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Many COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Injured are already taking the pineapple derived proteolytic enzyme BROMELAIN to help break down the spike protein.

However, Bromelain also has anti-cancer properties that have been evaluated extensively in dozens of studies in vitro for:

breast cancer, prostate cancer, gastric, colorectal, hepatocellular, cholangiocarcinoma, lung, melanoma, lymphoma and leukemia

The ability of Bromelain to inhibit tumor cell proliferation and metastasis, and induce tumor cell death may be due to its unique proteolytic and immunomodulatory properties

"Bromelain’s ability to trigger apoptosis is undoubtedly one of its essential features allowing for effective inhibition of cancer development and proliferation"

"molecular mechanisms of bromelain’s anticancer activity are carried out in many biochemical pathways":

- induce apoptosis (internal and external pathways)
- induce autophagy
- induce ferroptosis
- upregulate expression of p53 tumor suppressor
- induce cell cycle arrest
- immune modulator
- anti-inflammatory
- chemo sensitizer
- radiation therapy sensitizer

BROMELAIN also has some very unique synergistic effects with other bioactive compounds:

bromelain + peroxidase: increase ROS, upregulate p53 - effective against leukemias and lymphomas

bromelain + olive leaf: decreased lung carcinogenesis in mice

bromelain + curcumin + harpagophytum (devil's claw): reduced inflammation in cancer patients

bromelain + NAC (N-acetyl cysteine): inhibits growth and proliferation of certain mucinous tumors (gastric and colorectal)

bromelain + cisplatin: enhanced chemotherapy effect in breast cancer (enhances the effect of chemo while decreasing chemo related side effects)

"Due to its low toxicity, high efficiency, high availability, and relative simplicity of acquisition, it is the object of inexhaustible interest of scientists"

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated individuals who develop Turbo Cancer after mRNA vaccination, can benefit as BROMELAIN serves two key functions:

1. Vaccine Spike protein detoxification due to its enzymatic activity

2. Broad anti-cancer activity against common Turbo Cancers such as Lymphomas and Leukemias, Breast Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Lung Cancer and more.

BROMELAIN is under extensive research right now and you'll see from the article why.

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Doctor provides evidence using vials of how sexual intercourse between an unvaccinated person and a vaccinated person can make an unvaccinated persons blood contaminated.

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他在《亞洲時報》的一篇文章中解釋說,先遣隊由 100 人組成,包括砲兵和偵察兵。 他們的任務是幫助烏克蘭第54獨立機械化旅。


Breaking Alert: Fully Vaccinated About To See “Tsunami” of Illness and Death, Warns Virologist

World-renowned Belgian virologist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has another warning for the public: the mass collapse of immunity among the fully vaccinated is upon us.

In a recent appearance on the KunstlerCast podcast, Bossche predicted a soon-coming “massive, massive tsunami” of illness and death among those who got “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), whose immune systems are now unspeakably compromised.

The result of this coming wave of mass illness and death is sure to completely overwhelm the health care sector, not to mention the economy-wide impact in terms of eventual total economic failure and social chaos.

It will start to be noticeable, Bossche explained, with a spike in cases of what the system will dub as “long COVID.” Once those cases really start stacking up, then comes the massive wave of illness and death, which Bossche says is inevitable.

“You will see what will happen, for example, in the next coming weeks … is more and more cases of more serious long COVID,” Bossche said. “They will start to replace the surge of the cancers … now we have a more chronic phase.”

“It will end with a hyper-acute phase, a huge, huge wave … I’ve been studying this now for four years. I know what I’m talking about.”

(Related: Back in 2022, Bossche warned that “the vaccinated” are responsible for unleashing the (“end of Western civilization.”)

“We will have to build a completely new world,” Bossche says

Claiming himself to be one of the, if not the, only person who understands the immunology behind all this, Bossche says the coming crisis is “imminent,” meaning it will happen at any moment and likely take most of the world by surprise.

The health collapse and crisis it brings will result in a total failure of the system, after which Bossche says “we will have to build a completely new world.”

“It is very, very clear that when this starts, our hospitals will collapse,” Bossche warned. “And that means the chaos in all kinds of layers of society – financial, economic, social, you name it – will be complete.”

In other words, it would seem as though COVID is what really got the dominoes of the current world order falling. And by the time it gets to the end, all that will remain is ash and dust from which a phoenix will then rise to recreate a new world order.

“It’s very strange for me to make such statements, but I’m not hiding it because I’m 200 percent convinced that it will happen,” Bossche stated ominously.

#DepopulationAgenda #WEF2030Agenda


世界著名的比利時病毒學家吉爾特·范登·博什(Geert Vanden Bossche)博士向公眾發出了另一個警告:完全接種疫苗的人的免疫力即將崩潰。

Bossche 最近在KunstlerCast 播客上露面時預測,那些接種了武漢冠狀病毒(COVID-19)“疫苗”的人即將面臨一場“大規模、大規模的疾病和死亡海嘯”,他們的免疫系統現在受到了無法形容的損害。


Bossche 解釋說,隨著系統稱之為「長期新冠病毒」的病例數量激增,這種情況將開始變得引人注目。一旦這些病例真正開始堆積,就會出現大規模的疾病和死亡浪潮,博什說這是不可避免的。

博什說:“你會看到會發生什麼,例如,在接下來的幾週內……將會出現越來越多更嚴重的長期新冠病例。” “它們將開始取代癌症的激增……現在我們正處於一個更慢性的階段。”


(相關:早在 2022 年,博什就警告說,「接種疫苗的人」應對釋放(「西方文明的終結」。)




博什警告說:“非常非常明顯,一旦這種情況開始,我們的醫院就會崩潰。” “這意味著社會各個層面的混亂——金融、經濟、社會,凡是你能想到的——都將徹底混亂。”


「對我來說,做出這樣的聲明很奇怪,但我不會隱瞞,因為我 200% 相信這會發生,」博什不祥地說。

#DepopulationAgenda #WEF2030Agenda

👀肯德里克拉馬爾 (Kendrick Lamar) 在他最新的 diss 歌曲《不像我們》中指責德雷克是“戀童癖”:“隱藏你的小妹妹”


肯德里克·拉馬爾 (Kendrick Lamar) 又發表了一首對德雷克 (Drake) 的言論,指責這位多倫多說唱歌手喜歡年輕女孩,並被指控為“戀童癖”。

在周六發行的歌曲“Not Like Us”中,康普頓主持人說唱道:“說德雷克,我聽說你喜歡他們年輕/你最好永遠不要去一號牢房/對任何與他交談的母狗,他們戀愛中/只要確保你對他隱藏了你的妹妹。

在拉馬爾提到德雷克的老朋友後,他說唱道:“經過認證的情人男孩,經過認證的戀童癖。” (德雷克 2021 年的專輯名為“認證情人男孩”。)

在歌曲的其他地方,36 歲的“Bitch Don’t Kill My Vibe”說唱歌手指責 37 歲的“Degrassi”校友在 Lil Wayne 的前男友入獄時與他發生了關係。


《大開眼戒》是一部 1999 年美國懸疑心理劇情片,由史丹利庫柏力克執導、製作和聯合編劇,講述了精英們如何在暗處運作。 這部電影提前向我們展示了波希米亞格羅夫、猶太復國主義俱樂部、共濟會、光明會等等秘密聚會的證據🔞


Hidden In Plain Sight dan repost
If you don’t recognise an ingredient, your body won’t either.....🤢🤢🤢

「氣候變遷」現在是性別歧視。 🤡



"Climate change" is sexist now. 🤡

Hillary Clinton: "Women and girls disproportionately bear the burden of climatic events."

By the way: If Hillary Clinton is promoting something, you can be absolutely CERTAIN it's a scam—including "human-induced climate change".

🚨Jim Jordan 現在對美國的兩級司法系統發動攻擊,攻擊特朗普總統:


🚨Jim Jordan GOES OFF on the two-tier system of justice in America attacking President Trump right now:

"Just look at the classified documents. You got three presidential candidates of the last three cycles. You got Clinton, Biden & President Trump. Only three individuals on the final ballot have run for president, all three had concerns on how they treated and handled classified information, but only one is getting prosecuted for goodness sake!"

共和黨在七月舉行全國代表大會,而民主黨全國委員會則在八月底舉行全國代表大會。 許多州需要官方認證才能在民主黨全國委員會召開大會之前參加州選票。 民主黨要求這些州為他們破例。



🤦‍♂️ 以色列國防軍官方帳號毫不猶豫地在 X 上發布了 2017 年頓巴斯戰鬥的鏡頭,並將其冒充為伊朗砲擊以色列。

此外,該影片還附有雄辯的標題,稱這是「以色列人在最後幾個小時發現自己的現實」。 2017年,頓巴斯很有可能有猶太人,但特拉維夫官方當時並不關心他們的命運,就像現在一樣。




#WEF #KlausSchwab

據報道,上個世紀在內華達州洞穴內及其周圍發現了一系列高達 10 英尺的神秘巨型骨骼,這些骨骼被稱為 「洛夫洛克巨人」,幾十年後仍然讓科學家們感到困惑。

關於幾千年前在裡諾東北90 英里的偏遠小鎮洛夫洛克周圍地區漫步的巨型人類的說法植根於美洲原住民的傳說,講述了從中美洲乘船來到這裡的兇猛、紅發、蒼白皮膚的巨人。並襲擊了當地部落。


幾年後,1931 年《內華達評論礦工》發表的一篇文章宣布,在洛夫洛克郊外的乾涸湖床上發現了兩具木乃伊骨架。

據報道,遺骸的高度分別為 8.5 英尺和 10 英尺,並被描述為有紅色頭髮。



(錄音)「如果您最近被假釋進入美國並且假釋仍然有效,或者您已經申請庇護並且該申請已獲得批准,那麼您可能有資格申請就業授權文件(EAD)在美國合法工作。已等待至少150 天。」




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