How Cannabis Came to Jamaica
#Jamaica was claimed for Spain by #Christopher_Columbus in 1494 by conquering the native Taíno people, who were the island's inhabitants.
It was not colonized by the British government until about 1655, by which point a majority of the Taíno population had succumb to disease, famine, or forced labor.
From 1655 until the mid-1800’s, the British shipped slaves from West #Africa to toil the land and harvest the coveted sugar plantations.
By 1810, Britain had abolished slavery, but it continued in Jamaica until the #African slaves rebelled and burned the plantations of white slave owners.
Emancipation was finally granted in 1838.
#Jamaica was claimed for Spain by #Christopher_Columbus in 1494 by conquering the native Taíno people, who were the island's inhabitants.
It was not colonized by the British government until about 1655, by which point a majority of the Taíno population had succumb to disease, famine, or forced labor.
From 1655 until the mid-1800’s, the British shipped slaves from West #Africa to toil the land and harvest the coveted sugar plantations.
By 1810, Britain had abolished slavery, but it continued in Jamaica until the #African slaves rebelled and burned the plantations of white slave owners.
Emancipation was finally granted in 1838.