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Pepe Escobar: BRICS sollten sich 2025 auf neue Sanktionen, False-Flag-Operationen und Farbige Revolutionen durch das "Imperium des Chaos" einstellen

🌏 „Ohne eine langfristige strategische Vision und angesichts der fortschreitenden imperialen Vertreibung aus Eurasien bleibt dem Hegemon nichts anderes übrig, als Chaos von Westasien bis Europa und Teilen Lateinamerikas zu entfesseln“, schreibt der Sputnik-Kolumnist Pepe Escobar in seinem neuesten Artikel.

Dies laufe auf einen „gezielten Versuch hinaus, die BRICS zu spalten und ihren kollektiven Vorstoß zur Bestätigung von Souveränität und der Vorrangstellung nationaler Interessen zu vereiteln“, so der Beobachter.

Escobar weist darauf hin, dass es kein Zufall sei, dass das neueste Schlagwort der US-Denkfabriken – die Idee von globalen „Swing States“ – ausschließlich auf BRICS-Mitglieder oder -Partner abzielt (Brasilien, Indien, Südafrika, Indonesien, Saudi-Arabien und die Türkei).

💬 „Der Code für ‚Swing States‘ war unverkennbar: Alle diese Staaten sind Zielscheiben für Destabilisierung – nach dem Motto: Wenn ihr euch nicht an die ‚regelbasierte internationale Ordnung‘ haltet, werdet ihr zu Fall gebracht“, argumentiert der Beobachter.

💬 Escobar beschreibt die Vision einer multipolaren Welt: „Stellen Sie sich China, Indien, Russland, Iran, Indonesien, Südafrika, Brasilien, Ägypten und Saudi-Arabien als transkontinentale Perlen der aufstrebenden multi-nodalen Welt vor. Große Bevölkerungen; massive natürliche Ressourcen und industrielle Kapazitäten; unzählige Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten.“

Die herrschenden Eliten des „Imperiums des Chaos“ hätten dem nichts entgegenzusetzen, meint Escobar. „Dieses wachsende geopolitische Kraftzentrum verfügt über eine eigene Entwicklungsbank (die freilich noch viel Arbeit benötigt); ein volles Engagement für die Entwicklung und Erprobung alternativer Zahlungssysteme; und eine ausgedehnte transkontinentale Handelsallianz, die darauf abzielt, den US-Dollar schrittweise zu umgehen.“

Während eine neue multipolare Ordnung weiter Gestalt annimmt, verspricht das kommende Jahr laut Escobar weitere Konflikte, insbesondere in Lateinamerika.

💬 „Das Imperium des Chaos unter Trump 2.0 könnte zur vollständigen Monroe-Doktrin übergehen – zusätzlich zu den absurden Bestrebungen, Kanada, Grönland, den Panamakanal und weitere ahnungslose Regionen zu annektieren. Insgesamt wird es eine harte Zeit für ausgewählte Knotenpunkte im ‚Hinterhof‘ – abgesehen von der verwüsteten Neo-Kolonie Argentinien“, prognostiziert Escobar.

Репост из: Geopolitika en español
Toda guerra se basa en el engaño. Por lo tanto, cuando podamos atacar, debemos parecer incapaces; cuando utilicemos nuestras fuerzas, debemos parecer inactivos; cuando estemos cerca, debemos hacer creer al enemigo que estamos lejos; cuando estemos lejos, debemos hacerle creer que estamos cerca. Sun Tzu, El arte de la guerra

✍️   Pepe Escobar  @rocknrollgeopolitics

🗣 El imperio del caos, recargado

Репост из: Gaganauts of Geopolitics
❗️Trump to ANNEX Panama Canal? Not a BIG DEAL

As US President-elect Donald Trump threatens to annex the Panama Canal, one of the most well-known waterways in the world, we present to you the TOP 5 most ambitious canals in a new age of canal building around the world.

1. Nicaragua Canal (🇳🇮Nicaragua)

An ambitious proposal to rival the Panama Canal by creating a passage through Nicaragua, linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It is expected to accommodate larger ships than the Panama Canal. The project is anticipated to be financed primarily by a private Chinese company.

2. Kra Canal (🇹🇭Thailand)

A proposed canal in southern Thailand to connect the Andaman Sea to the Gulf of Thailand. It would bypass the Strait of Malacca, one of the busiest and most congested shipping routes, potentially shifting the balance of power in the region.

3. Istanbul Canal (🇹🇷Turkey)

The Istanbul Canal is proposed to create a new artificial waterway parallel to the Bosporus Strait, which is governed by the Montreux Convention (1936).

This convention restricts Turkey's ability to charge tolls for its use and limits the passage of military ships. The new canal, not subject to these rules, would enhance Turkey's influence on global trade and international politics.

4. Artificial River Project (🇪🇬Egypt)

Egypt is working on a project to construct a 114-kilometre canal aimed at turning 1.2 million acres of arid desert west of the Nile Delta into arable land.

The project seeks to carry agricultural wastewater from the Nile Delta to the New Delta Agricultural Wastewater Treatment Recycling and Reuse Plant in the Hamam District of western Egypt.

5. Indian Rivers Interlinking Project (🇮🇳India)

This extensive initiative seeks to connect India's rivers through a network of canals and reservoirs to address water scarcity and flooding. The project encompasses 30 links and 3,000 storage structures, aiming to facilitate the transfer of water from surplus regions to those facing deficits.

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Репост из: Geopolitics Live
🌏 Pepe Escobar: BRICS should brace for new sanctions, false flags and color revolutions by the Empire of Chaos in 2025

💬 “In the absence of long-term strategic vision, and amidst the progressive imperial expulsion from Eurasia, all that’s left for the Hegemon is to unleash chaos from West Asia to Europe and parts of Latin America,” Sputnik contributor Pepe Escobar writes in his latest column.

It all amounts to “a concerted attempt to Divide and Rule BRICS and thwart their collective drive affirming sovereignty and the primacy of national interests,” according to the observer.

It's no coincidence, Escobar says, that US thinktanks’ newest buzzword - the notion of key global “swing states,” are all BRICS members or partners (Brazil, India, South Africa, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and Turkiye, respectively).

💬 “The code for ‘swing states’ was unmistakable: all these are targets for destabilization – as in if you do not abide by the ‘rules-based international order’, you’re going down,” the observer argues.

💬 “Imagine China-India-Russia-Iran-Indonesia-South Africa-Brazil-Egypt-Saudi Arabia as the transcontinental pearls of the emerging multi-nodal world. Huge populations; massive natural resources and industrial might; myriad development possibilities,” Escobar writes.

“The ruling elites of the Empire of Chaos have nothing to offer as a counterpoint to this growing geopolitical powerhouse – complete with its own development bank (granted, that needs a lot of work); full commitment to develop and test alternative payment systems; and a sprawling transcontinental trade alliance bent on progressively sidestepping the US dollar.”

As a new multipolar order continues to emerge, the coming year promises more strife, particularly in Latin America, the observer predicts.

“The Empire of Chaos under Trump 2.0 may go Full Monroe Doctrine – on top of the delirium of annexing Canada, Greenland, the Panama Canal and any further unsuspecting latitudes. Overall, it will be a rough ride for selected nodes of the ‘backyard’ – apart from devastated neo-colony Argentina.”

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Репост из: Geopolitics Live
Turkiye's border build-up: Is Ankara planning to force Trump’s hand in Syria?

Turkish officials may feel they’ve “lost a golden opportunity” to destroy the YPG/PKK's enclaves in Syria after the collapse of the Assad government.

This perception may explain the reports of a Turkish military buildup on the Syrian border in preparation for a large-scale offensive, Ankara Baskent University international relations professor Hasan Unal explains.

Until now, Ankara may have hoped that the provisional government in Damascus would “deal with the problem” of the Kurds independently, Unal told Sputnik.

However, “whether HTS would be willing to do the job that Turkiye would like to see done is a major question,” he added. The issue has become especially urgent as the outgoing US administration ramps up its support for the Kurds.

If Turkish forces cross the border in the coming days, their “objective” would be to present Donald Trump with a “fait accompli” before or shortly after he takes office, the analyst says.

This could force Trump to commit to withdrawing US troops from the country. In recent weeks, Trump has hinted at this possibility by referring to Turkiye’s role “as the main player over Syria’s future,” Unal noted.

A full-scale Turkish military operation would compel Washington to “basically reassess” the Syrian situation, especially since the primary reason for supporting the Kurds has largely disappeared.

“Given that Syria is no longer a threat to Israel, why would the United States and Israel try to carve out a Kurdish state in the Middle East?” Unal asked.

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My dear friends Elias is back in Brazil after a stint at the NDB in Shanghai and is absolutely RIPPIN' in his itvws, explaining in detail the articulation of the anti-BRICS lobby inside the Foreign Ministry, driven by clueless Atlanticists: a key issue especially because of this year's Brazilian presidency of BRICS.

I'll be back to it soon, after talking to Elias, and plan to visit the NDB in Shanghai this coming spring.

So Captain America's house burned down while he was shipping bombs for the genocide of Gaza.

The New Great - Resource - Game will be played here.

Репост из: Dmitry Medvedev
We’ve got no way of knowing how much Trump will accomplish in his second term, but he is off to a really fun start.
His reasoning seems clear enough. There is not going to be a quick solution to the conflict in Ukraine; the US economy will waddle on at a leisurely pace; even the fight against migrants is unlikely to end up in a resounding victory.
So instead, Trump has decided to 'reshape' the world. That's right – he wants to redraw the political map in his own style. A new, vibrant and colorful globe to replace the dull and gray old one. All of his plans are over the top and eccentric – and totally unworkable. This is what he’s got in mind:

1. First, the 'super-sizing' of America: we start by taking the backwater countryside called Canada (why not? It will make for a nice and big US state, plus the whole continent would belong to the Yankees now); then seize Greenland from Denmark (don't exactly know what it is, but they've got plenty of land).

2. Renaming the Gulf of Mexico (for no particular reason; just because the US is the biggest kid on the block; also, the current name makes people think about the Latino population).

3. Weaponizing Elon Musk and using him to take down ‘rapist Starmer’ and ‘fool Scholz’ on X. A simple plan, and at zero cost: “Just show them who is the boss of this house”. Better yet, why not add the UK itself to America's potpourri list of territorial claims?
This way, before he is even sworn in as the new president of the United States, Donald Trump has scored several major victories online. And, most importantly, he has formulated his own agenda on a cosmic scale. And, to quote one of Mikhail Bulgakov's characters, of ‘’quite cosmic stupidity’’. But this is only a surface level analysis because eventually, as we all know, stupidity always triumphs. So it’s irrelevant that none of the designs outlined above can actually be realized. Not now, not ever. It is irrelevant that the silly nicknames given by the Americans to their inept European lackeys will fade from memory within a week. What matters is that the last few days of the dementia-riddled old man's stay in the Oval Office are following the script conjured up by the orange wizard, Donald Trump.

Anyway, the newly formed Trump, Musk and Sci-fi Brothers LLC, has its operations up and running.


Репост из: The Islander
From Fallout to Reality: Imperial Psyops and the Erosion of Sovereignty

In the Fallout universe, Canada’s annexation by the US is a footnote in the imperial march toward global catastrophe. A resource-strapped America absorbs its northern neighbor to secure the Alaskan pipeline and prepare for war with China, ultimately leading to a nuclear apocalypse. At first glance, it’s dystopian fiction, but peel back, and it becomes something far more sinister. The game’s narrative operates like a psyop, conditioning audiences to see the erasure of borders and the subjugation of sovereignty as inevitable when resources are at stake. It’s imperial hubris wrapped in pixels, teaching players that empire-building, even at the cost of "allies", is just the way of the world.

Now step out of the game and into reality. Trump’s musings about Canada becoming the 51st state, purchasing Greenland, or retaking the Panama Canal are dismissed as “jokes.” But are they? These offhand remarks are the kind of subtle ideological work a psyop thrives on; normalizing the idea that sovereignty is expendable in the pursuit of power. In Fallout, the annexation of Canada was framed as a patriotic necessity, a way to secure North American stability. Today, Trump frames it as a win-win for Canadians who could enjoy “lower taxes” and “better military protection.” Same logic, different delivery. The underlying message remains: sovereignty is optional when America decides it is.

Greenland is the more chilling example. To the untrained ear, Trump’s talk of “buying” Greenland sounds like the ramblings of a man who doesn’t understand sovereignty. But dig deeper, and it becomes clear that Greenland, rich in untapped natural resources and strategically placed in the Arctic, is the crown jewel of the polar frontier. Trump’s quiet implication of using military means to secure it echoes the logic of Fallout: if you can’t buy it, take it. Greenland isn’t for sale, as Denmark firmly stated, but the mere suggestion softens resistance to the idea that territory can still be acquired in the 21st century, if not through negotiations, then by extortion (tarrifs) and lastly by force.

And then we have the Panama Canal, a vital artery of global trade and a symbol of U.S. imperialism in Latin America. Trump’s remarks about “reclaiming” the canal underscore a nostalgia for the days when DC's word was law in the Global South. For the U.S., the canal isn’t just infrastructure, it’s power. The treaties transferring control to Panama were supposed to mark a shift toward respecting Latin American sovereignty. But to the empire, agreements are tools of convenience, not principles. The Monroe Doctrine isn’t dead, it’s just been rebranded.

This is the brilliance of a psyop. By embedding these imperial ambitions in entertainment, the empire conditions the public mind to see them as natural, even inevitable. The annexation of Canada in Fallout and Trump’s flippant remarks about sovereignty share a common purpose: to normalize imperial overreach. Laugh it off, and the idea slips past the defenses of outrage. By the time the rhetoric turns into policy, the groundwork has already been laid. This is how empires have always worked, not with a frontal assault, but with a steady erosion of resistance until compliance feels like relief.

The irony is thick, Trump self proclaime champion of anti-globalism, couldn't be more aligned with globalism when it comes to his expansionist wet dream.

But the world is no longer buying it. The multipolar world, led by Russia, China, and an awakening Global South, is rewriting the script. They see the empire’s play for what it is: desperation. Sovereignty isn’t for sale, and the empire’s psyops, whether in video games or in Trump’s soundbites, are losing their grip. If Fallout was a story of inevitability, the rising multipolar world is one of resistance, a declaration that sovereignty is sacred and empire’s time is up.

Now the question isn’t whether the empire will fall, it’s when and how loudly the world will cheer when it does.

- Gerry Nolan


Talkin' Eurasia, NATO and assorted horrors with The Judge.

Sharp, concise analysis by my dear friends Claudio and Santiago.

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