Digital Soldiers🇺🇸

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America First.🇺🇸

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Forecast 432Hz Channel dan repost
💧2843 (02/20/19) - FEAR.
The fun begins directly after.
Will make the Super Bowl look like a puppy show.

The Disclosure dan repost
Here I present the PUBLICLY DOCUMENTED FACTS of the last week, which point in an UNDENIABLE fashion to the unavoidable conclusion that PATRIOTS ARE IN TOTAL CONTROL of the Republic of the United States of America..... (1) Mark Zuckerpunch is history (forced to resign his post at FakeBook; (2) Jeff Bezos is history (forced to resign his post at Amazon); (3) Jeff Zucker (of CNN - interesting name, eh?) is history (forced to resign his post at CNN); (4) Charlie Flynn (General Mike Flynn's brother) was named the Chief of Pacific Operations for the US Army (the Flynn Family, in its entirety, is nemesis to the very wealthy Biden, Clinton, Obama Families, and the Democrat Party); (5) There are FIVE Aircraft Carrier Groups (of 100+ ships EACH) off the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of the USA, unprecedented in all of US History; (6) Russia has also deployed to sea ALL of its Navy to protect its own shores and homeland; (7) There is an Aircraft Carrier Group off the coast of China, and one off the coast of India, on high alert, ready to protect US Allies in that region; (8) The FCC made a very unusual major Announcement stating the following; Any FCC licensed broadcasting station who refused to carry Official US Government Announcements, Emergency Alerts, and/or Information for the Public Welfare shall be IN VIOLATION OF THEIR OBLIGATIONS, and therefore at risk of immediate SUSPENSION OF THEIR BROADCAST LICENSE. // Now, if any of you still 'believe' that 'nothing is happening' . . . well, you're just being either ignorant, intentionally blind, or disgustingly weak (aka 'playing the victim'). GET ACTIVE IN YOUR COMMUNITIES, People, and SPREAD THE GOOD WORD!! 🗣⚡️🎆💪🏽👍🏼

Raven Moonstone Art dan repost

David Avocado Wolfe dan repost

We should have this

Lin Wood dan repost
Given the intensity of the propaganda media attacks against me, one would think media is suffering from Wood Derangement Syndrome.

These propagandists need a mental health evaluation.

The fact that President Trump put up with this nonsense 24/7 for 4 years tells you all you need to know about his toughness and character. He never quits and the liars can never stop him. President Trump will drain the swamp. Patience.

SPATiAL ENERGY dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Certified Mindcontrol Patents:

Patent # US3014477
Hypnotic Inducer (Mind Control Machine.

Patent # US3060795
Apparatus For Producing Visual Stimulation (Subconscious Transmission via Movie Film.

Patent # US3278676
Apparatus For Producing Visual and Auditory Stimulation (Subconscious Transmission via TV.

Patent # US3393279
Nervous System Excitation Device.

Patent # US3563246
Method and Apparatus For Improving Neural Performance In Human Subjects By Electrotherapy.

Patent # US3629521
Hearing Systems (RF/Microwave.

Patent # US3712292
Method Of and Apparatus For Producing Swept Frequency Modulated Audio Signal Patterns For Inducing Sleep (Brain Frequencies Broadcast.

Continued in the comments..

Q-Tip dan repost
Notable Deaths! 👀

Raven Moonstone Art dan repost

⚡️ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽 dan repost
Here is the link that apparently failed to transfer in the above

Conservative 🇺🇸 dan repost
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM MY FRIEND JOHN DROZ: Our team’s list of 2020 Presidential Election Lawsuits continues to be very well received — even appearing on OAN TV a few times!

I’m sending you this notice as I’ve just issued a major update of it, with over a hundred additions, improvements, etc. The latest version is dated 2-4-21.

FYI in our investigation into this topic, we found that there are over 500 lawsuits(!) that have been filed pertaining to 2020 election matters. We’ve now gone through every one and have listed 80 (plus appeals) as pertinent to the Presidential election. (Those are what our list is about.)

Another challenge is that this is still a very active area, with new cases still being filed, as well as existing cases being appealed, consolidated, withdrawn, or adjudicated almost daily.

In other words we have a living document here, that we will do our best to keep current.

Here is my overview sister document — which I’ll also try to keep up-to-date.

IMO the most significant takeaway is that Trump and the GOP actually won 2/3 of the cases (21) that were fully heard (e.g. with evidence)!

That the mainstream media continues to say that judges have ruled against Trump in almost all of his lawsuits is an extraordinary departure from reality.

Please pass this important information on, so that we can correct that deception.

Let me know any questions.


john droz, jr.

PS — Please let me know any corrections or improvements for our list.

Travis Cook dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
ALERT 🚨 *Charlie Ward who got Intel from a High Source in the Pentagon of what’s about to happen as of today and Feb. 12th! CEO of Amazon and CEO of CNN news network stepped down as of today! What does that tell you? Their scared.....

⊙ EARTH 2.0 GENESIS dan repost
Wikileaks ❤️🙏🏼 It never gets old.
For those of you that do not have this files, here they are. Be sure to open the link with DuckDuckGo, Startpage, Brave, Qwant, Metager, etc NEVER Google.


We The Media dan repost
I know many of you are tired and weary from this drawn out informational and psychological war. I want to encourage you to stand firm and be vigilant in this fight against this deceitful and evil enemy we face. Remember you are essential to the defense of our Republic’s freedom as a digital soldier. You are doing God’s work. God is on our side. The US Military stands beside us in this fight.

America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand. ~Harry S. Truman

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. ~Thomas Jefferson

We will see victory.

Try to maintain the “40,000” foot view. Think big picture.

The Deep State has waged this war against our Republic for generations. The counter strike by patriots has been planned since the assassination of President Kennedy. All contingencies have been factored in and accounted for. The US Military planned for this specific situation we are currently in. They maintain complete control. Biden and the Dems only demonstrate the appearance of being in power. Their days in power are numbered.

Ignore the attacks and the mockery of the ignorant and of the evil. They know something is off about this administration. They know deep within that President Trump will be back in the driver’s seat a lot sooner. They want you to feel like you are in the minority and that you are alone. That’s a lie. You are the majority and our patriot movement is worldwide.

Pray for fellow patriots here in the US and abroad.

Think of our founding fathers and our vets who gave their limbs and their lives for this Country. Strive to imitate them and have their resolve. We will prevail!

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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