All Starseeds and Lightworkers now incarnated on Earth were prepared long ago for the various roles they would hold in the preparation, activation and completion of the Divine Ascension Plan for Earth. We have three phases now in operation.
PHASE ONE. All the Starseeds (144,000) and some of the many millions of lightworkers on Earth have now completed the final key phase of their work. This initially involved raising to the surface for discovery and viewing every area of society with hidden agendas and goals to the detriment of humanity, as well as the people carrying out those agendas. Although this has only been given one sentence here, it represents lifetimes of work and preparation and required the most incredible intricate and masterful planning imaginable, bringing together multi level benefits within each facet undertaken. All the while, ensuring the awakening of the population in the least impactful manner.
The final action by this group that completed their major work was to fully process all the information that was revealed when all the time lines collapsed into one reality and showed dense realities previously unknown to most as they were in a higher timeline. A lot of information concerning deep levels of corruption and events imbedded in very dense energy were shown to these lightworkers to allow them to process without becoming overwhelmed. Each individual processed the information at their own rate, aligning to the different reality, examining and filtering concepts, handling any shock, anger and surprise, increasing awareness and comprehension, addressing negative emotions, clearing confusion and finally drawing back from judging as they fitted the pieces together of these barely conceivable aspects of human society. Each finally coming to a place of contentment and detachment as they saw the Divine Plan transmuting all dense 3D and 4D energy into higher frequencies of light. As their comprehension increased when bringing together the pieces of a multi dimensional chess game, they attained a higher level of self mastery, closer to their true self and moved from being a participant in the matrix to an Observer.
Once the individual had navigated, compiled and processed all the information, and removed their own negative emotions and judgements, their conclusions were passed (not consciously) in mathematical coding to the etheric human collective consciousness. This allowed it to be accessible by anyone on Earth once they reached a point of awakening. With all the processed information now in the blueprint, it allows humanity to have a faster, easier grasp of details about the events occurring, as well as hugely decrease any negative responses like anger, fear and judgement. This role of passing the information over in a positive form was an essential undertaking needing to be executed precisely and effectively to ensure humanity would not be further traumatised and Earth would not have negative energy pouring into its field as the population awakened. This work is now completed. This was the last major task contained in the contract for those specific individuals. They had already finished thousands of other tasks over a long period of time that began in Atlantis. It is now left to each of those individuals to pursue wherever their interest draws them, which may simply being the observer, holding the light and stepping in if something presented itself that felt right. The reins have been handed over to the next section. It is OK to chill out a bit.
PHASE TWO is where we are now on Earth. It is in full operation. Millions of lightworkers are involved in detailed processes taking place that serve multiple roles. There are different teams and varying numbers of individuals involved in the many millions of aspects being handled, which include the following -CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 OF 2
All Starseeds and Lightworkers now incarnated on Earth were prepared long ago for the various roles they would hold in the preparation, activation and completion of the Divine Ascension Plan for Earth. We have three phases now in operation.
PHASE ONE. All the Starseeds (144,000) and some of the many millions of lightworkers on Earth have now completed the final key phase of their work. This initially involved raising to the surface for discovery and viewing every area of society with hidden agendas and goals to the detriment of humanity, as well as the people carrying out those agendas. Although this has only been given one sentence here, it represents lifetimes of work and preparation and required the most incredible intricate and masterful planning imaginable, bringing together multi level benefits within each facet undertaken. All the while, ensuring the awakening of the population in the least impactful manner.
The final action by this group that completed their major work was to fully process all the information that was revealed when all the time lines collapsed into one reality and showed dense realities previously unknown to most as they were in a higher timeline. A lot of information concerning deep levels of corruption and events imbedded in very dense energy were shown to these lightworkers to allow them to process without becoming overwhelmed. Each individual processed the information at their own rate, aligning to the different reality, examining and filtering concepts, handling any shock, anger and surprise, increasing awareness and comprehension, addressing negative emotions, clearing confusion and finally drawing back from judging as they fitted the pieces together of these barely conceivable aspects of human society. Each finally coming to a place of contentment and detachment as they saw the Divine Plan transmuting all dense 3D and 4D energy into higher frequencies of light. As their comprehension increased when bringing together the pieces of a multi dimensional chess game, they attained a higher level of self mastery, closer to their true self and moved from being a participant in the matrix to an Observer.
Once the individual had navigated, compiled and processed all the information, and removed their own negative emotions and judgements, their conclusions were passed (not consciously) in mathematical coding to the etheric human collective consciousness. This allowed it to be accessible by anyone on Earth once they reached a point of awakening. With all the processed information now in the blueprint, it allows humanity to have a faster, easier grasp of details about the events occurring, as well as hugely decrease any negative responses like anger, fear and judgement. This role of passing the information over in a positive form was an essential undertaking needing to be executed precisely and effectively to ensure humanity would not be further traumatised and Earth would not have negative energy pouring into its field as the population awakened. This work is now completed. This was the last major task contained in the contract for those specific individuals. They had already finished thousands of other tasks over a long period of time that began in Atlantis. It is now left to each of those individuals to pursue wherever their interest draws them, which may simply being the observer, holding the light and stepping in if something presented itself that felt right. The reins have been handed over to the next section. It is OK to chill out a bit.
PHASE TWO is where we are now on Earth. It is in full operation. Millions of lightworkers are involved in detailed processes taking place that serve multiple roles. There are different teams and varying numbers of individuals involved in the many millions of aspects being handled, which include the following -CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 OF 2