Репост из: Propagandaministerium
The world we could create would be beautiful and full of love.
This piece is a reincarnation of an older artwork of mine and it embodies my outlook on our struggle and the continual trend of my message. Though we face never ending challenges now and the certainty of dark times ahead I remain unbroken. My spirit is radiant with positivity. I know it in my bones that we will win the war that is being waged on us and springtime will bless our people once again. I am forever motivated by this destiny and my creative efforts are dedicated to showing our brothers and sisters the joy of our cause.
This piece is a reincarnation of an older artwork of mine and it embodies my outlook on our struggle and the continual trend of my message. Though we face never ending challenges now and the certainty of dark times ahead I remain unbroken. My spirit is radiant with positivity. I know it in my bones that we will win the war that is being waged on us and springtime will bless our people once again. I am forever motivated by this destiny and my creative efforts are dedicated to showing our brothers and sisters the joy of our cause.