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I tried Meetup.com

but eventually I gave up on it.

How has your experience been, if you've tried it? Good? Bad? Waste of time? Mixed?


It's a Journey

First time posting here, but I've drawn some great inspiration from y'all. This morning, instead of simply getting into the office early and wasting time online, I went for a run instead. I've started drawing again for the first time in God knows how long instead of coming home and mindlessly surfing after work. I no longer feel the need to have the tv on in the background "just to have something on." Last weekend the husband and I spent most of the day just hanging out on the patio, simply enjoying the beautiful weather and each others' company. I can feel my creativity stirring and it feels great!

So anyway thanks for the inspiration and validation that I'm not crazy for wanting to take a step back from the screen, and for those just starting out or struggling with their journey I want to say don't stress it and keep taking those baby steps. It's worth it.


The validity of political discussion on Reddit

Ive come to the conclusion that political discussion on reddit(and the internet in general) is quite useless. If you're trying to engage in constructive discourse here, you'll have a hard time. I believe that is due to the following reasons:
A) The upvote system is major proponent to echo chambers and instant dissaproval of a message.
B) Even if you're trying to engage in nice and constructive, rational manner, most people will either react agressively or be tiresomely attached to ideology(sometime letting that creep into things that aren't even necessarily related)

I believe these are true independently of your own beliefs. I've seen it happen for and against my favor. So, as enticing as it is, i recommend you to do what i have decided to do right now, just ignore this stuff.

Even if what is being said is unreasonably absurd by your standards, just ignore it, as the chances of your discussion being constructive to the participants or the bystanders is near 0.

I'm sure that you have caught yourself instantly judging something you see when you have caught the superficial grasp of it or any ideological element it pertains too. I see myself doing that all the time, thinking "Ah, another one of those people". Upon realizing i'm doing that, i try my best to avoid it, but i'm afraid most people would not do the same.

Not to mention it is a huge waste of time and it has NEVER, ever, given me satisfaction, even if what i said was well put, well constructed and something i stand for. There is always a lingering anxiety waiting for the replies.

Political-oriented subreddits are also very bothersome for different reasons as well. Eventually you see it becoming disgusting, to say the least.

So yeah, just drop it, unsubscribe not only from political subreddits but the ones where this kind of discussion happens often. I'll be doing that and deleting my old posts so i'm never reminded of it again.


What to do if you have to spend time behind a computer, but don't want to surf mindlessly?

I have a job where I have to be available, respond fast, but not necessarily have enough work while waiting for a call. So I spend lots of time mindlessly surfing (like right now).

I already have some ebooks in pdf-format, so I can read them at my pc. I play geoguesser to learn more about the world.

What other things can I do with this time? To be more productive, creative, or anything that's better then mindlessly surfing.


Thoughts keep me awake

So every night I go to sleep by watching YouTube videos on my bed, so I go to bed by 11:30 till 12:30 I will be awake.

But in the morning I know that was a bad idea as I am always sleepy in the office , I don't have caffeine (left it couple of years ago) it's a desk job and I'm get exhausted at the end of the day.

So yesterday for a change I told myself today I won't use my phone and I went to bed at 11pm , I am waiting to fall asleep but no , I'm getting random thoughts like when will I get married, will I get my next sale, will I grow my skillset and reach the heights and many more , I can't stop thinking, later I checked the time it was 1am I am still awake, later on I fell asleep.


u/deleted is very inspirational

I can only imagine with what they’re doing with their lives. I am way more productive with just internet radio and phone turned off. I wish I can join u/deleted on a lot of my non-business related social media.

Cheers to you u/deleted 🥂


Why is Reddit so toxic?

The amount of crybabies and idiots here is astounding. As soon as someone has a different political or religious view, the entire site seems like it's going into a frenzy! Not to mention the amount of basement dwellers and degenerates everywhere. It's just so frustrating and I feel like I should probably leave, however, I not too sure.

Should I leave or naw?


Virtual Funerals

This probably won't come out right. Someone I knew from a twelve step fellowship died. And a week before that someone else died. All the eulogies, everything, the pictures the memories ...shared on Facebook!!!!???? Holy mother of Jesus! Is that what is has come down to!? Seriously!? A few hypocritical words on FUCKING FACEBOOK. I don't know what to say. Look what I'm doing now. Ranting about my t on ANOTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM. God help us all. I don't know what to do. We will all start becoming less genuinely human by the second. I don't know what to do. This will be our end. No two ways about it. These networks, these machines, have to be smashed. Not all technology is progress. That should be self evident. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

This has to stop. You see an attractive woman waiting in front of you, she turns to her phone to deflect what she ASSUMES you might do.

Chatting a woman up was an art. And her ability handle it made her character stronger as well. Wiser to social ways. True social ways. One's which required character and personality. Nobody is born with all the social graces. They have to be learned, and sometimes that learning curve is tough, but we've now "hacked" that process. And we will pay the price. Flirting is just one of many examples.

Sorry if this is all over the place. I'm upset about the loss of someone I knew, just fucking pissed off period.


Album/book to remember Facebook posts?

Hi everyone, I hope this is allowed.

I’ve been wanting to delete Facebook for a long time. My page isn’t very active anymore, but I don’t feel comfortable leaving it up.

However, when I was younger, I used to post a lot of stories and it’s basically a diary. The funny responses of people make it even better.

I’ve been looking for an easy way to convert my profile into some kind of paper photo album (preferably with the option to remove some entries as well) so I can remember the good times.

Does anyone know a service who provides this? I know I can download all the contents but it doesn’t come out in a very useful format. Also, screenshotting my timeline from 2009 until now will be quite a laborious task…

Thanks in advance!


Disabling the "page preview" function in chrome

Hey everyone! I'm working on curbing my reddit/youtube habit, and blocking those websites does wonders. However, there is a small problem: website blocks are easy to get around by just searching the site's name and then interacting with a preview of it. In my weaker moments, I have used this workaround and lost precious hours that I can't afford to lose, since I'm supposed to be preparing for a huge exam. Blocking keywords doesn't work either. I just type "reddi" or "redit" or something like that and chrome still takes me there. It has become obvious to me that simple willpower will not win me this fight: my future depends on not using and I can't fucking stop. Does anyone know a way to solve this problem?


Fuck Reddit, I'm tired of it too now.

I keep spending time here on stupid subreddits, I gotta stop now. Alright! See ya, Reddit!


For most people, there is freedom of choice. So why are things like addiction so hard to get out of?

Not sure how to phrase this any better, but there's technically nothing stopping us from doing the things we want to do? Maybe our parents don't/didn't 'allow' us to go outside at night but if we really wanted to run to a beach at 3am, we have the absolute freedom to do it.

So what's stopping us from 'just quitting' or reducing screentime? Our mindsets? Subconscious habits that have been engrained into our daily routines?

Can these two scenarios even be linked/compared?


What have you being doing in your free time in place of surfing?

I still have trouble knowing what to do lol! what are you guys doing to stay occupied?


Is there an actual legit book or program that teaches how to tackle internet addiction?

Just wonderin'


My journey

To me it's literally no different I can spend all day like 9+ hours or just a single hour to me it makes no difference my grades Don't suffer no matter how long I'm on my social life doesn't either to me it makes not a single difference I'm also averaging 2.5 hours a day


Are smartphone-less parties a thing?

I was just watching a video on Youtube of a 90s rave and obviously people didn't have smartphones, so it was just people dancing and having a blast of a time being 100% present. Now you go to a nightclub and half the people are staring at a screen, which is a depressing sight. They are physically there but their mind is elsewhere. Maybe not a thing yet but I'd love to see venues where smartphones are not allowed.


Certain games (Lumosity, Elevate) are a gray area.

I.e. they could help OR hinder your nosurf progress.

What other games would you put in this category and why?


Back from break - Some insights I have

I just got back from my 30 day break from reddit and my biggest take away is that you need self-control and not to take things too seriously. It's probably already been said but taking the break helped me realize it.

I learned I did not need to check reddit all the time. I don't need to know what's happening on here. I am not missing out on anything crucial. I do not need redditors' opinions. Reddit is not truly "the front page of the internet." Not everyone is on it or cares about what's being said on it. My life is perfectly fine without it.

My life can be fine with it too, if I know when to call it quits for the day (no more hours spent on it) and not allow myself to get "triggered" or sucked into arguments. I know this is definitely hard for me because sometimes you see something you feel you absolutely need to respond to and it turns into an argument. Or you're on the receiving end and someone comes at you with some BS.

Arguing does nothing. It isn't productive and doesn't change people's minds. You just unnecessarily exchanged heated words with some rando who probably lives thousands of miles away from you. Neither of you got anything out of it and your lives are still the same.

Similarly, you might see some provocative post and feel you need to click on it but you don't. Just scroll past or hide it. You don't need to be sucked into that. Or you might see a random comment that upsets you (in my case, I am particularly sensitive to prejudice comments). Just breathe and again scroll past or hide or report. Don't focus on it. You don't have to let it get under your skin. Doesn't matter if it has a billion upvotes or glided. It's just words on a screen from an anonymous person. Upvotes are just virtual points.

It's easy to get sucked back into your old habits and mentality, so you just got to keep working on it. I think I will start taking regular monthly or weekly breaks.


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