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Well, genocide is synonym of successful 🤦‍♂️

Despite making considerable progress in reducing poverty, Rwanda has relatively higher poverty rates than African peers with similar income per capita

WTF???! This doesn't mean ANYTHING!

Plus exactly in what is Israel 😱successful?

FORCING PEOPLE TO DO MILITARY??! Yes, in this thing is number 1!

Military? Well, due to Hamas, it's obviously they invest in that ...

Gal Gadot?

Shitty laws?

It always depends how people react to things. DO THEY PREFER TO 😭 OR DO THEY WANT TO CHECK POSITIVE POINTS / IMPROVE / LEARN FROM THAT???!!

So it only depends from people ... and obviously opportunities ... poor people cannot reach same things like billionaires ... even if they wish that! This doesn't mean that billionaires are successful ... but they have money to make their ideas a reality! It's always just about money ... AND MOTIVATION!

The Holocaust, the Nazi-German annihilation of European Jewry during World War II (1939–1945), is unarguably one of the most destructive and murderous events in the history of human civilization. Bosnia, Rwanda, Darfur, Burundi, Syria, and Myanmar have all experienced large-scale murder operations in the last 25 years, some of which may have been preventable.

Kill rate for Rwanda is Kr(Rwanda) = 800,000/ 100 × 30.42 = 243,300 murders per month

Kr(Holocaust) = 445,700 murders per month


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It's world war, more than Ukraine, Russia, Israel and Palestine - É guerra mundial, mais que Ucrânia, Rússia, Israel e Palestina https://t.me/WorldWar3Facts

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A @grttme project - Other backups: https://swiy.co/tgme

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🇮🇱🤬Israel Facts🇮🇱🤬

🙅‍♂️ prison because you force people doing military 🙅‍♂️ @ShittyDeathSentences for same reason (not available in Israel 👍) 🙅‍♂️ prison for missing @HumanRightsChecklist! 🙅‍♂️ @ShittyLaws

🙅‍♂️ military enforcement in 🇳🇴, 🇨🇭, etc. too!

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AUSCHWITZ 27 gennaio 1945

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Репост из: Security updates about Grindavíkurbær - Góður Bær - Grindavík Safety News about Earthquake / Volcanoes in Iceland
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🇮🇸1 - 0 🇵🇸/🇮🇱 @IsraelPollution / 🌍 @MissionPlaneta
🇮🇸1 - 🇺🇸 -3000

List of oil spills https://perma.cc/FD8L-QJFA

A total of 110.000 litres of diesel oil had leaked from the station, through the sewer systems of Hafnarfjörður and Garðabær, ultimately ending up in the ocean https://perma.cc/BM3K-KS43

Costco fined 20 million for "gross negligence" over oil spill https://perma.cc/9Y4P-59FW

Iceland’s ‘Largest Environmental Accident’ https://perma.cc/ZQ6T-HW5V
On February 10, 1944, during World War II, German warplanes attacked the vessel inside the fjord. There were no casualties, but the tanker sustained considerable damage and was subsequently sunk. Not surprisingly, there was an extensive oil spill, since the ship had the capacity to carry 9,000 tons of oil. In 1952, about 4,500 tons of oil were pumped from the ship

Trying to Contain Oil Leakage in East Fjords https://perma.cc/Z8V3-GVBN

CO2 volcanoes https://t.me/Volcanscientific/21


The whole world should learn from Iceland! to not give a shit to animals


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Hitler Salute | Holocaust Education | USHMM

Backup by @WorldWarFacts
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Germany under attack part 2

English: https://t.me/WorldWarFacts/29

Der schwerste Luftangriff erfolgte in der Nacht vom 27. zum 28. Juli 1943. Die Brandbomben entfachten zahlreiche Brände, die sich zu einem riesigen „Feuersturm“ mit verheerenden Folgen zusammenschlossen; etwa 40.000 Menschen starben und fast eine Million Hamburger wurden obdachlos (DÄHN 1953).

Waren zu Beginn des Krieges noch zahlreiche Luftangriffe für die Zerstörung einer Stadt notwendig, so genügte am Ende des Krieges nicht selten nur ein Großangriff, um die dichtbebaute Innenstadt einer Großstadt total zu zerstören.

Als Synonym für die verheerenden Auswirkungen des Städtebombardements in Deutschland steht der Luftangriff auf Dresden in der Nacht vom 13. auf den 14. Februar 1945, der die bis dahin unzerstörte Stadt in Schutt und Asche verwandelte und bei dem über 30.000 Menschen ums Leben kamen (DURTH & GUTSCHOW 1993).

Dem totalen Zusammenbruch folgte am 8. Mai 1945 die bedingungslose Kapitulation des Deutschen Reiches. Damit endete der Luftkrieg über Deutschland und zu- gleich der Zweite Weltkrieg in Europa.

Because we are @FactsTelegramFreaks @FactsTelegramChannels

Germany under attack part 1

English: https://t.me/WorldWarFacts/29

Bei Kriegsende waren von 18,8 Mio. Wohnungen des Deutschen Reiches 4,8 Mio. zerstört, 400 Mio. m3 Trümmer fielen an, und 13 Mio. Menschen waren obdachlos (VON BEYME 1987).

Köln war die erste Stadt, die diese Kon- sequenzen in der Nacht vom 30. auf den 31. Mai 1942 zu spüren bekam. Über 1000 Flugzeuge der RAF warfen rd. 1500 Tonnen Bomben und richteten besonders durch den Einsatz von Brandbomben, die über 2000 Großfeuer verursachten, verheerende Zerstörungen an (IRVING 1963). Dieser Luftangriff ist für die Chronik des Luftkrieges gegen deutsche Städte von Bedeutung, da er der erste „1000 Bomber-An- griff“ war. Am 26. Juni des gleichen Jah- res folgte ein weiterer Angriff dieser Grö- ßenordnung auf Bremen mit 713 Bombern und 1450 Tonnen Abwurfmenge von Spreng- und Brandbomben. Im Kriegsjahr 1942 waren insgesamt folgende Städte mit nächtlichen Luftangriffen mit mehr als 100 Tonnen Bomben Abwurfmenge be- troffen: Wilhelmshaven (1), Essen (8), Köln (3), Lübeck (1), Hamburg (2), Dort- mund (2), Rostock (1), Duisburg (4), Em- den (2), Bremen (2), Düsseldorf (2), Osnabrück (1), Mainz (2), Kassel (1) und Mann- heim (1).

Direkt im Anschluß an die „Battle of the Ruhr“ folgte die Operation „Gomorrha“ gegen Hamburg, in der die Taktik des ununterbrochenen Luftangriffs („round the clock-bombing“) angewandt wurde (FEUCHTER 1958, S. 36).

Zwischen dem 24. Juli und 3. Au- gust 1943 fanden daraufhin sieben Groß- angriffe mit insgesamt 2500 Flugzeugen und dem Abwurf von etwa 8500 Tonnen Bomben statt (BESELER & GUTSCHOW 1988).

Zwischen dem 24. Juli und 3. Au- gust 1943 fanden daraufhin sieben Großangriffe mit insgesamt 2500 Flugzeugen und dem Abwurf von etwa 8500 Tonnen Bomben statt (BESELER & GUTSCHOW 1988)

Der Luftkrieg gegen das Deutsche Reich traf Städte aller Größenordnungen, dement- sprechend sind auf der Karte „Kriegszer- störungen 1939-1945 in Städten der Bun- desrepublik Deutschland“ insgesamt 298 Städte berücksichtigt worden25. Von den 54 Großstädten (> 100.000 Einwohner 1939) auf dem Gebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland überstanden lediglich Lübeck, Wiesbaden, Halle und Erfurt den Zweiten Weltkrieg mit relativ geringen Schäden. Zwar verzeichneten auch Gelsenkirchen, Solingen, Bielefeld und Leipzig annähernd gleiche Wohnungszerstörungsraten, doch war das Ausmaß der Zerstörungen in den Innenstädten beträchtlich größer. In der Rangfolge der prozentualen Wohnungsverluste steht Würzburg mit 75 % in der entsprechenden Schadensstatistik an der Spitze (HOHN 1991), gefolgt von Dessau, Kassel, Mainz und Hamburg. Legt man die Trümmermengen zugrunde, so ragen besonders die Städte Berlin, Hamburg, Dresden, Köln, Dortmund, Essen, Frank- furt und Nürnberg heraus (vergl. Abb. 3).

Eine Bilanz unter den Mittelstädten (25.000-100.000 Einwohner) zeigt, daß von allen 151 Städten etwa ein Drittel (53 Städte) einen Totalzerstörungsgrad am Wohnungsbestand von 20 % aufwiesen. Am stärksten betroffen waren Prenzlau in Brandenburg und Düren in Nordrhein- Westfalen mit über 80 %, gefolgt von Pforzheim in Baden-Würtemberg, Hanau in Hessen, Zweibrücken in Rheinland-Pfalz und Emden in Niedersachsen.

Aus der Gruppe der Kleinstädte (5.000- 25.000 Einwohner) erlitten 93 durch Luft- angriffe und Bodenkämpfe beträchtliche Kriegsschäden. Gerade in den letzten Kriegsmonaten wurden besonders viele in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Mecklenburg-Vor- pommern und Brandenburg durch das Vorrücken alliierter Bodenstreitkräfte zerstört. Die höchsten Wohnungsverluste (Wohnungstotalzerstörungsgrad > 80%) wiesen Wriezen, Schwedt, Lübben und Müncheberg in Brandenburg, Xanten und Jülich in Nordrhein-Westfalen sowie Fried- land in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern auf.

Don't discriminate people just because they were born in the same country! or because some of them behave badly!

Репост из: Think and verify before you act - Piensa y comprueba antes de actuar - Ragiona e verifica prima di agire - Réfléchir et vérifier
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🐑 would say "yes" (and they did that too), we "no", because we act with the 🧠

Backup by @StopDieWelle
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Репост из: Israel Gaza Palestine War Fake Bullshit News and Videos - Noticias y vídeos falsos - Fausses nouvelles / Connerie - Blödsinn
Killed people status update - part 6

Part 1 https://t.me/IsraelWarBullshit/849

On the German side, nearly 10,000 civilians were killed, and 27 percent of the built-up area of Berlin was destroyed.
Attacking it not only would strike at the seat of power in the Third Reich but also would cripple a major industrial base for the German armed forces. Factories in Berlin contributed one-third of the Reich’s electrical components as well as one-quarter of the army’s tanks and half its field artillery.

Bomber Command lost 497 aircraft—5.5 percent of the force employed—and more than 3,500 British aircrew were killed or captured. On the German side, nearly 10,000 civilians were killed, and 27 percent of the built-up area of Berlin was destroyed.

Köln (Cologne), Raid on (30–31 May
The air raid on Köln, Germany’s fifth-largest city, lasted approximately 100 minutes, with the British bombers passing over the city at an average of 11 per minute. A total of 890 bombers reached Köln and dropped more than 1,455 tons of bombs on the city, two-thirds of them incendiaries.

Casualties amounted to 469 dead and over 5,000 wounded on the German side, with another 45,000 left homeless. The British lost over 300 crewmen in the 41 bombers that failed to return, a loss of just 3.8 percent.

Hamburg, Raids on (24 July–3 August
Operation GOMORRAH, consisted of a series of six raids in July and August 1943 that destroyed a large portion of the city and killed more than 45,000 people.

So, what Ben said is just a small part of what really happened ...

without forgetting
Blitz, The (August 1940–May 1941) which happened BEFORE Köln 1942, Berlin 1943, Hamburg 1943, Dresden 1945!!!

The worst nights were 16 and 19 April, which left 2,000 people dead and 148,000 homes damaged.

On 10 May, crowds flooded into London for a football championship match, only to be joined by German raiders. The attack was the worst raid of the war, with more than 3,000 dead.

About genocide definition

Репост из: Israel Gaza Palestine War Fake Bullshit News and Videos - Noticias y vídeos falsos - Fausses nouvelles / Connerie - Blödsinn
Killed people status update - part 5

Part 1 https://t.me/IsraelWarBullshit/849

The casualty figures reported by German fire and police services ranged between 25,000 and 35,000 dead. However, thousands more were missing, and there were many unidentified refugees in the city. It is probable that the death total approached the 45,000 killed in the bombing of Hamburg in July–August 1943.

Some careless historians, encouraged by Soviet and East German propaganda, promulgated figures as high as 250,000. Although David Irving later recanted his claim of 135,000 dead, one can still find that number cited in many history books.

Berlin, Air Battle of (November 1943–March 1944)
Between November 1943 and March 1944, the Royal Air Force (RAF) Bomber Command conducted 16 raids on the German capital in an attempt to defeat Germany by destroying Berlin.

This effort was the third in a series of campaigns in 1943, with the first levied against German industrial pro- duction in the Ruhr Valley from April to July and the second launched against the city of Hamburg late in July.

Meanwhile we just noticed now that premium has been deactivated ... was so strange so less text below photos ... we still continue to write in the next post ...

Репост из: Israel Gaza Palestine War Fake Bullshit News and Videos - Noticias y vídeos falsos - Fausses nouvelles / Connerie - Blödsinn
Killed people status update - part 4

Part 1 https://t.me/IsraelWarBullshit/849

Now back to Ben video

i) so now we don't remember exactly the world war 2 step by step ... the book has 1859 pages too ..

meanwhile they talk a lot of bombardement, that is not just related to 🇬🇧 or 🇩🇪 ...

Dresden, Air Attack on (13–15 February
Allied strategic bombing raid against the German city of Dresden. This operation, conducted 13–15 February 1945, has become the most commonly evoked image to illustrate the excesses and horror of conventional bombing of cities.

The operation opened on the night of 13 February with two separate British raids. The first blow was delivered by 244 Lan- casters dropping more than 800 tons of bombs.

The inhabitants of the city were surprised with a second attack three hours later, this time by 529 Lancasters delivering a further 1,800 tons of bombs.

See next post

Репост из: Israel Gaza Palestine War Fake Bullshit News and Videos - Noticias y vídeos falsos - Fausses nouvelles / Connerie - Blödsinn
Killed people status update - part 3

Part 1 https://t.me/IsraelWarBullshit/849

Now back to Ben video

f) he still talks without being in Palestine or Israel! and being a pro Israel following a 🇮🇱 religion ...

g) Germany ... we still need to remember that there were many who supported Hitler like sheeps @StopDieWelle, and other not https://perma.cc/4UHS-76T7

If they would do a similar terroristic attack against Hitler, by killing 1400 innocents, but at the same time Hitler too, is this better or worse than doing nothing? Meanwhile in Israel the attack was not against high rank people ... so the example is not the top ...

But the main goal was to get hostages, see previous posts about prison facts

h) related to g, the same happens in Israel, those supporting the killing in 🇵🇸, or in Israel (we have those against, those for free Palestine & those for Hamas is innocent, not matter what), but THE SITUATION IS NOT THE SAME!

Next post

Репост из: Israel Gaza Palestine War Fake Bullshit News and Videos - Noticias y vídeos falsos - Fausses nouvelles / Connerie - Blödsinn
Killed people status update - part 2

Part 1 https://t.me/IsraelWarBullshit/849

Now back to Ben video

We said, that we agree with this idea "numbers are not synonym of ..." BUT
he made a comparison between Germany and Palestine, which are two different things!
a) he is talking about Hamas ... well, killed people are not Hamas terrorists ... would be cool if they provide a full list of killed terrorists
b) we already said there is way and way to kill people
c) UN is still complaining after 4 weeks!
d) this is a classic strategy used by Ben, like always answer "no, because" but then he made an epic fail
like if he wants to always be correct in such ideas. So is a way to switch topic ...
e) at the end there was no real answer to the question, just a switch to the topic "bombardement" or "killing Hamas" ... ignoring all other things

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