Awoken and Outspoken

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Proud Boys: Uncensored dan repost
These low impulse parasites get frustrated when unable to compete with Whites. They are told they have the ability and equal right to everything Whites have. Especially White women. They are told by Loxist media they are even better than White men. Parasitic attitude then becomes to simply take take take.

When frustrated with rejection, these animals act impulsive every time, and in this case begin hitting the White woman.

Her boyfriend defends her, and then resorts to standing his ground with his conceal carry weapon. The Loxist media want you to think it's because the parasite simply "gave her a compliment".

The White man was released on bail that night. Clearly this being a situation of self defense.

We do not belong together. Equality is a lie.


This quote is one of my favorites. I see a deeper meaning as I am very in tune with my spirituality. Adolf Hitler was a man who understood the importance of spirituality. He knew the power behind a strong, healthy spirit. To live as nature intended, creates a more pure spirit. A pure spirit, cannot be broken and can achieve anything. Behind each person is their aura. It is a natural light from your soul, which is your connection to the universe. It can be bright, or it can be dim. It can be healthy, or it can be sick.

To burn like the sun. Is your own Aura.

Proud Boys: Uncensored dan repost
They will seperate us from every avenue of work and income they can. They will cut us off from society and reduce us to the status of serfdom. They will watch our people slowly fade from existence, and consider it a job well done. Our only chance is to collective as white people, and form a parallel society seperate from the system. White Unity at every opportunity, and by God we'll have our home again.


Free The Boys dan repost
Please share this page. All of our boys that are in jail need your help and support. dan repost
NEW - A car park located in Germany has unveiled dedicated parking spaces reserved for LGBTQ and migrant drivers.

The aim is to help people who feel "a special need for protection".


The “diversity” and “multicultural” movement of Feminism represents Communism’s attempt to empower and use other minorities, gays and “people of color,” to further undermine the majority (European, Christian) culture. Thus, the original CPUSA trio of “race, gender and class” is very much intact but class conflict was never a big seller.

Feminist activists are mostly Communist dupes. The Communist goal is to destroy Western Civilization and establish a veiled dictatorship called “world government” run by the toadies of the central bankers.
We have seen this destruction in the dismantling of the liberal arts curriculum, tradition of free speech and inquiry at our universities. We have seen this virus spread to government, business, the media and the military. This could only happen because the financial elite, in fact, IS Communism.

Feminism is just another tactic from the Jewish Enemy to eliminate the white population.


New Right News dan repost
💉 A Vaccine For Everything

📌 Source 1
📌 Source 2
📌 Source 3


HFTC2 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Europa - Part 02 - Bolshevism, Communism, Judaism

New Right News dan repost
💬 Get someone jabbed against COVID-19 and get a gift token (worth $53), Swiss say

📌 Source


As my main channel was banned. Going over my content has been a highlight of the day. Seeing how far I’ve come in such a short amount of time. Reflecting on my world view transition has been a rough, but beautiful ride. My inspiration has been drained, but I will build Awoken and Outspoken even better, in time. My children are worth the fight it takes to awaken our people to the truth.

I’ve spent majority of my life blending. Keep your real thoughts to yourself. Be superficial, so your family will stop telling you what’s acceptable. They’ll stop trying to change you. How is asking questions bad? Getting lost in book, after book. Bad? Fueling and nurturing ones spirit bad? You don’t fit in here, not anywhere really. You have to tone it down, blend.

I’m tired of blending. Zero Tolerance for those who expect me to. We need a society where the deep, spiritual people, are the ones who are no longer different, but the majority. No longer have to blend. The ones who aren’t afraid to have blood on their hands, by doing what’s right.

I’m losing hope in today’s men. Too feminized and complacent in comfort to do what they have to. Leaving women to step out of their role, to ensure their children’s futures. I create the art that I do. Because its what I wish our men would become. To give hope that the men who are complacent. Can one day, tap into who they were designed to be. @AwokenOutspoken

New Right News dan repost
🇺🇸 Today's Headlines


HFTC2 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
We Miss You

Proud Boy to Fascist Pipeline dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Jesus Christ. Straight up pedophilia books in our children's schools.

Once AGAIN, the Jewish school board member gets mad and tries to shut them down. How can you not connect the dots here?

There is no political solution. Voting will not remove these people.

ᛋᛋ @ProudBoytoNS

Knowledge is power. Some of the best books can be found on Telegram. Daunting task, to pick only a few of my favorites. But I feel these are imperative reads.

A Squires Trial-

Zero Tolerance-

Next Leap-

Mein Kampf-

88 Precepts-

The Awakening of a National Socialist-

Path of Gods-

The Turner Diaries-

White Power-


The Day Of The Rope-

The Art Of War-

The White Space dan repost
A son can learn a lot from his mother. How to understand women, how to be a man who can make a woman happy, how to be a father who will raise happy, wholesome children, how to be gentle when he needs to be, and much more. Be a mother your sons will want to find in their future wife.

New Right News dan repost
💬 Health care workers burdened by emotional exhaustion, anger as Covid drags on

📌 Source


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