Patriot Youth

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Категория: Эротика

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Репост из: Patriot Front Videos
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@PatriotFrontVideos » Thomas Rousseau responds to Alex Jones, who recently made a number of statements about Patriot Front being feds with the intent of ushering in the New World Order via "imminent attacks on black people" and/or Donald Trump.

🇺🇸 See TR's previous rebuttals of a large collection of online critique here.

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Репост из: Nationalist Training & Lifestyle
There’s a frustrating psychological lapse that many people have in which they think they are political but in practice they only worship power. If a party or person has a lot of resources and power, they will support them, even if their policies/philosophy/ and record are a far cry from what they really claim to want.

For example the support that some “nationalists” give to Trump.

On the other hand if a figure or group has insufficient power or resources then the standards for even verbally supporting them skyrocket.

“Patriot Front says zionists instead of screaming slurs and waving swastikas while wearing arm bands and goose stepping, I don’t like them they’re not based enough”.

It doesn’t matter that Patriot Front has made various statements affirming its firm stand as a White advocacy group that opposes jewish power.

Many people will support a charlatan with a proven track record of antiWhite policies (such as immigration advocacy) because he occasionally dog whistles while at the same time refusing to give even verbal support to groups that are explicitly proWhite.

This is the worship of power. If these people would give of their resources, would advocate online, would join and participate, then they would find that things would start to change more quickly.

The same people who today condemn PF will claim to have always supported it, should it continue to rise in membership, resources, and power. Don’t be among them, throw your energy and support into it now. I would rather advocate for a proWhite group in its early stages than to continue to support a buffoon like Trump in hope he throws us a bone.

I would rather support any group openly advocating for our race but in my assessment PF is the best hope for White Americans.

Репост из: Sons Of Columbia

Репост из: The Western Chauvinist
There are many very good sounding excuses to not organize in real life with others of Our People. All the carrots and sticks of modern society are designed to make all those excuses appear to be valid, rational objections to something that seems risky.

All those excuses when examined from a Nationalist perspective amount to nothing more than the apathetic cowardice of an atomized individual. The reasons to NOT organize are many, but they are nothing compared to the slow decline and fade from existence we will suffer if you don't start now.

The system has invested more resources than you could ever imagine into keeping you a lone, isolated individualist; with no sense of unity. That is because if we organize in large enough numbers, we will become the thing they've feared since the second they took power.

If your enemy shows you they fear something enough to make it the most socially taboo thing in the world, become that thing. Start to organize and become the thing they fear, start to resist or cease to exist.


Репост из: Internet puke

Репост из: MEDIA2RISE
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Media2Rise proudly presents:
American Muscle '24.

For the first Will2Rise tournament hosted by Patriot Front earlier this year, we traveled to North Texas to capture the adrenaline filled event.

As always, we bring you ringside to get the best view of all the fights and everything in between.

Every year these events get bigger and better. Next up on our release schedule is Frontier '24. Stay tuned.

Watch the first two Frontier events here:
W2R 1: Birth of a New Frontier
W2R 2: Frontier ‘23

Репост из: Patriot Front
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@PatriotFrontUpdates » 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 VIDEO: from the march through Charleston, West Virginia. The column marched across the Kanawha River into downtown before proceeding to the West Virginia State Capitol where a speech was given. There were no instances of dangerous conduct, violence, or issues with law enforcement.

As the activists prepared to leave, some detractors attempted to debate the merits of patriotism. The march has been seen and discussed by millions on social media — much of which in conjunction with a coordinated 'fed-jacketing' defamation campaign — and in many news articles.

See photos from the march.
Watch on @PatriotFront:a/PFWV:a' rel='nofollow'>Odysee.

Репост из: Patriot Front Videos
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@PatriotFrontVideos » Thomas Rousseau answers if Patriot Front is a Fascist organization, as many claim, and broadly describes the organization's philosophy on labels of political ideology.

🇺🇸 Visit our FAQ section:

Репост из: Patriot Front
@PatriotFrontUpdates » Photos from the demonstration in Springfield, Ohio in protest to the mass influx of unassimilable Haitian migrants that have been pouring into the city in recent years, displacing the American residents of the region and drastically lowering both quality of life and social cohesion. A speech was given at Springfield's City Hall.

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Репост из: Patriot Front Videos
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@PatriotFrontVideos » Thomas Rousseau speaks on frontiersmanship and the modern nationalist.

🇺🇸 Read a summary of PF's beliefs:

Репост из: Nationalist Training & Lifestyle
It’s easier to die for something than it is to live for something. To die for a cause takes a great and sudden swelling of emotion. One bold, usually reckless and often futile act.

It can be motivated by an outburst of rage, a desire to be remembered, a shot at vainglory.

To live for something is more mundane. It’s not one great action that can be motivated by hope of leaving a legacy and an escape from an unsatisfactory world. It is not one big act, but thousands of actions and little sacrifices carried out over a lifetime.

There are always times when the big sacrifice and the great act are required of men. For us that time is not yet here, the time is for building. For doing work that is less glorious but every bit as necessary as that of Charles Martel.

It’s important that people get involved with groups that act on a stated protocol of nonviolent action. We cannot afford to be cowards but we also cannot afford to be careless with the lives and freedom of our best men, those willing to LIVE for the cause.

Репост из: Patriot Front
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@PatriotFrontUpdates » Activists from Networks 1 (NorTex), 2 (CenTex) and 17 (Gulf Coast) assembled in Gonzales, Texas in recognition of Memorial Day, and the patriots of the Texas Revolution. A memorial ceremony was held at the site of the Battle of Gonzales, where settlers famously refused to surrender their cannon.

Following the memorial, activists gathered in Gonzales' two downtown squares to demonstrate and lay flowers at the sites of two more memorials. Flyers were handed out to residents and positive receptions were received. Afterwards the members assembled for boxing and grappling training alongside a meal.

🇺🇸 See the photo post.

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Репост из: Patriot Front

Показано 13 последних публикаций.