Pepe Escobar

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Репост из: Dmitry Medvedev
Out of spite for the current administration, Donald Trump has threatened to lift sanctions against Russia. But will he really do it if elected?

No, of course not. For all his apparent bravado as an 'outsider', Trump is ultimately an establishment insider. Yes, he is an eccentric narcissist, but he is also a pragmatist. As a businessman, Trump understands that sanctions harm the dollar's dominance in the world. However, that's insufficient reason to stage a revolution in the United States and go against the anti-Russian line of the notorious Deep State, which is much stronger than any Trump.

But what about Harris? You shouldn't expect any surprises from her. She is inexperienced and, according to her enemies, just plain stupid. Beautiful meaningless speeches and boring 'correct' answers to questions will be prepared for her, which she will read off a teleprompter while laughing contagiously.

There were sanctions against the USSR throughout the 20th century, and they've returned on an unprecedented scale in the 21st. So, it's sanctions forever. Or rather, until the US collapses during an imminent new civil war. After all, Hollywood makes films about this for a reason😂.

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The Russian Far East salutes you all.

Invest in Tatarstan!

Vladivostok was a blast - actually a series of blasts. Detailed column coming soon.

Репост из: Geopolitics Live
Durov faces charges under archaic cryptography law, hinting at French spying on private communications

Two of the six charges facing Telegram CEO Pavel Durov in France are grounded an obscure, never-used twenty-year-old law obliging companies providing cryptography tools to inform the French Cybersecurity Agency (French acronym ANSSI) and grant it access to the software’s source code and “a description of [its] technical characteristics.”

🌏 The 2004 law – uniquely blunt in its demand that companies divulge info about the tech tools used for private communications, is being used against Durov by accusing him of providing encrypted communications services “without certified declaration.”

🌏 The law further means, if it is applied evenly across the board, that the array of instant messengers available to French users, from WhatsApp and Signal to iMessage and the French-made Olvid ‘secure’ messenger used by the French government, do comply with the ANSSI regulations, meaning French intelligence can potentially spy on any or all French users at any time.

🌏 Adding credence to this idea is the fact that Pavel Durov is reportedly the first-ever tech mogul to be charged under the 2004 law, and the fact that many big-name tech companies have been silent on the Durov case, with the exception of Proton CEO Andy Yen, who characterized the charges against the Russian-born tech mogul as “economic suicide” that’s “rapidly and permanently changing the perception of founders and investors” toward France.

“If sustained, I don’t see how tech founders could possibly travel to France, much less hire in France,” Yen wrote on his X account.

🌏 The law is also reminiscent of the case against WikiLeaks cofounder Julian Assange, who was threatened with decades of jail time by the US under the obscure Espionage Act of 1917, even though that he was not an American citizen, and a publisher, not a spy.

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With the Vladivostok show girls.

Репост из: Geopolitics Live
💬 "The Biden regime’s decision to go after my parents is a sign of its profound weakness. They are losing in Ukraine, they are losing in Gaza, and they are losing the economic and technological race against China. Failure breeds desperation, which is why they are frantically resurrect the old scarecrow of 'Russian interference,'" Dimitri Simes Jr. said.

"Ever since the FBI raided my parents’ home last month, they have behaved like cowardly totalitarian thugs. They weren’t able to find anything of informational value, so they resorted instead to stealing paintings, furniture , and religious icons. My parents will not be intimidated by this bandit-like attempt at intimidation," he added.

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Репост из: ミユポワ🧚‍♀️
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Репост из: Idee&Azione
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Il Forum Economico di Vladivostok ha ospitato la sessione più importante "Il Sud-Est asiatico in un mondo multipolare". Organizzatori del panel sono stati il Movimento russofilo (Nkosi Mandela), l’Istituto Tsargrad (fondatore K.Malofeev), il Multipolarity Forum, con la partecipazione attiva e stimolante di Maria Zakharova del Ministero degli Affari Esteri della Federazione Russa.
Erano presenti anche l’ambasciatore dell'India nella Federazione Russa, Sua Eccellenza Vinay Kumar, l'ambasciatore della Repubblica Democratica Popolare di Corea nella Federazione Russa, Sua Eccellenza Shin Hong Chol, l'autore del concetto di Stato-Civiltà, professore dell'Università di Fudan, direttore dell'Istituto della Cina Chang Weiwei, la più famosa esperta di geopolitica dell'Indonesia Connie Rahakundini Bakri, l'ex Primo Ministro del Nepal Madzav Kumar Nepal, il più famoso geopolitico francese, l'ex membro del Parlamento europeo Emerick Choprad, il capo dell'influente organizzazione conservatrice giapponese Issuikai professor Mitsuhiro Kimura, il famoso giornalista e analista Pepe Escobar, intellettuali ed esperti provenienti da Myanmar, Filippine, Vietnam, Malesia e molti altri Paesi della regione.
Tutti hanno concordato all'unanimità sulla necessità di costruire un ordine mondiale basato sulla decolonizzazione della mente, sui valori tradizionali, sul riconoscimento dell'uguaglianza delle civiltà, sul multipolarismo contro l'egemonia occidentale, l'unipolarismo, il globalismo e un ordine liberale costruito su "regole" che l'Occidente e le élite globaliste mondiali cambiano continuamente e non rispettano.
Gli oratori hanno sottolineato che la Russia è una grande potenza del Pacifico, che il centro di gravità della politica mondiale si sta spostando verso Oriente, che l'Eurasia è la zona in cui si concentrano le principali risorse demografiche, naturali ed economiche dell'umanità e che il futuro è nel Sud-est asiatico, dove convergono le grandi (eterne) civiltà: russo-ortodossa, confuciana, indiana, islamica e buddista. Il compito è ora quello di costruire un dialogo costruttivo tra loro, espandere la cooperazione economica, sostenere le iniziative di integrazione, costruire un sistema di sicurezza collettiva, escludendo l'egemone aggressivo - l'Occidente, il globalismo e le élite coloniali, orientate all'unipolarismo e disperatamente aggrappate al dominio mondiale, che sta rapidamente scomparendo dalle nostre mani.

Aleksandr Dugin

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Buryatia Girl is waitin' for Putin Khan.

Vladivostok. Putin will be in da house in a few hours.

Репост из: CasaDelSoleTV
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Pepe Escobar: Russia-Cina, sviluppo integrato a lungo termine
Eastern Economic Forum Da Vladivostok la corrispondenza quotidiana del professor Lorenzo Maria Pacini per Il secondo giorno del Forum ha visto al centro della discussione il collocare al centro della società multipolare l'uomo con equità e giustizia. Quale sarà il nuovo codice culturale per il mondo equilibrato tra tradizione e consenso popolare? Scopriamolo insieme a Pepe Escobar che osserva la grandezza della visione strategica di Russia e Cina. L'ininfluenza dell'Occidente è oramai evidente.

Maria rippin' at the Vladivostok forum.


Putin Khan relaxin' in the coolest yurt ever.

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