Репост из: Patriot Front Sightings
Hearts of Iron 4 Features PF 🎮
@PatriotFrontSightings » Patriot Front was featured as a playable faction in the popular strategy game, Hearts of Iron 4. As Patriot Front, players navigate through a series of hypothetical scenarios, making ideological choices as the campaign progresses. It is evident that the creator of this HOI4 mod possessed a thorough understanding of PF as an organization.
The incorporation of Patriot Front into a video game is indicative of the growing influence and recognition of the organization in various spheres of popular culture. Thomas Rousseau's continual appearances on popular podcasts, coupled with demonstrations garnering mass media attention, showcase how Patriot Front is gradually bringing nationalism into mainstream political discourse.
🛡️ Thomas Rousseau on PBD
🛡️ Thomas Rousseau on Fight Back
@PatriotFrontSightings » Patriot Front was featured as a playable faction in the popular strategy game, Hearts of Iron 4. As Patriot Front, players navigate through a series of hypothetical scenarios, making ideological choices as the campaign progresses. It is evident that the creator of this HOI4 mod possessed a thorough understanding of PF as an organization.
The incorporation of Patriot Front into a video game is indicative of the growing influence and recognition of the organization in various spheres of popular culture. Thomas Rousseau's continual appearances on popular podcasts, coupled with demonstrations garnering mass media attention, showcase how Patriot Front is gradually bringing nationalism into mainstream political discourse.
🛡️ Thomas Rousseau on PBD
🛡️ Thomas Rousseau on Fight Back