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🔥The Phoenix Nest: Reborn🔥 dan repost
If you want yet another example, the recent shooting by some retard foreigner in the Netherlands is exactly the same case.

Government was amply warned and still chose to ignore it and not give one iota of a fuck. They had the opportunity to arrest the guy, label him a RW extremist and appear strong and capable in the eyes of the masses, thereby making them calmer and less inclined to start shit.
They squandered that chance, but now a bunch of people, infected with an IDF-mind virus, go "THEY SHOULDVE KNOWN!!! FALSE FLAG!!!"

Get it out of your thick skulls, our enemies have the potential of great incompetence. Victory has defeated them, seize the day🔥

Synagogue of Satan Pilled 2 /// dan repost
Case in point.

These people are arrogant as all hell, they think their enemies are subhuman cattle that need not be feared.

Learn from this white man, your opressors view you the same way as Israelis view Palestinians and you're leagues ahead of the latter in ability and potential.

So go out there, squad up and grow to be worthy of your European heritage. Train, learn skills of arms. Become a warrior. God bless ⚡️⚡️

𝐙𝖔𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖗𝐖𝖆𝖋𝖋𝖊𝖓 dan repost
Well there it is. Israel did indeed know of the Hamas attack before hand.

Egypt Intelligence Minister phoned Israel to warn them. The warning was ignored. This is of course is in addition to the thousands of other warnings detected by their intelligence services.

This is playing out exactly as it did in 1973

Synagogue of Satan Pilled 2 /// dan repost
I see too far many people obsessing how the Israelis "Should've known" / "saw it coming" when they should be running OODA-loops about the matter with their closest friends.

Our enemies are not omnipotent, they're arrogant and absolutely able to fail.

Do you really think Stalin did not know a German military buildup was occuring? He still didn't see it coming and had a mental breakdown, locking himself in his office for a week sobbing like the little manlet georgian jew he was.

Noma’lum dan repost
Liberalism is, on one hand, the regime without faith, the regime that hands over everything, even the essentials of the country's destiny, to free discussion. For Liberalism, nothing is absolutely true or false.

The truth is, in each case, what the greater number of votes say. Thus, it does not matter to Liberalism if a people agrees upon suicide, provided that the proposed suicide is carried out in accordance with electoral practice. And since for the functioning of electoral practice the existence of factions must be encouraged and strife between them must be stimulated, the Liberal system is the system of permanent disunion, permanent want of popular faith in any profound community of destiny."

𝐉𝐨𝐬é 𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐨 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐨 𝐝𝐞 𝐑𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚

It has been an honour.


Join the new, uncesored channel. The time to migrate is now.

Migrate here

🔥The Phoenix Nest: Reborn🔥 dan repost
It is time for the Phoenix to arise from it's ashes, and a new uncensored channel to be reborn;

Answer the call, join the rising fire!🔥

Modernists Go To Hell dan repost
Nigerian chad tells Africans in Europe to go home.

The modern state doesn't want you to serve a conscription sentence unless it's a deliberate policy to depopulate the native male population

Even a soul burning in eternal fire is proving God's laws and creation to be true.

This sort of defeatism is exactly why I advocate leaving the old world to die its destined death and taking what youthful strength remains to the new world. In the USA in particular can one find the means, manpower, money, land that we need build up our momentum.

From there we can fight and restore some semblance of order and honour in a part of the world. And maybe, just maybe, we can launch an attack on the illegally occupied ruins of the old world, and restore it's glory.

Any European contradicting these truths does not know what he is talking about and is blinded by arrogance. To those I say: Go and see the Unites States.

Any American contradicting these truths, to them I say: Stop being a limpdicked faggot like most of the European 'Right Wing Movement'. Take up the mantle of your frontier spirit and fight.

Let these losers who want to detach from the system and do nothing be anathema to us all. Let them be and give them the peace they so desire. Their sons will curse them for their inaction and those few of them that will remain once a reinvigorated European Race returns to the old world's shores will join our creed and our cause, thanking the heavens and Lord almighty.

I'd prefer however, you who are called to stay, to take a stand and be heroes like those in Spain all those centuries ago.

You only have one life to give, so make it count.

GALLIA DAILY | Voice of France dan repost
🇪🇺 An update on the political situation in Europe.

Some of you don't seem to have understood where Europe stands in 2023.
Some of you are still talking about political parties, elections and the 'awakening' of the people, and are adopting a very Catholic wait-and-see attitude, hoping for the return of the 'saviour' or a major event that will save us all (collapse, sudden awakening of consciences).

For those of you still caught up in political considerations, what have been the achivements of so-called 'nationalist' policies in Europe? Let's look at 4 examples.

🇮🇹 Meloni's Italy, which was celebrated as the return of fascism, is nothing more than a remake of Salvini's fiasco, wants to import half a million non-Europeans in 2023.

🇭🇺 Orban's Hungary has regularised 250,000 migrants in 5 years. And it couldn't maintain its economy without a constant influx of foreigners.

🇩🇰 The much-vaunted Danish model has a largely positive migratory balance, with +30,000 regularised migrants every year leading it to be replaced quickier than the French. It is not because Denmark has effectively reduced the number of asylum seekers that its immigration has fallen. Denmark is in the process of accelerated replacement.

🇫🇷 Interpreting the consequences of the riots in France from a political point of view is therefore stupid, because even if the RN came to power, migratory flows would not be reversed, as previous examples suggest.

👴 In the end, it doesn't matter, because "remigrating" 15 million non-Europeans from a country of less than 70 million inhabitants, whose native population is essentially elderly, is no longer a political issue.

Some people are hopeful at the idea that the recent riots may have "woken up" the French people. That's what we were already hearing when a teacher was beheaded in the street by a jihadist in 2020, after the massacre at the Bataclan in 2015, or each of the numerous attacks on French and European soil in the last 20 years.

The masses quickly forget, if dozens of attacks and tens of millions of migrants have still not been enough, then it's pointless to hope for any kind of 'awakening'.

Finally, a few words about street activism, which is nothing more than a desperate attempt by indigenous youth in the process of being replaced to be heard.

None of these street actions has ever led to any concrete result, on the contrary they are always followed by more repression.
From a purely rational point of view, the expected gains are zero, while the risks taken are substantial. The reality is that militant youth are headless chickens flailing without a goal in sight.

Finally, if you are a Frenchman or a European concerned about the future of your people, concentrate your efforts on constructive and positive things, and detach yourself from the system as much as possible. Nothing and nobody will save you.

🤝 Strength to you all.

Didn't age well

Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives ✝️ #FreeVenezuela dan repost
Will Putler invade Ukraine?
  •   Yes, definitely, anytime now
  •   Yes, but only after February 20, when the Olympics end
  •   Yes, but only on the Spring
  •   Maybe, if Ukraine ground attacks by ground the separatists in Donbass.... Maybe
  •   Nah, not happening (nothing ever happens admin)
2723 ta ovoz

FNORDGRAM dan repost

The Aryan man needs honorable freedoms to flourish, our enemy wants our genius without us having access to that which allows said genius to flow and reach it's full potential:

1. The freedom bought forth by ancient and proper tradition of worshipping our Creator, His trinity and His teachings

2. The freedom brought forth by strong families, and good familial ties with little discord, and unbreakable bonds of love

3. The freedom brought forth by ownership of your land; owning the goods, the tools and whatever else is required for not just basic sustenance but experimentation and growth

Without this these three basics, our men cannot prosper and achieve our greater purposes in life.
It shall be this most noble trinity that we must reinstate first and foremost.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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