Dear Brothers and Sisters, This Was My Greatest Mistake in Life
For the last 3 years, I’ve poured everything into others, often losing myself in the process. I believed that love, support, and Godly words were the keys to building connections. But I’ve learned the hard way—sometimes, these words are just tools used by manipulators to keep you in their grip. Don’t trust those around you blindly. Instead, build trust within yourself. True strength comes from investing in your own growth and well-being, not from sacrificing everything for others. It’s time to reclaim your purpose, your strength, and your life.
የሚመካ በአምላኩ ይመካ!
ውድቀቱን ለራሱ ይውሰድ!
ስኬቱን ለአምላኩ credit ይስጥ!
አሸናፊነቱን ለቤተሰቦቹ እና ለአምላኩ መሰዋት ያድርግ አለቀ!
የሚመካ በራሱ ይመካ!
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