw after it's wrongful coup against the will of the people.

If you are not in Myanmar and you don't speak out and urge your governments to take action against the genocides taking place against the Burmese, you should not be surprised if in some future date your own government does the same to it's people...including you and your family.

Speak out for humanity.

Репост из: Myanmar_News
Not long ago in Yangon a bus driver stopped in the middle of the road forming a road block to protect protesters from the terrorist military, the Tatmadaw that were firing at them.
The Tatmadaw arrested him and he was not seen since.
That is, until today.
Today his deceased body was returned his family by the military.

We do not have pictures of the body but we would not at all be surprised to see large cut marks in his body and organs removed.

There is an ongoing and increasing Internet blackout by the Tatmadaw specifically to prevent evidence of their atrocities being shared to the world.

The expectation of many Burmese is that the military are harvesting the organs from body's that they kill and selling them to China, especially, but not limited to the kidneys.

#MyanmarHeroes | #ImplementR2P | #Apr7Coup |#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar | #SpringRevolutionMyanmar | #SpringRevolution2021
Telegram Myanmar News Sites - See

Репост из: Covid19Truth

Why do you think that child ritual sacrifice has been partly exposed through the right?

#SpiritCooking #SatanicRitualAbuse #SRA #HumanSacrifice #JewishRitualMurder #JRM

Репост из: 🔱 WW3.INFO Elite News
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🚨BOMBSHELL BREAKING – Chinese troops have invaded into Myanmar territory, today

Chinese forces arrive at KyalKhaung, Muse township.They said they came to protect the gas line in Myanmar but look at the forces. Do they need that much forces to protect gas line ???


Репост из: Covid19Truth
To think that there are still Trumptards and Qtards that are going around promoting that the Myanmar military is against the NWO (which China is a principal player in) and ignoring the will of 80% of Burmese voters that support the ILD.

[Forwarded from Myanmar_News_Chat]
This is what we have been most concerned with happening in Myanmar.

This will leave the Burmese opposed to the Military coup, which is about 80% of the country, including the ethnic fighting forces, little choice now other than to destroy the pipeline that supplies much of China's energy.

See below forward from WW3 channel.

Source from Myanmar_News

Показано 17 последних публикаций.


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