In 2019, Jake Sullivan (Rhodes Scholar and Biden handler) spilled the beans on the CIA's China Project Podcast
Interviewer: “You said in a talk that [quoting Sullivan] ‘the US had a story about America’s role in the world throughout the Cold War that was based on a defined enemy and a defined mission. Since the end of the Cold War, that tank has run out of gas. We need a new story for people of the world what it is that we are all about. And I don’t think we have done that yet.’ So my question for you is is it possible to have a strategy that gets people to care but isn’t alarmist, idealistic to a fault, or the sort of red-blooded Jacksonian nationalism that could actually end up making situations around the world worse?”
Sullivan: “I don’t know. We don’t actually have a successful example of this in US history. The two moments where the United States really rallied to internationalism were first in the era of Teddy Roosevelt, which was basically about jingoism and imperialism and so forth, and then, in the Cold War, when we had a great enemy.
So it’s either calling forth Manifest Destiny [under the vision of a Teddy Roosevelt] and a kind of crudely racialized view of American superiority and American destiny or its an all encompassing conflict against an ideological foe. Those are the two examples we have. So is there an alternative strategy, and part of the reason that people are so into the idea of turning China into that next great enemy, well there is something in it for everyone honestly. I mean, there is something in it for the people writing articles in foreign affairs…there is something in it for progressives, who want to see much more domestic investment in the US…So, I think that this is the direction we are heading in, because there is something in it for everyone.
But that very much concerns me, I would like to say that there is an alternative which is much more focused on a set of threats and challenges that require the United States to rally the world a la ‘Independence Day’ the movie, you know, like aliens are coming…Yeah right, so like I’m thinking, you know, if aliens came down, uh yeah, we’d rally the world and that would be a great story. And I think people would get totally psyched up for it to avoid global annihilation. So how do you do the same thing with a series of issues that actually do represent genuine threats but that are not nearly as poignant as aliens; climate change, disease, the possibility of terrorists getting their hands on weapons of mass destruction, the possibility of global economic depression. Things that really do require the US to rally and marshal the resources of the globe to, you know, defend our way of life. But it’s sooo abstract. No aliens [Author’s Note i.e. it doesn’t have a great story, a mythos, like fighting aliens would have].
So, I don’t know. I don’t have a good answer, and because I don’t have a good answer and I have not heard one from others, I think we are creeping towards turning China into that answer. And just saying, you know what we are going to do to have an organising principle for US foreign policy, it’s gonna be China.”