Rose City Nationalist Club

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Rose City Nationalist Club is a fraternal organization for Nationalists in the Pacific Northwest.
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Репост из: WLM_viewing
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WLM viewing #1

Defiant by @DevonStack
Mandatory watch


Share this with friends and family that don’t believe you when you tell them about all the anti-white rhetoric that’s being spouted today.

These flyers were cute. Custom made just for us by the local anti-fascists in Newberg. Stuck to many light poles with love and care. Too bad they're gone now

186 0 0 11 24

Taking over bars with the boys up in Portland

We want to give a huge thank you to everyone who engaged in the twitter op and helped shut these commie fucks down. Antifa's most prominent voice in our region has been silenced

4.3k 0 29 49 43

We would like to remind all of our fans to subscribe to our backup account in the event of another ban.

Репост из: The Western Chauvinist
We are thankful for all of Our People. We are thankful for Our Families. We are thankful for Our Ancestors that laid the groundwork for Our Future. Finally, we are thankful that we have the opportunity to live in such times as these, when Our People are beginning to wake again.


267 0 0 123 29

Репост из: Patriot Front
@PatriotFrontUpdates » Members held a gathering to celebrate Thanksgiving in Texas. With friends and family in attendance, men stood to speak of that for which they were thankful.

Thanksgiving is an ancient tradition of the American people, and in times where our families and communities are under attack like never before, the defense of the traditions of our heritage is revolutionary.

217 0 0 13 35

We have a few local pages we'd love to add to the mass report campaigns going on with Twitter. Help get nationalist doxxes taken down and reclaim the platform while they scurry off to mastadon.

Follow us on twitter to watch them squirm in real time.

Репост из: The National Justice Party 🎉
Please share, please reach out if you need help, and most importantly thank you everyone who makes Operation White Christmas possible.


A lot of you guys still aren’t following us on twitter. Smash the follow button to watch antifa squirm.

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White Lives Matter Montana, Idaho, and Washington marched through the streets of spokane for hours to stand for holodomor remembrance month.
We let the public know who is to blame for our peoples destruction.
Times are changing, we are growing, everyday is a new chance to take our Nation back.

325 0 10 2 23

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One of the finest speeches ever presented for the cause

(((Chuck Schumer))) is blatantly advocating for the replacement of whites in America.
The system has made it nearly impossible for whites to have a traditional family. Women are incentivised to kill their babies in the womb and rampant no-fault divorce and it's consequences disincentive marriage for men. Why would you marry a woman knowing that she could divorce you at any moment, take half of your money and worst of all, your kids? Why would women save themselves for marriage or settle down when they're told that having children will weigh them down and staying home to raise children is akin to being a baby making slave? The system tells us that the world is overpopulated while complaining about the declining birth rates.
All of this is by design. They tell whites to not get married and to not have kids and then when our birth rates drop below replacement level they bring in tens of millions of low IQ, non-white immigrants to replace us.



909 0 11 5 16

Репост из: The Western Chauvinist
Part of Ian Cranston's defense was that he was not tough enough to defend himself without a gun. Obviously there was a strategy in that, but there must have been some truth to it aswell. It was Ian, his other male friend, and his girlfriend. All three of them were hit at one point by the attacker. This means there were 2 incapable males out with a woman that night.

Not to blame Ian, he did the right thing in the situation. It's what he and his friend didn't do leading up to the situation that is the problem. They did not tribe, they did not train, they were not prepared to protect anyone. As a result Ian will now be spending a large portion of his life in prison most likely.

Had that been a TWC admin, Active Club guy, Patriot Front member, NSC 131 member, anyone in a Nationalist Club or group; the attacker would've been handled and it wouldn't have even made the news. Anyone who trains at all and is in decent shape could've handled the aggressor. Don't wait till it happens to you, prepare and train now for what might come in the future. Tribe and train, join a group, become a capable man.


Now that twitter isn’t a total echo chamber, antifa is getting called out for slander and lies and they just can’t handle it. How are these people supposed to punch “nazis” if they’re too afraid to even converse with them online?

Ian Cranston is innocent

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