The American Futurist Fans of North America

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Репост из: TRA-PF
While our enemies are forming gay little private chats and LARPing as some serious task force to track us down. Sperging out in anger. And use their simps and bots to mass report our stuff.

We're just sitting here moisturized, relaxed, happy, and ready to come back soon.

Our Caesar's evil twin brother will not win.

A decentralized insurgency is impossible to defeat. We'll just continue to deplete the tyrants resources and manpower while they fall into a paranoid tyrannical mess and fail to stop us.

Репост из: The American Natsoc
To prevent gooks from sending their hacker links into your group, make your comment section exclusive to chat members or do this:

Add @lang_blocker_bot with delete permissions.

Use command /tgdev/langblock add lang ko

Those in the movement don't seem to understand the US is already majority non-White.

Yeah, on paper the US is majority White. Until you count in the fact that Arabs and many spics are counted as White too. Not even including many spics who are mestizos but still for some reason mark down White on census forms.

On top of that, we clearly don't have just 11.4 million illegals in the US. They've been saying that for literal decades. It's easily 40 million+ with 3 million+ crossing each year. Which the US Government has a strong incentive to hide because illegals all use stolen identities to get a job as social security cards are required for. So illegals are a MASSIVE source of income for the US government in terms of taxes and the welfare state used to keep niggers happy and alive.

In reality, the US White population is more than probably 40% or less at this point and things are getting worse by the day.

This is why any idea of a mass movement is fucking stupid and will never work.

Never fucking say shit to normalfags about your politics at work or with family. How hard is this?

The average everyday person is a turbo snitch for the system and will call the cops and the FBI on you for simply holding views they know don't coincide with system views.

Now this guy got busted because he couldn't keep shit to himself. If you're going to be epic underground militant guy then act like it.

Репост из: Hedgehog News Nation
Newly unsealed court documents show that just days after the attack, Moore County received a tip leading to multiple search warrants.

In court documents, a man called Moore County authorities and told them his coworker had been in communication with people connected to a right-wing group that had a plan to attack substations in Moore County.

Investigators then requested phone records from AT&T and T-Mobile. That led to the questioning of a former U.S. Army Ranger who works for a power management company. Phone records placed his wife’s cellphone around 900 yards away from the site of a substation, minutes before the attack.

Investigators said they’re still searching for a light blue or silver Honda Odyssey van. In court records the FBI confirms that the same gun was used in both attacks on the substations.

Full Article


Never trust any optics cuck. If you're willing to lie about your political beliefs for personal gain. What other things are you willing to lie and cheat about? It projects your character.

It's from our experience that hardcore optics cucks tend to be the scummiest, most dishonest, backstabbing types in the movement.

Репост из: The American Futurist Fans of North America
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Excellent documentary on the IRA Hunger Strikers in 1981 including readings from Bobby Sands's diary describing why he fights and detailing the IRA's own struggle in the 1970s and 1980s.

All around an excellent documentary. Give it a watch!

"They will not criminalise us, rob us of our true identity, steal our individualism, depoliticise us, churn us out as systemised, institutionalised, decent law-abiding robots. Never will they label our liberation struggle as criminal,"

-IRA member Bobby Sands regarding the criminalization of Irish Nationalism during his hunger strike

Every single Third Reich poster on what would happen if they lose turned out to be correct sadly.

Top: "France's negrofication in 100 years". Bottom: "The last non coloured French are the big attraction of Paris' zoo"


New article by Tim Turtle tonight or tomorrow hopefully. He works a full time job and has a life outside this movement unlike some. So depends on when it'll be finished.

Hail Victory!

With all the literal death threats and other threats of violence we've been getting due to the PF Texas affair. If you really want to come harm us that badly, here:

1375 Ford St, Maumee, OH 43537

We show up here every couple weeks. So if you badly want to come harm us, go here. If not, shut the fuck up and stop LARPing like some internet mobster you pathetic losers.

This is why we hate most of the movement. It's literal narcissist cry babies who will threaten to kill/harm you because you made their favorite eceleb daddy mad.

This movement is such a joke. This is why we haven't done anything of winning value for over 100 years.

Репост из: Archive Based Can't Stop
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Репост из: TRA-PF
Actually scratch that. We're back!

Tiny Tom and his reportfag friends can suck it.

Oh also note to Patriot Front members. This is how they'll treat you when you get arrested and go to prison.

They'll deny you were a member and mock you.

Shows their character more than it shows ours for mocking Tiny Tom.

Even if you went to prison for being an idiot. You still deserve support. Not being abandoned and mocked. Shame on them.

Pickard was also briefly in the same place as our friend Brandon Russell. And yeah Pickard openly told him months ago that Thomas abandoned him. Pickard has since been disillusioned with the movement after being betrayed by his friend.

We don't run that channel but we do help those guys. They are dissident PF members. How else would they know where their secret murals are lol. As for Pickard, Pickard is literally documented as a member lol.

What scumbags.

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