Sheikh Habib al-Kadhmi writes:
'No matter how much effort a person puts into raising righteous offspring, such as adhering to the acts of worship and etiquette of the wedding night, the acts encouraged when breastfeeding, and the methods of discipline, the possibility of a child deviating from the righteous path remains. This is a result of the child being influenced by society outside of the family, such as school, media outlets, television, etc. Therefore, it would be wrong for parents to rely only on their efforts in disciplining and raising their children. We do not know exactly what happened to the son of Allah’s SWT prophet, Noah AS. He is one of Allah’s SWT great prophets and surely he did not neglect or fall short on raising and disciplining his son, yet he was still worried about guiding and saving his son even as he was drowning, as mentioned in the Holy Quran:
“Noah called to his son, who had kept himself aloof [from the others]: “O my dear son! Embark with us, and remain not with those who deny the truth!”
It is possible to say those bad friends were the reason that led him to deviate from his father’s righteous path!'
'No matter how much effort a person puts into raising righteous offspring, such as adhering to the acts of worship and etiquette of the wedding night, the acts encouraged when breastfeeding, and the methods of discipline, the possibility of a child deviating from the righteous path remains. This is a result of the child being influenced by society outside of the family, such as school, media outlets, television, etc. Therefore, it would be wrong for parents to rely only on their efforts in disciplining and raising their children. We do not know exactly what happened to the son of Allah’s SWT prophet, Noah AS. He is one of Allah’s SWT great prophets and surely he did not neglect or fall short on raising and disciplining his son, yet he was still worried about guiding and saving his son even as he was drowning, as mentioned in the Holy Quran:
“Noah called to his son, who had kept himself aloof [from the others]: “O my dear son! Embark with us, and remain not with those who deny the truth!”
It is possible to say those bad friends were the reason that led him to deviate from his father’s righteous path!'