
Kanal geosi va tili: Butun dunyo, Inglizcha
Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

If we all speak one truth per day to someone new, we will wake up the world. That is the priority now. It need not be politican or controversial. A casual comment In a cafe or mall. Cause doubt. It will grow.

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Butun dunyo, Inglizcha
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A place exists out there in the universe, on the outer belt of the constellation of Orion on the celestial equator, an imaginary line that's the space equivalent of Earth's equator. Orion is one of the obvious and recognizable constellations. On its southern right tip is Rigel, about 870 light years from the sun and about 47,000 times as luminous.

But what it is not known, except in higher realms, is it also contains a very special place. Among stars that shine in a deeply navy sky, is a place for those who are weary, who have served long in lower dimensional existences on any planet bringing light and wisdom to the world and need some time off. A place to go to recover, replenish, gain peace, equilibrium and serenity of the soul. To bring them into a new space, renewed, revitalised and refreshed, bursting with life and new resilience, where they are able to return and continue their adventure and mission on a planet far away - a planet from where, for a short time, they took a break to find alignment with Source and the Breath of the Universe.

In this place, set out over a large area, there are many large halls located in a central area. Each hall holds keys that restore the soul. A place of choice, to find familiarity, comfort and alliance. At the touch of your fingertips, a world you are comfortable with becomes available, be it your own home planet /dimension or where you are currently incarnated. Beyond conceivable. Music of every form with all sounds that emanate from each planet, is available for your selection. Books, literature and media - a perfect duplication of what exists on each planet. Halls laden with tables of food, always present day and night, all cuisines. Take what is familiar or try new, as you desire. Perfect beds, for use day or night, out in the open air under a starry sky with a constant temperature.

There is no check in or check out. You just arrive and do whatever you feel like. In this place, no-one asks your identity and no-one disturbs you. You are free to be unknown and are not approached, no need to engage with anyone - it is arranged to gain the peace you seek. You might be supremely famous on your planet, but it has no bearing or consequence here. You are free to be who you really are. Your identity is ‘you’. If you wish, there is space for those who may want to interact with others.

It is a place for those who serve, who give what they can. These are the people who will find their way to this place. If you are in need of respite, feel you have given all you can and need time to re-establish the essence of you, ask your I Am Presence - your Higher Self - to take you there. Or just go - you have the ability to do so. It is out of the time frame, so you won’t be missed. Hard to explain. Just trust and go! It is truly amazing, and all it is meant to be.


There is a place -on Orion

If anyone suggests Trump is a bad person and is leading us into a trap. It is quite easy to help anyone awake to think that through. Humanity was already in the trap! The majority of humanity were already doing exactly what they were told. We saw the level of worldwide compliance to wearing masks and staying 3 feet apart!! People protesting are easily quelled by a bit more fear, some lies, slick advertising and PR. Protesters often back down because they think they won. I recall in 1985 an Assets test was announced in Australia.. Ownership of assets were to be calculated, e.g. a car, trusts, real estate, your dog, money in bank, property, home contents - and your own home. Pensions were to be reduced accordingly. When this news was first released, assets included the value of a person’s home. There was an outcry. Eventually the government ‘gave in’ and said the home won’t be included. People relaxed, being content with what they perceived as a big win. They stopped protesting. It went through and still exists. The govt had no intention of including homes! They deflected the focus. Easy!

In the UK after Princess Diana’s TV interview exposing Camilla and her consequent divorce from Charles, the vast majority in the UK said they would never approve Camilla as queen. We know royalty needs its subjects on its side. A slick PR campaign carried out by a top UK advertising company quickly showed Camilla to be a kind and compassionate person, being seen visiting all the right places, orphanages, etc. They also pushed the sympathy button that Charles would be king and it was important he was happy. It worked. Complete turnaround.

Yes, we were already there! Enslaved. Dutifully obeying everything. You don’t wake up an entire human population who are already in fear of authority and in a state of slavery, only to have to work very hard to try and enslave them again!


To help remove or reduce spike protein and graphene oxide as well as boosting the immune system which is heavily compromised. Chlorine Dioxide Solution 3000ppm (CDS), Glutathione, NAC N-Acetyl, Zinc, Ivermectin, Zeolite; Vitamin C, D3, the sun, ginger, turmeric, garlic for immune system; Cayenne pepper (removes blood clots); Wormwood, Black Walnut, Clove, Nicotine, Fulvic acid, EDTA, Licorice Root, Astaxanthin, Milk Thistle and Melatonin. Nattokinase (natural Japan product) degrades spike proteins (2000 units twice a day); Bromelain (pineapple) breaks down spike proteins (500 mg a day); Curcumin reduces inflammation and spike protein damage (500 mg twice a day) - best combined with black pepper (5/10 mg) because Piperine in black pepper enhances the absorption of anything.


We are on the final part of the journey, the days of unravelling Earth’s entire 3D dense energy field. Each of us moving beyond confusion with light bulb moments of clarity as chess moves make complete sense in the unfolding of a brilliantly exquisite divine plan.

Truth is being revealed in every part of society, allowing humanity to find its own mastery that leads to higher frequencies of light, offering a broader and more enlightened view of the universe and unconditional love.

We would probably find it impossible to thank the thousands of people who shared our path, each contributing something precious that has helped us get where we are today.

We know there are no accidents and everything is just as it is meant to be. So, the people we find travelling alongside us at this time are those destined to be with us, sharing an amazing awakening taking place across the world. Friends walk this final lap together, perhaps planned long ago, maybe to offer mutual support, to reflect the last vestiges we need to let go, or to offer different views to help the jigsaw pieces fall into place, or maybe to bring us closer to non judgment and unconditional love as we watch the light plan shaping into its destined outcome, moving beyond any criteria that could impede its runaway avalanche flooding the Earth with light into the smallest crack and the darkest of places, as a gigantic cosmic broom sweeps away everything in its path that no longer serves an advancing society.

We did it. All together. The unique, incredible mastery of all those who travelled here from places far and wide across the galaxy, to help the Earth reach a higher place of light, were prepared for the game and with strength, love, commitment and determination, they achieved what they set out to do.

We are very grateful for the wonderful friends and family who chose to share this special time with us. Together we have shared frustration, doubt and confusion as we attempted to sort out puzzling events that at times seemed completely ‘unsortable’! But what we really shared was way more important. These last years of excitement, joy and sense of well being, knowing that after waiting so very long it was all coming together at its precise destined time. Immense laughter has carried us through as we attempted to sort out the world with an inventive imagination that only our unique perspectives could conjure up. Together with special friends and family we have changed moments into precious and cherished memories. What a tale we all have to share on our journey in the universe with those who were not on Earth to witness this extraordinary and profound event of Earth taken into full light.

This journey we did not walk alone.


How wonderful if a higher force could remove all our thoughts and beliefs and dense energy and lift us up into a higher vibration. Then we could just chill and do nothing. But there is a problem with that idea. We need the learning we gain by the self discovery path to resume our mastery. A similar situation may apply to med beds.
1. If all patterns, beliefs and negative energy in our etheric field and physical body were removed for us, the benefit would not hold depth. It would appear to increase our evolution but would lack the wisdom and we are likely to create it again. We’d have missed the increase in understanding we gain from finding out how and why this reality occurred, the steps leading to it, its resolution and how to prevent it in future. The process of discovery of self, brings far reaching comprehension that increases wisdom, responsibility, love, compassion and assists us to spiritual self mastery.
2. Light is energy and needs to be absorbed on a gradient. It requires preparation by gradually increasing light. High frequencies of light act like a bolt of lightning or electric shock and can kill anything unprepared to absorb that level of light. P.S. Light is also an alternative source of food.
3. During the process of increasing our own individual light vibration, we help the Earth and humanity to lighten. We all work together to raise this planet’s vibration.

We need to stop automatically believing everything. Working on increasing our ability to intuitively know. One way is to acknowledge every time you know something is right or is not right, or you knew something would happen such as a friend will phone or visit.

If we put our attention on a situation or pain, it intensifies. When we worry about something we are giving energy and power to the thought. Worrying is useless, serves no purpose and creates fear. For example, constantly being worried about getting cancer, for example, can actually create it.

Separate/let go/detach from the reality of the old social systems that dictated a life we no longer need. Notice when you respond or react from triggering ego, fear, worry, sadness, anger, beliefs and emotions. Decide it no longer serves and let it go. It is a minute by minute process to watch every bit of negativity that presents itself. Make sure it gets addressed and removed. You can cancel negative thoughts by literally saying ‘cancel.’ Visualize light flooding through your whole body until your triggered reaction is gone. Notice any attachment you have to anything in 3D. Also that is a useful technique when moving house or a country permanently. Cut the etheric cords.

Consider all aspects of your life and see what you are attached to i.e. that means everything you think you can’t live without. Start detaching from the bigger obvious things like family, pets and your home and work your way to the slightest attachment to anything 3D. Detaching doesn’t mean we don’t participate in life’s interactions. It means we are free to move on when we need to. It helps us shift into a 5D timeline.

Take time to find the silent space within. In silence you will find a space of truth and the connection to the light and breath of the universe.

We need to stand back from any attachment to thoughts and actions and become the ‘Observer’.

In detachment,

TWO PAGES https://t.me/SpeakOneTruth

To let go of the 3D world we have identified with during our period of incarnation in order to resume our true state as a spiritual being from the Source of light, to continue travelling through the universe growing toward a goal of unconditional love for all life. We are now letting go of everything that does not align with our true nature, a cleansing and purification of self, to clear our space of all 3D dense energy, allowing the entry of higher, lighter, finer frequencies of light and a new existence.

By letting go of everything that can prevent us returning to our true spiritual status. Across the world, people are choosing whether to take advantage of the current shift in Earth’s evolution, offering an opportunity for us to let go of 3D and move to a higher reality for spiritual growth, to broaden our understanding of the universe. Releasing all 3D attachments involve facing ourselves in complete honesty, determined to allow truth to resolve all issues, to discover and dismantle all that no longer serves us, shedding the many layers we adopted as part of our life here, the patterns we set in place for our own self preservation and protection, acknowledging and releasing our shadows, identifying lies and deceit, making amends, saying sorry, unravelling, exposing, fixing things, forgiving, increasing understanding and compassion, learning to detach and seeing where we need to change course and follow new avenues.

Getting ourselves above the limitations of our own reactions, personal ego, effects of shedding or vaccines, EMF (radiation) emissions, pain, discomfort and suffering - and lifting up above the 3D matrix reality of thoughts, beliefs and dense energy.

It is a journey of transformation that leads to our true self. It is something we arrive at in our own time. It is a path of discovering a world full of beliefs we have allowed to dictate our life. Using basic releasing techniques, we begin to see changes we need to make, judgements to let go, things that need forgiving, more love, respect and confidence in ourselves and to make definite choices to increase our well being.

Most consider themselves as victims of circumstance. That idea changes when we begin to understand creatorship and take responsibility for life’s events and creations. It’s hard to conceive we created the reality we now find ourselves in and now have to uncreate it, but it is a concept we will all understand in time. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 of 2


Drawing together, the awakened lead the way
aa we share the most special time in the universe
as Earth transitions to a new dimension of light.
We have all done our part to make this a reality.

The journey has been long
and we have been here some while
you may have forgotten
you that you are the light of creation
the peace and tranquillity
the forgiveness and compassion
the non judgement and understanding.
You carry within you
the hope and the dreams of humanity for a future -
a world of harmony, integrity, truth and love.

Let this Christmas bring forth the dawn of a magical time of change
as we walk into the 5th dimension of light.



a) Awakening the remaining Earth population by providing situations and events (real or imagined) in ways that will help shift them into standing up and speaking out for justice and right action which will further them into their own sovereignty and mastery and raise their light vibration.

b) To enact every form of procedure to uncover details and persons involved in any remaining hidden agendas for control or subversion.

c) To carry to a successful outcome of the goal to dissolve every area of society that no longer serves the benefit of humanity.

d) To remove or render inactive by acceptable and visible means, all persons who have undertaken crimes against humanity. Resignations, trials and convictions, voluntarily standing down from influential positions, coups, fired, replaced, voted out, announcing end of career, bankruptcy, company liquidations, expressing wishes for a break from career, illness, death, etc.

e) To continue to assist humanity to transition with the least discomfort, shock, loss and confusion possible by keeping much of society appearing to be the same, areas of media, people prominent on the public eye, financial currencies and structures and social media.

f) Taking every opportunity possible to let people experience hidden agendas and the people involved in them, by ensuring those who need to be uncovered are placed firmly in the public eye for scrutiny and dismissal.

g) To continue to provide safety around every situation being unravelled while giving protection to humanity, Earth and her life forms in nature.

h) To keep a steady upwards trajectory of light, joining with all lightworkers on Earth.

PHASE THREE. This phase is the creation of a new world. Upon the overall completion of phase 2 which means the bulk of the dense energy has been transmuted and people are ready to change and be healed, all those who have carried blueprints into this incarnation containing major new ideas and plans of new ways to do things, will proceed to bring them about. Many people are already consciously aware of their own ideas and designs to heal the earth and people using higher vibrational energy; to present wonderful new designs for architecture and technology; and many aesthetic creations that work in total harmony with all the natural elements. Together, the entire world’s population will create a new dimension that serves all life with beauty, abundance, grace, care, compassion, gentleness, respect, health and vitality, values, integrity, excitement, fun, tranquillity and peace.

With Love,
5th December 2024


PAGES https://t.me/SpeakOneTruth

All Starseeds and Lightworkers now incarnated on Earth were prepared long ago for the various roles they would hold in the preparation, activation and completion of the Divine Ascension Plan for Earth. We have three phases now in operation.

PHASE ONE. All the Starseeds (144,000) and some of the many millions of lightworkers on Earth have now completed the final key phase of their work. This initially involved raising to the surface for discovery and viewing every area of society with hidden agendas and goals to the detriment of humanity, as well as the people carrying out those agendas. Although this has only been given one sentence here, it represents lifetimes of work and preparation and required the most incredible intricate and masterful planning imaginable, bringing together multi level benefits within each facet undertaken. All the while, ensuring the awakening of the population in the least impactful manner.

The final action by this group that completed their major work was to fully process all the information that was revealed when all the time lines collapsed into one reality and showed dense realities previously unknown to most as they were in a higher timeline. A lot of information concerning deep levels of corruption and events imbedded in very dense energy were shown to these lightworkers to allow them to process without becoming overwhelmed. Each individual processed the information at their own rate, aligning to the different reality, examining and filtering concepts, handling any shock, anger and surprise, increasing awareness and comprehension, addressing negative emotions, clearing confusion and finally drawing back from judging as they fitted the pieces together of these barely conceivable aspects of human society. Each finally coming to a place of contentment and detachment as they saw the Divine Plan transmuting all dense 3D and 4D energy into higher frequencies of light. As their comprehension increased when bringing together the pieces of a multi dimensional chess game, they attained a higher level of self mastery, closer to their true self and moved from being a participant in the matrix to an Observer.

Once the individual had navigated, compiled and processed all the information, and removed their own negative emotions and judgements, their conclusions were passed (not consciously) in mathematical coding to the etheric human collective consciousness. This allowed it to be accessible by anyone on Earth once they reached a point of awakening. With all the processed information now in the blueprint, it allows humanity to have a faster, easier grasp of details about the events occurring, as well as hugely decrease any negative responses like anger, fear and judgement. This role of passing the information over in a positive form was an essential undertaking needing to be executed precisely and effectively to ensure humanity would not be further traumatised and Earth would not have negative energy pouring into its field as the population awakened. This work is now completed. This was the last major task contained in the contract for those specific individuals. They had already finished thousands of other tasks over a long period of time that began in Atlantis. It is now left to each of those individuals to pursue wherever their interest draws them, which may simply being the observer, holding the light and stepping in if something presented itself that felt right. The reins have been handed over to the next section. It is OK to chill out a bit.

PHASE TWO is where we are now on Earth. It is in full operation. Millions of lightworkers are involved in detailed processes taking place that serve multiple roles. There are different teams and varying numbers of individuals involved in the many millions of aspects being handled, which include the following -CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 OF 2

A great positive and revealing speech by the ever amazing and persistent David Sorensen https://x.com/davidjsorensen/status/1862665153151422745

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And it’s on again. That same channel has the identical scenario running again, predicting the same EBS, but now it is going to happen on the 29th November (USA time.) Let us hope anyone who blindly accepted it the first time, has now worked on themselves and surrendered into detachment and trust, so they stop blindly believing and don’t inadvertently add negative energy to Earth by their beliefs. Sometimes dates work out but most do not. We need to ensure neither result produces a negative reaction in us.

We are all getting there. The time will come when real dates can be given to us, when we reach a point where we simply know what the truth is for us and we let everything else pass on without even attaching a thought to it.

Light reigns on Earth.

29th November 2024 (Australia a day ahead of USA)


TWO PAGES https://t.me/SpeakOneTruth

As mentioned before, all the predictions of dates and world events that don’t happen are helping all of us to get past believing what we are told. Humanity has an entrenched pattern all their life of blindly believing. Many of us have now learnt to distrust the mainstream media. Now it’s time to apply that to everything and swapping our trust to us. To start trusting our gut intuition about every person and anything we hear, and only accept what we feel is true for us. Another advantage of these date predictions is they give us boosts of excitement and hope which raises our vibration. That’s a good thing. And if we can just take those gains from it while at the same time remaining so detached that we don’t have any loss, reaction or disappointment when it does not happen, then it’s all fine.

If however, we feel depressed, sad or disappointed, then we have some work to do on ourselves. We need to get into a place of surrender, trusting the divine plan. Then we don’t continually add our own negative energy to the planet every time something does not go as we had wished.

I noticed a telegram channel with over 70,000 subscribers (so it says) last month repeatedly stated that an EBS (emergency broadcast) would definitely occur on a certain date and they had frequent assertive countdowns to it. Not a problem. That gives us a chance to feel a bit excited at the possibility, while equally accepting it may well not happen, thus being so detached from it, that it won’t cause a drop in our vibration. The problem is I wonder how many of its many subscribers and the others viewing that channel managed to stay that detached. When it did not happen, did they all maintain a stable light position and pass it off without a thought? Did they refrain from making any judgments? And more than that, did they buy into the reason that was given of why it didn’t happen? We were told the dark force stopped it happening and so we had to abort. So, it was telling us that the dark force is still so powerful it could overcome the Divine Plan, the entire Space Force, the many associated higher level planets actively helping such as Sirius and Andromeda, all participating multi-dimensional levels of light and their associated kingdoms, Musk's Starlink, the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Quantum computers, and could neither predict, anticipate or prevent that happening! A sweeping statement that on the surface we would think no-one awake would buy that as an excuse, but I expect some gave it very little thought and instantly accepted the idea that the dark force was that strong! And by doing so, added their energy and power as a spiritual being to that idea. And in addition, probably experienced a loss, thus reducing their own vibration and, creating negative energy, as well as passing all that false information on to others! Am not surprised that channel does not give options for any down emojis.

We are all at different levels of awakening, but at this stage, if anyone can believe that was even remotely possible, it is definitely time for them to review their existing beliefs about our light position in this game. Be intuitive and simply know. We are all capable of that. We are clearing the last vestiges of darkness now and what is left is so reduced it could never stop, or even disrupt, anything of any magnitude that is scheduled by the Light Force in the Divine Plan. There are a few minions left at lower levels who may manage a few mosquito bites! The so called pending war situation is 100% a white hat move, totally controlled by the light, as it continues our plan to show up the opposition regime’s dark agenda so well that people really get it and never ever let this happen again, wherever they may travel in the universe. It will help people let go of the old thinking, increase wisdom and embrace a new world of integrity and harmony. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 OF 2

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