
Kanal geosi va tili: Butun dunyo, Inglizcha
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

If we all speak one truth per day to someone new, we will wake up the world. That is the priority now. It need not be politican or controversial. A casual comment In a cafe or mall. Cause doubt. It will grow.

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Butun dunyo, Inglizcha
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What is required now for everyone is to double check all the actions they are still doing - perhaps things they have been doing for ages - to see if any are now redundant. Remember, we have shifted into a new phase of swifter higher reveals with new teams. Think how many years it took in Phase One to try and make people aware of the dangers of fluoride in the water supply or the work done to get people to see the harm of chemical dyes in food. Now Phase 2 comes along and uses all that amazing work that has been done. For example, Robert Kennedy Jnr. in one sentence - just stated all fluoride is being removed from the USA water supply and all artificial dyes are being banned from food (already done in many countries). That does not mean all areas you were involved in are now handled. But it could mean your job was to kick start that area into being revealed and now the next group continues the work to bring it to full completion. Trust your gut and own knowing. You are not meant to drop exhausted from overwork. But that will surely happen if you keep doing something you are meant to let go. You will be shown things that really interest you and they might even be short actions quickly achieved. What happens in the USA will be implemented around the world.
Btw, if you are not a Phase one lightworker, it won’t serve you to convince yourself you are, so you can be lazy and opt out. Just saying!

The people involved in Phase 2 can also check they are following their excitement and doing what feels right. It will be obvious to them they are enjoying themselves, having fun and are up for the challenge. Phase 3 involves those lightworkers who carry the ideas for the new future. Those people will be quite focused on making sure they have their ideas processed clearly in their mind, as well as ensuring they stay healthy and keep raising their light to be equal to the task ahead. Don’t over think your plan. You brought it with you when you incarnated. You have it sorted quite well but of course it can be refined but do that intuitively.

We are often wary about letting go of any work we do, as we worry it may still be work we are meant to do. Just make sure that you are not letting such a pattern override your intuitive ability to tune into what is right for you NOW at this moment.




TWO PAGES https://t.me/SpeakOneTruth

If you have been working hard for a long time and suddenly find some of the things you were doing are not creating the same level of interest or excitement for you, it may help to read this.

A major section of the Ascension Plan for Earth has just completed. It could be called Phase One. This section involved lifetimes of work to prepare Earth for its transition from dark to light - from 3D to 5D. Recently it involved incredibly intricate and masterful planning to raise to the surface all areas of society with hidden agendas detrimental to humanity, as well as the people involved in them. This involved processing all the revealed material in a broader global view and passing it, without any negative emotions or thoughts, into the etheric human collective consciousness. This ensured humanity would not be further traumatised or add further negative energy into Earth. It also assisted those lightworkers to move more closely into their own mastery of their true self and shift from participant to observer. For those millions of individuals, their main contract on Earth is now completed. They continue to keep the light stable and balanced. But will now respond to whatever arises in the moment that excites them to handle or become involved with. The reins of the continuing reveal and conclusion has been handed over to the next group of lightworkers who are responsible for Phase 2. Phase 2 involves millions of lightworkers in extensive multiple roles designed to clear the Earth of all remaining dense energy in preparation for a new higher vibrational society that works together in harmony and integrity.

(For further information and understanding about the Three phases see (For further information and understanding about the Three phases see https://t.me/SpeakOneTruth/2106 )

If you think you might be part of Phase One, you will know it. You will feel different things you have been doing are becoming a chore and you may be thinking of making changes or letting go of certain things you have been helping with for years. Don’t make the mistake of hanging on to the old work and just changing it a bit differently. Rethink the whole thing to see if it is still you! You may find yourself responding with interest to different things now that present themselves. It could literally be anything. Maybe even things that seem to need mastery type abilities you don’t yet realize you have. Or you could hear about things that will help you chill out. Maybe a holiday, go to the beach, walk in nature and have a well earned break to regroup and realign your energies.

It doesn’t mean it is the end of all your work here, although that will be the case for some and they will know it. Their life bucket lists and goals will feel complete. It will be clear to them - providing they are tuned into themselves and not running old ego patterns. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 OF 2

UK’s Nigel Farage is an excellent speaker and statesman has continually backed Britain, with Brexit plus his previous position as a very outspoken representative for Britain in the EU parliament. His popularity is increasing perhaps becoming a worthy contender as the next Prime Minister of Britain. He now has 5.4 million followers and growing as more awaken. Unfortunately, the next general election is not until 15 August 2029, so it would need something to change that required a new election!!

UK Mori Polls show 70 per cent of Brits have registered their dissatisfaction with the party in charge. The current International Express newspaper lists a poll with 6 in 10 believing Keir Starmer was the worst ever PM for Britain. Starmer began making extremely unpopular decisions since day 1, such as stopping the winter fuel payment for 10 million aged pensioners, much relied on in Britain’s harsh winters and high electricity and gas bills. Starmer was more or less unheard of before being elected, but like the previous two UK Prime Minsters, Liz Truss (lasted 45 days) and Rishi Sunak, has been thrown into the public eye for people to see who he is. This is part of the reveal that is helping the awakening of humanity currently underway. With the white hats mainly in control now, it is obvious he has been placed in a visible position to help people wake up and act to take their power back.



Can be on either hand. Rare to be on both hands.

According to palmists, the letter "M" formed by lines on a person's hand can indicate a number of positive traits, including:

In palmistry, the letter M on the palm indicates a person with exceptional intuition, insight, and potential for leadership. It is seen as a sign of a strong personality and the ability to overcome obstacles with determination.

•Potential for success: Some palmists believe that the letter "M" on the hand that isn't used for manual tasks can indicate potential success in life, including in relationships and career.

•Courage: People with the letter "M" on their hands are said to be courageous and take on challenging tasks.

•Hard work: They may need to work hard to gain respect in society.

•Independence: They may be highly independent and prefer to make their own path in life.

The letter M signifies stability, practicality, responsibility, and hard work. It embodies the qualities of determination, organization, and a strong work ethic. Individuals influenced by the letter M in their numerological profile are often seen as reliable, diligent, and dedicated.

The letter "M" can also symbolize the beginning, end, and new beginning, representing the cycle of creation.

The "M" on your hand is a sign that you are a guardian of ancient wisdom, a soul chosen to carry and share timeless truths in this modern world.

Successful: These people are highly independent and believe in making their own path in life. These people will be successful in whatever field they choose. They do not like walking on a path made by others, but such people live a good life by working hard. They are more likely to get success in life.

Married Life: On the other hand, their marriage life remains tense. Such people are likely to have a love marriage. They will have a good rapport with their spouse.

Strong & Calm: These people are calm and gentle in nature. At the same time, they are always ahead in helping others. They can sense anything or any person in advance. This is why lies can’t be told in front of them. These people are quite strong and powerful. They might look weak on the outside but are quite strong on the inside.

Money: These people have a lot of money but they get that money after working hard. They don’t have much money till the age of 30 but they keep getting money from some work or the other.

Truthful: These people are always ready to help others and are truthful. They don't like to lie as well as don’t like people who lie to them. They can trust anyone easily which is why they are often victims of deception.

Qualities: These people have very good leadership qualities. They make good heroes and their good leadership qualities can get them a big political post.

Creative: These people are quite creative and their imagining power is high. Therefore, they can become world-famous painters, and writers or can excel in the field of literature.

Can Accept Challenge: They usually don’t get distracted by any kind of change in life. These people easily accept every challenge that comes in life and also, succeeds by overcoming these challenges.


M on hand


The Bermuda triangle in the North Atlantic Ocean is known for causing the disappearance of ships and planes. This triangular area creates a vortex when certain mathematical degrees align with the apex point of the giant main crystal that operated Atlantis, which now stands upright on the ocean floor following the sinking of Atlantis. It holds the complete record of the history of Earth and its future destiny and is accessible only by several Atlantean priests of that period who hold the etheric access codes, as well as a couple of higher archangels.

What occurs during this period of activation is anything entering its sphere shifts from 3D into the 4th or 5th dimension. The souls on board the ships and planes that go missing are fine but now reside in a higher vibrational space. There have been instances where the passengers of a ship that passed through this area at a time when it was close to its activation of a vortex, arrived at their port of their destination very disoriented. They were briefly transported into higher realm. Once this temporary disorientation passes, they are fine.

The Bermuda Triangle is a region of the North Atlantic Ocean (roughly) bounded by the south-eastern coast of the U.S., Bermuda, and the islands of the Greater Antilles (Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico). The exact boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle are not universally agreed upon. By all approximations, the region has a vaguely triangular shape. The Bermuda Triangle does not appear on any world maps and the U.S. Board on Geographic Names does not recognize the Bermuda Triangle as an official region of the Atlantic Ocean.

The actual figures are unknown, but over the past several centuries, more than 50 ships and 20 planes are said to have disappeared in the area now referred to as the Bermuda Triangle. In more recent history, two incidents stand out. In 1918, the U.S.S Cyclops, a Navy supply ship with 306 crew members on board en route to Baltimore, Maryland, from Brazil, disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. No explanation was given for its disappearance, and no wreckage was found. Some 27 years later, a squadron of bombers (collectively known as Flight 19) under American Lieut. Charles Carroll Taylor disappeared in the airspace above the Bermuda Triangle. No explanation was given and no wreckage was found. However, the most recent incident that gained significant attention was the disappearance of a cargo ship, the MV Altamira, on February 18th 2023.




Earth is currently undergoing a quantum, cosmic evolutionary shift into a new higher frequency of light by transmuting all existing 3D systems that operate in dense negative energy. This plan was arranged long ago with millions of evolved souls who began incarnating into Earth from the times of Atlantis, forming teams of lightworkers to work hand in hand with non incarnated beings that assist from multi dimensional planetary systems.


The completely uninitiated probably see that wars are breaking out everywhere; China and Russia are major threats; climate change is causing chaos; the Ukraine is the underdog; King Charles is dying of cancer; governments try to help us and do their best in dire situations; Princess Kate has been treated for cancer; there are mysterious drones or aliens that could be a threat; deadly viruses are everywhere; vaccinations are necessary to prevent flu, shingles and other nasty things; there are major issues with farming; climate change is evident everywhere, heart attacks are way more common and lots of people are dying suddenly.

The partially awakened understand the basics of the great reveal taking place but haven’t yet expanded their view to include the higher overall divine plan and goal. They tend to still believe what is going on is a hit and miss affair; things can go wrong; mistakes happen; the cabal still have a lot of control and can cause considerable disruption to the light plan; are still making judgements; refer to the unawakened as ‘sheep; are eager to see people punished for their crimes; don’t realize some people deliberately chose to not wake up in this time period as they wish to continue 3D learning; want everything to be revealed to the public right now and don’t realise most of the key people are gone.

The half awake are similar to the above but less so.

The fully awake and consciously aware. They understand Earth is undergoing the process involved in achieving a state of ascension to a 5D frequency. They trust the perfection of the plan and its divine timing. They fully comprehend why it is vital that things are revealed slowly to the public. They know that every conceivable aspect of life in the entire world, in every dimension, is being addressed for the best outcome for the greatest good for all. They are detached from the unfolding scenario taking place on Earth. They trust they are doing the job they came to do. They do not react with negative emotions and thoughts to seemingly negative events. They are detached and have become the observers while still carrying out their work here. They have spiritual compassion in preference to lower 3D emotional compassion. They have no desire to see people jailed or given the death sentence for criminal acts and deceiving the public because they see a higher picture to all actions and trust divine order. They work in the flow of divine order, doing what feels right instead of what they think they should do.
With self awareness they are gaining truth, understanding and wisdom. They know they are on the most exciting and wondrous adventure possible in the universe and feel blessed to be part of it.

In light,


Because lightworkers have been interacting with many 3D structures, patterns and beliefs while here, they now discover they have adopted many of these patterns and need to release them. In addition, they also have to re-learn how to view life from a broader, higher perspective, which will clear limited 3D thinking. They need to stay based in the heart, without judgement and trust their intuition. Avoid limiting thinking and ego direction and not let external events drag them into lower vibrational energy. Everyone on Earth is now letting go of a vast spectrum of the entire 3D world; expectations, dates, ego, impatience, storylines, information, the need for others to tell us what is happening, to be more discerning about what energy we accept and stop believing whatever we are told. We are also being encouraged to let go of our fixation on ‘time’. Time is a creation of 3D reality that exists for learning. As we are moving on from 3D, it will no longer be needed.

The light force is continually working to add light to the whole. When we get excited about news we think could be a game changer, it increases our light vibration and that light is passed into humanity’s collective consciousness. So, raising our own vibration helps everyone. And when events do not occur as predicted, it gives us a chance to check -

1. If we had a reaction because it did not happen.

2. See if we had attached to that idea.

3. See if we had blindly believed something.

4. See if we took the time to intuitively feel if it would happen.

That can help us avoid future attachments. Humanity has mainly allowed others to lead our direction in life, e.g. education, job, career, marriage expectations, making money, etc. When we use our own guidance we come to understand we don’t have to control everything in life. There is a natural flow of divine order that exists throughout the world and we are able to function perfectly and naturally if we surrender to it, thus avoiding being directed from our thoughts, ego or emotions.

Shantarn 30.12.24


Waking up humanity is a huge task and involves very clever, careful, step by step, gentle handling so people don’t get overwhelmed or traumatised by getting too much information at once which would create negative energy which doesn’t help the divine goal. The awakening is not only about humanity discovering a dark side of the world and becoming aware things they believed in are not as they thought. It is during this growth time, they choose a new way of life as they reject what they see in their current one. They learn to stand in their own truth and stop relying on others for information. The awakening is also about growing wiser about how such corruption came into being and how to counter it and ensure it never happens again. As the old way dissolves, people will move forward to create a self-sufficient environment with like- minded people, acting responsibly together with integrity, learning and embodying a new conscious living.

Phase 1 was the awakening of the Light force. It was a process of revealing the levels of corruption to them so they could process it, correlate all the information and bring it into a less confusing and emotional place so it could be revealed to humanity without causing mass trauma. All satisfactory analysis passed into the collective consciousness. That phase was also the beginning of millions of actions taken to address the wrongs in all areas of society. That started the ball rolling to show the extent of corruption and deception, things like court petitions; Trump’s insistence on not conceding to the 2020 election result, etc. And during that phase, the people who had spearheaded the global corruption, including governments and corporate business people, were charged with crimes against humanity, fairly tried (all recorded in non digital format) and convicted. In the USA, all their assets were seized under the current USA Executive Order 13818. These funds go into a pool to be given back to all humanity. The people who were tried and convicted were then replaced by white hats with masks. This kept the status quo and avoided causing loss, confusion and trauma to humanity which would happen if known officials and celebrities just disappeared from the public eye. A great deal of thought and work has been put into making this transition as smooth as possible for humanity, while also giving the power back to the people to make their own choices.

The present position of Earth could be called Phase 2 of 3. It is the major completion of the exposure of all areas of negative dense energy and allows humanity to decide for itself what it wishes to maintain and what it no longer requires as part of its future world. This will take some time but is starting to move swiftly. But this period is different from the last few years, which may have been frustrating for some lightworkers who could see what needed handling but saw it stalling and remained unhandled. But every stall we saw was a deliberate part of the plan to bring awareness to every area of contamination and let people see just how deeply the corruption was entrenched, from top to bottom, as well as showing up the corrupt people involved. People needed to see this occurring under the existing governments, so they could correctly identify the source of the corruption. It may have been frustrating at times for lightworkers, but it is a perfect and efficient plan.

This stage will go on as long as it needs to. It can’t be rushed but it will build momentum and move more swiftly as it proceeds. Once people realize there is major corruption on Earth, they will stop resisting listening and start to look for logic, common sense and their own intuitive knowing.

Earth is being enveloped in authenticity, openness, honesty, integrity, trust in the light plan and trust in themselves. Truth is being restored to the soul.

With love,


Each of the souls who came to assist the Light plan for Earth brought an etheric mathematical blueprint designed around their particular work in creating a new world. Earth’s ascension was planned long ago but was scheduled to become fully active in the 21st century. It would bring all Earth, including all sections of society, into alignment with Source. That would transmute all dense energy to create an evolutionary shift of a 3D planet into a higher 5th dimensional frequency.

With unfailing dedication, great determination, infinite courage and a heart full of love and compassion, these space warriors journeyed from afar to enter into a series of incarnations. They worked throughout their incarnations organising and putting everything in place. In the 1960’s, they moved into the fully active phase of transitional change by beginning the huge task of dismantling and breaking down the old restrictive patterns of society.

The 1960’s was a transformative decade, a period of revolution and the questioning of authority. Traditional hierarchies begin to dissolve and make way for the birth of the modern age. There was a great social upheaval, a relaxation of social taboos including sexuality and an emerging generation gap created through the rejection of traditional norms. It was also a time of peace, love, and rock and roll as pop culture trends moved to vibrant colours and styles. A wide range of music and revolutionary ideas emerged. Conscious imagination expanded from drug use. Many sexual inhibitions and restrictions were removed. Dress and hairstyles became more colourful and flamboyant. Miniskirts were born and clothing designed for women in careers embodied feminism. The way people dressed was a clear sign of shifting attitudes. Afros, Barbie Dolls, Bell-bottoms, Beatlemania, Go-go boots, Lava lamps and Pirate radio, sprung into being.

The 1960s was a decade when hundreds of thousands of ordinary Americans gave new life to the nation's democratic ideals. African Americans used sit-ins, freedom rides, and protest marches to fight segregation, poverty and unemployment. Feminists demanded equal job opportunities and an end to sexual discrimination. Student movements came to prominence around the world marked by sweeping social change. It was the time of John Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy. There were significant advancements in space exploration and social and cultural shifts such as the environmental movement and gay liberation, plus innovations in computers, satellite communications, pharmaceuticals, synthetics and automation. These innovations transformed the world of work, leading to a rise in service sector jobs. The changing world moved into every quarter, with initial stages of technology evolution, gains in productivity and generally low inflation, precepts of military duty, rapid workforce growth, equal rights, tax cuts, low unemployment and rapid GDP growth. The 1960s may be the dividing line in politics today. Science fiction turned into fact with the inventions of robots, satellites, weather satellites, video game consoles, tasers, and industrial robots and expanded people’s minds to the idea of landing on the moon.

We are now actively completing the work that was begun in the 60’s, undertaking the final dissolving of all structures that need to go.

The entire Divine Plan is fully operational and underway. Once the old is sufficiently dismantled, the ideas will pour forth for the creation of a new way of life. That will be the final phase and will take us into the frequency band of the 5th dimension of light.



Perhaps more than ever before, it is time for us to recognise and acknowledge our intuitive ability. Inner tuition is a feeling, a sense or knowing that comes from a deep gut place inside us, of what feels right and resonates as truth for us. It acts as a guide for all things we say and do.

We are all intuitive. Everyone has that ability, but some ignore it. We’ve all used that ability often, but some people don’t realize they did. To bring it into play, we need to trust ourselves. But if we keep ‘thinking’ everything out, or keep telling ourselves we are not intuitive, we will mostly block it out. We can all recall times in our life when we sensed something was going to happen, perhaps thinking we would see a friend, or seeming to understand why something was happening. You might have become aware of an energy nearby, perhaps you felt someone you loved who had passed over, you may have felt not to go to a certain place because it felt wrong or dangerous or negative. Those things are using our intuition. It helps us to discern the difference between truth and lies. Using this gift can make a smoother, easier path with far less stress or confusion that can be caused by wandering down wrong paths or making mistakes.

So what do we do to be able to use this in our everyday life? Well, first to realise it exists and that you have it. To help you establish that, sit quietly and think of just one time you knew something was going to happen. Just once will do because if you are sure you did it once, it shows you can.

Now set out to strengthen it.

1. Doing lots of thinking about things means you are usually out of the natural flow of intuitive awareness. Thinking fills up your world and doesn’t allow intuition to enter. So, start practising. Stop your thought processes and drop into stillness whenever you can. This is a place of heart and spirit. This is where intuition is based - in the quiet place not full of thoughts. It feels different. Get used to doing that a bit. It is discipline to bring you back in control of your mind instead of letting it run rampant with thoughts controlling you.

2. Pay attention to every time you feel something, that then happens. Every time you sense something when first meeting someone that turns out to be valid. Every time you feel something is a lie. Every time your gut is telling you not to do something or not to go somewhere or not to trust something - listen and acknowledge it. Even if you don’t act on it, you need to say to yourself ‘I knew that’. That increases certainty. It takes very little time at all before you have strengthened your ability to be intuitive.

Every human will need to reach this point of trusting themselves and their own gut knowing. This helps take us beyond the pitfalls of blindly believing what we read or hear or even what we see. Instead of Believing, we Know. When we believe something, it is not our own truth and so we can be persuaded differently. When we really KNOW something because we sense it deep within ourselves, then nothing on Earth can persuade us otherwise. It is beyond certainty. It will streamline your 2025 and your future.

Spirit Knows.


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