Just Goyly Things

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Last harvest of the year, peppers and green tomatoes!

Southern Sons Active Club dan repost
You wanna know what makes the Jews afraid? A fit White father with 10 kids who attends his local active club. A White mother carrying the next generation in her belly. A White youth rejecting modern poison and working to better himself so he too can one day carry the torch of his ancestors.

Not some loner that ends his bloodline for his own fucking ego.

Green Tomato apple chutney with raisins. Tomatoes fresh from the garden.

Butchered a whole 100lb piglet and threw it on the smoker! The meat is like butter it's so tender.

Oakwood's Grove dan repost
All about us exists what can be described simply as ugly. From the dysgenic freaks roaming about, the soulless architecture of modern cities, the alienation of vast swathes of the population from nature in favor of concrete and steel. All of this encompasses the death of beauty itself, and not by mere accident.

Without love for something it is difficult to defend anything, and in the absence of love, hate turns to apathy and a nihilistic spiraling resulting in your own participation in beauty's death. Our enemies understand this and have leveraged this to create a cycle in which all that is beautiful and wondrous is replaced by what is disgusting and profane to the point that people forget what beauty even was.

For this reason I say we are guided by love, love of our families, love of the natural world and all its mystery, love for the lofty and transcendent idea that one day our people may rise from the filth and the muck and achieve a true greatness.
But we are fueled by hate, hate for the forces of dissolution, hate for the spiritual and racial enemies our forebears fought and died to hold at bay, hate for the death of beauty.

Now there exist those who, even in the presence of the sprawling metropolises of modernity, yearn for something beautiful, something to be proud of and worth defending. Their starting point is adoration for the higher and they progress along more or less two paths.

One of nihilism and despair, or one of anger and hate. It is only the latter which will bear fruit, for when anger is absorbed by a physically and mentally sound man, when it is fostered instead of shunned as some mental aberration as modernity would like you to believe, it does not become impotent rage or the manifestation of petty insecurity, it has a higher potential and will become something far more powerful.

Hate becomes the driving force which can animate a man to transcendent action, wether that action take the form of direct confrontation, removal of oneself from a metropolis into a rural area, or gaining independence financially or otherwise from the system which is designed specifically to destroy us.

Beauty has not faded from the world, but it is quickly doing so. Yet there is still a chance, a sliver of hope, and it exists in the hatred we feel and the love which reinforces it.

"It is an honor that we should live in such times, that the existence of our people rests upon our shoulders is the most supreme of gifts. Times like these are what birth heroes. The moment you feel any fear or doubt strike it from your heart. Understand that if it is not us it will be no one. Embrace the chaos and from its ashes a new world shall arise, beautiful and pure. To victory White Man!"


The Barbarian Clergyman dan repost
Make no mistake – race is my religion.

I say this, not in the same way as some National Alliance-alligned white power skinhead would, or as some CI believers envision. In fact, it bypasses even the question of "Which is more important: race or religion?"

The entire conversation should never even come to that style of comprehension. Race is part of my religion, much like I can say that my XY chromosomes are a part of what makes me a man genetically, much like, also, how my grayish-green color are part of the irises within each of my eyes. It is a natural outgrowth of what is considered to be a way of life.

You never put race above religion, nor likewise put religion above race. They are equal two components to a greater wholeness beyond what remains tangible. Without either, there exists nothing that resembles me, and the soul in me would appear hollow and unpersoned, seeming as an entity of nothingness that just floats along akin to the manner of jellyfish.

These two things of myself--race and religion--make me up for who I am, and the same applies to those like me. Love and treat your race like it is your religion, and owe unto it veneration, for it truly is part of your spirit. They are in union with each other.

Wandering Spartan dan repost
I have a longing for destruction, perhaps an innate desire to destroy what is tame and docile in me.

I want to sacrifice myself to me, to cast behind me my own shell so I may assume the mantle of savagery.

I want to smell the smoke rising from the flames of a decaying empire.

I want to stand over the ruins and ashes of a fallen civilization, this world created by mediocrity, stupidity, ignorance and wickedness.

Let the rough and unforgiving winds of winter wipe out the meek blossoms that overstayed their welcome. Shiva!

Aryan Survival dan repost
How to make water, from any source, drinkable, without expensive material?
Harvest it from a body (a lake or river). Filter it, next boil it, thoroughly. After which, filter it again (through a coffee filter, if you can afford those), and store it in a copper vessel. You can let it rest for 8 hours, or shake it (in which case, it would be ready in about 15 to 20mn).
There is no need, yet, to go through all these steps. But, according to the headlines we see, lately, it would be a good idea to start doing it, so it will be like a 2nd nature, when the "authorities" are going along with their plan, concerning the water supply. They really want to poison the well, again..

....fucking love this tune, play loud as you can....👍💚☠

Gym XIV (Banned on Apple) dan repost
“The reason why the system teaches us to be horrified at violence is that violence of any kind is dangerous to the system. The system requires order above all; it needs people who are docile and obedient and don’t make trouble.”

-Ted Kaczynski

XIV 🏴‍☠️

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