Easter Tidings

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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In general, the “normie tier” “right wing” guys in the UK generally can handle objecting to the liberal anti-male insanity without fighting raging feminism with nasty misogyny - until they spend too much time listening to the controlled op American dolt right. In general, the British scene has better speakers and figures in the “conservative” sector. They don’t go far enough down the rabbit hole, though.


We supported the Bolsheviks in WWII and now we’re scratching our heads wondering how it is they’re running the show now 🤦🏼‍♀️


Not one of the conservatives seem to realize that the West backed the wrong side in WWII and we are paying for it now. No it’s not “The British and Americans” who were the bad guys. The the shadowy international clique that controls them from inside and our own citizens are oblivious to who they even are.

On my last stream I did readings and someone asked if he should sell all, some, or none of his bitcoin while it was at an all time high. I asked my rune cards what he should do and pulled Wunjo (which on my deck has certain imagery with it) which said to me, "sell it and live the high life!"

You know, I keep being stunned as I continue down this divination path. I just saw news this morning that if he held off and did not sell when he asked and the runes said to go all in, then he could really be regretting it today! It's all just plummeted!


It's glorious to see Zuckerberg blamed for stoking extreme right-wingism 🤣


The mainstream media is run by the original Abrahamists and there is a reason they want paganism linked with "muh evil huwhite supwemacists." Ethnicity and paganism are the same. Abrahamism in all its guises destroys ethnicity. Hence, Christianity, Islam, and all the others are all lethally anti-pagan. This article is shocking in its utterly false information and open hate for indigenous white European culture.

Cuthbert loves the cat 😆 the cat doesn’t always love Cuthbert 🤣

We all had this and can have it again. The enemy has blocked us from so much that is possible. It’s built into their religions and ideologies to shut our extra senses and communications with the sentient beings of Mother Earth off. Indigenous people, including Europeans, knew so much. All you need to do is open your mind to what is possible 💝🦋🦋🦋💕


Folk Vibes & Visions Worldwide dan repost
Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors (Ukrainian: Тіні забутих предків) is a 1965 film by the Soviet filmmaker Sergei Parajanov based on the classic book by Ukrainian writer Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky. The film was Parajanov's first major work and earned him international acclaim for its rich use of costume and color. It also features a detailed portrayal of Ukrainian Hutsul culture, showing not only the harsh Carpathian environment and brutal family rivalries, but also the various aspects of Hutsul traditions, music, costumes, and dialect. - Wikipedia

What do you make of this? Legit or interpolator?

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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