European Insider

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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European Insider is a Christian-run news outlet providing the latest updates on politics and current affairs from around Europe.

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ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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Martin Sellner (english) dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🇫🇷 More demos for Thomas

🟥 Massive demonstrations for the murdered Thomas and the remigration of illegal immigrants continue to take place in Lyon!

❗️ The activists shout: "Français réveille-toi, tu es ici chez toi !"
"French wake up, you are here at home!"

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10.6k 0 16 27 197

Action Radar Europe dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🚫Say no to Black Friday and consumerism - remember who you are!

🇩🇰Danish Identitarian activists
have put up posters to draw attention to the fact that multinational corporations are working against us and our interests.

🛡While multinational corporations strive towards global homogenization, it is our duty to resist and uphold our culture and traditions.

💪🏻Say no to Black Friday, say no to materialism and consumerism – and remember who you are!

🔗 All our links:
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9.5k 0 19 7 109

6.7k 0 38 20 173 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
NOW - Police arrest Tommy Robinson in London.


5.5k 0 14 69 178

🇳🇱🇮🇱 Dutch populist Geert Wilders was asked about his affection for Israel in an interview conducted in 2005:

— "I lived there from the ages of seventeen to nineteen and I have been to Israel about 30 or 40 times in total. My affinity with Israel is therefore also the result of a personal history."

6.6k 1 45 19 169

Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives dan repost
🇳🇱🤝🇮🇱 — Dutch Right-Wing Leader and soon-to-be Prime-Minister, Geert Wilders on Twitter/X:

Jerusalem. The undivided, eternal capital of Israël.

All freedom loving countries should move their Embassy to Jerusalem.

The capital of the only Palestinian State - Jordan - is Amman.

🔗 Geert Wilders (@geertwilderspvv)

5k 0 33 23 172

Pole Connection dan repost

4.9k 0 17 1 146

5.6k 0 82 6 176

UNN dan repost
Just in🔥

Irish Premier Varadkar says he will immediately work to introduce new 'hate speech' and 'incitement' laws to ensure the scenes witnessed yesterday in Dublin never happen again.

4.6k 0 52 80 345

The National Party │ An Páirtí Náisiúnta dan repost
Mass immigration and policies which put Irish people last have disenfranchised hundreds of thousands of ordinary Irish people. By writing off all opposition as "far right", the government have manifested abject chaos upon our streets.

4.3k 0 14 16 155 dan repost
NOW - Anger erupts in Dublin after knife attack on children.


3.2k 0 38 23 139

Keith Woods dan repost

🇳🇱 Anti-immigration populist parties PVV and FvD largest among Dutch secondary school and vocational students, student vote finds.

What would the House of Representatives look like if young people were in charge? If it were up to secondary school and vocational students, the PVV would become the largest party in the House of Representatives election. This is evident from the results of the student elections, organized by ProDemos.

A record number of 143,991 pupils and students at 397 schools cast voted for this 30th edition. 50,287 pupils and students voted for the 2021 House of Representatives election.


PVV — Anti-immigration: 15.9%
FvD — Nationalist: 13.3%
VVD — Centre-right: 10.8%
GL/PvdA — Social democrat: 10.6%
D66 — Social liberal: 10.4%
BBB — Agrarian: 7.7%
DENK — Muslim party: 7.0%
PvdD — Animal rights: 4.1%
NSC — Centre-right: 2.8%
VOLT — Euro-federalist: 2.6%
CU — Christian: 1.9%
PPNL/DG — Pirate party: 1.9%

4.2k 1 40 31 71

3k 0 50 40 52 dan repost
JUST IN - Radical climate group "Letzte Generation" (Last Generation) is a criminal organization, a regional court in Germany rules.

The purpose and activities of the group were aimed at committing criminal offences, the court's State Protection Chamber ruled.

The criminal organization "Letzte Generation" is primarily financed by the "Climate Emergency Fund" based in California. One of the fund's founders is the American philanthropist Aileen Getty.

@disclosetv dan repost
NEW - Net migration to UK hits record high: Surge fuelled by 1.2 million migrants granted visas primarily from outside the EU.


Europe Elects Official dan repost
#Netherlands, national parliament election:

98.5% counted


PVV→ID: 37% (+20)
GL/PvdA-G/EFA|S&D: 25 (+8)
VVD-RE: 24 (-10)
NSC→EPP: 20 (new)
D66-RE: 9 (-15)
BBB-*: 7 (+6)

+/- vs. 2021 election #verkiezingen2023

Europe Elects Official dan repost
#Netherlands, national parliament election:

48% of the vote counted

PVV→ID: 22.7%
GL/PvdA-G/EFA|S&D: 15.0%
VVD-RE: 14.6%
NSC→EPP: 12.5%
D66-RE: 5.9%
BBB-*: 4.9%
CDA-EPP: 3.4%
SP→LEFT: 3.0%
SGP-ECR: 2.6%
DENK-*: 2.4%
Fvd-NI: 2.2%
PvdD-LEFT: 2.2%
CU-EPP: 2.2%

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.

10 299

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