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You can find the fags chatting shite in this comment section, have fun ya'll.

Noma’lum dan repost
Hi I’m not a nazi. Or racist but I do wonder if any of you guys know Sean Kauffman? Can u tell him that nazi bullshit don’t got nobody scared? Thanks y’all have a nice day

Noma’lum dan repost
Y’all lil boys real shaky outside of telegram🤣🤣🤣

Apparently, the left and Antifa think the store being sold is a Victory. Even though it's been under contract for two years to be sold.
Whatever to make themselves feel better about literally being unable to do anything about us.
Any leftist that actually want to be about the business, shoot us a message and arrange a fight! Lol you won't, and we all know it.

American Archives dan repost
AA Unredacted Blackbook.pdf
Epstein Files

A "leaked" version of the documents was floating around, but it was still redacted

Here is the same document, completely Un-Redacted

Enjoy, AA

Heartland Active Club dan repost
Epstein wasn’t a self-made billionaire.

Someone installed him in his position. They had a reason and a goal.

Epstein didn’t employ himself.

Get it trending. Get people talking. Name the “tyrannical and treasonous elite”.

Hail victory! ✋🏻

Alfadhir archive dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

American Archives dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Surveillance Capitalism

This videos shows what information is sent via cellular data/GPS (even while powered off/ in Airplane mode)

Anti-Communist Combat HQ dan repost
Q. How do you fight a war?

A. Any way you can

Stickering, fliering, and content production are good ways to get your feet wet but are mostly useful for people working by themselves or with only a few others. The main purpose here is to recruit.

Once you have a greater number of dedicated activists you can pursue a more confrontational sort of activism, protesting the far left and the most egregious excesses of the modern world.

Ideally once you’ve grown beyond this you’re in the realm of being able to run candidates for local offices and whether you win or not you can use the electoral system to further advocate for your ideals/group.

There are a thousand factors to consider. How hostile the opposition is in a given area, how friendly parallel groups are. What the local judicial system looks like in terms of political prosecution and likely juror pools. How dedicated your activists are and whether or not they are burned out. Many factors exist, many of which are not visible to the arm chair critics who love to heap insults and attacks on men putting a target on their own back to fight for white well being.

It boils down to doing what you can with what you have. Some people are more effective at doing more with less. Some people have different short term goals though we are all fighting the same long term struggle.

So promote what you believe in most strongly, but know that the people online stating that everyone is a fed or useless are not your friends ,whether they are working against white well being intentionally as bad actors or are simply retarded malcontents.

The options are simple, join a group doing something or start a group doing something. Bitching about people doing things is not a prowhite action. You can dismiss as a useful tool of jews anyone who knows all the movement gossip and every bad thing about every movement leader and group but who knows nothing about what local groups function as the apparatus of our globalist enemies.

Gym XIV (Banned on Apple) dan repost
⚡ New year - Not more excuses! ⚡

Brothers, sisters and fellow pirates in the modern world. The next few weeks will test our strength physiclly and spiritually.
The hordes of people who promised to start working out -24 will fill the gyms in the western hemisphere. These weakminded fucktards will take our time and they will piss you off. When you pushing a PB, they will sneak up on you and asking when you are done with whatever you are doing.

But calm. Breath. Realize thats some good left in is this world. Some of these mutants and youngsters that is hitting the gym for the first time will look toward and up to you! They will see your strength and a brotherhood that could set the world on fire.

This is a great time to inspire and teach our people the way of the steel. To show everybody what XIV is about. The crowd will see you. And you gentlemens, are the rulers of the temple of iron. The masses will follow.

Strike fear in to every bodypositive fat fuck that enter your world. You are the kings

XIV 🏴‍☠️

Wasatch Active Club dan repost
We love active clubs and we wish them all a happy new years. Keep killing it out there fellas. 🔥

Tribe and Train ⚡️⚡️

☠ Achtung ☠
🚨 National Alert 🚨

Pennsylvania Active Club dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
💥Happy and Healthy New Year from PAxAC💥

2023 was just the beginning of something great. A brotherhood was formed among like-minded men who embrace the active club lifestyle. In today's society it's so important having a group of guys who are like a family, share the same ideals, build each other up and maintain a positive outlook despite all the obstacles we face. The most encouraging thing to see in 2023 was the huge growth of active clubs around the world. We only move forward and grow stronger.

We extend our support and a heartfelt salute to those throughout America, Canada, and Europe. Thank you to everyone who has shown us support and words of encouragement. We hope to meet and interact with more of you in the coming year. Here's to a successful and active 2024!

..and most importantly, #FreeRundo

Together We Rise


Patriot Front dan repost
@PatriotFrontUpdates » Activists from Network 6 placed a banner at Lewis Country Store in Nashville, Tennessee.

Check out the rest of our accounts:

Just Goyly Things dan repost
To all our Volk out there:
may this next turn of the Wheel be a reward of your Wyrd, temper your Honor,
and most of all, may we all live the lives our Ancestors died for. Amor fati!

Heartland Active Club dan repost
2023: a year in review!
From a snowy camping trip the first thing in January, to sparring and sweating over Memorial Day weekend. Facing down degenerate child predators in June, hosting a celebration of Remembrance Day and more frosty hiking and camping in December. It was a fantastic year for Heartland Active Club and we look forward to the new year with great expectations. Together, these men among the ruins of the decadent American empire stand fast.

If you have been on the fence or searching for brotherhood, reach out through our channel. Get connected! Get active!

Hail victory!

The Noticer dan repost
“Big day for me as I officially just dropped my bills on antisemitism and Holocaust education with over 81 cosponsors. We did it y’all now stay tuned on the next steps as we move through the legislative process...TODAH RABAH!!!” - Verified Arizona State Representative Alma “THIS HAPPENED YESTERDAY IN TUCSON Arizona IN MY COMMUNITY...THESE IDIOTS THINK ITS OKAY TO DO #Nazi me identify them and make sure their employer knows” Hernandez (almaforarizona)

She’ll dox you, she’ll punish you, and then she’ll “educate” you

Clearly Alma’s “for Arizona” folks. I mean, what’s more important to the interests of the average Arizonan than learning about a historical event from 80+ years ago that has absolutely nothing to do with Arizona?


17 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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