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So last year, in all the Truther groups on Facebook, a video would continuously get circulated, of a naked boy (man) falling to his death from buckingham Palace window

I investigated the footage, at first sight I thought it was real, after all, we all know theres some shady stuff going on in the Royal family

I looked further into it and was able to see it was a fake video, no one would listen to me, so I actually went to buck pal (whilst investigating Greg Halletts claims too) and proved it was fake, yet some people, due to cognitive dissonance argued that even with proof in front of their eyes, that it was real... Unbelievable

Check out this short video that debunks it, and next time you see it shared, share this investigation

I know we all want people to be caught and held to account for crimes against children and humanity, but sharing disinformation actually harms the truth movement, it contributes to invalidating any real evidence we put forward


Jordan Sather dan repost
Nicholas Veniamin shares a post from a "DoctorQ's Boom Box" channel claiming to be pictures of the "D.U.M.B. living quarters for the Elite".

Let's fact check.

A reverse image search shows one of these images being from Beijing's underground city, the photo has been online for over 10 years. Another picture is an artist's CGI creation. Another picture is a stock Adobe image.

This "DoctorQ Boom Box" channel also shared fake images a few days ago and claimed they were Med Beds.

The amount of bullshit that "The Team", like Nicholas Veniamin, Charles Ward, Simon Parkes, Michael Jaco, Scott McKay, Juan O Savin et al.... pumps out is utterly incredible - and they have a lot of nameless, faceless accounts online that help them.

Clare Hocking Okell (The Great British Bird) recently shared this clickbait disinformation, here you can see where she's taken the picture from

Disinformation, she's a fraud!

Good on you Jordan Sather

$350 for a useless USB stick, bargain!? Protect you from 5G radiation apparently... They dont

Simon Parkes sells these, this is grifting, this is taking advantage of vulnerable people, playing on their fears, shame on you Simon!

Are these guys mentally ill, knowingly grifting or a mixture of both?

Huna Flash is a Guru or Huna of Maori decent in NZ,
Huna Flash claimed to his followers that he teleported on camera which he shared on his YouTube, we exposed this lie! Check it out in this short clip taken from a rather heated interview with him!

Huna works with David Mahoney and was promoting the fake king Greg Hallett as legit, Huna says he's going to send his supporters some money when he soon gets some Nesara Gesara Download codes

The moment he was exposed:


Check out the full story on me and Just Tis investigating Huna here

The full story behind The exposure of Huna Flash:


Check out Just Tis channel:


I advise you watch the video 'Huna Flash Exposed: The story' https://youtu.be/1I7rCVJCK8g

here's the links to the 'Just Truth' breakdown of 'Stargates and Portals' and our later interview with Huna Flash and his Huna friends

Just truth on 'Stargates and Portals':


Our interview with Huna Flash:


Guys if you are on twitter and haven't already, follow Charlie Wards cleaning lady, hillarious!


Simon Parkes, Dr Charlie Ward: Expose the frauds and fakes dan repost

Charlie is farming peoples personal data. (Possibly illegally depending on what/if he has GDPR T&C’s (UK/EU only))

Remember how Facebook makes money; data.

Charlie will sell your personal data. 🐸
Important Insiders Club RV Update 4-27-2021
This is "Important Insiders Club RV Update 4-27-2021" by MPN on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Guys don't forget to play this next time you watch the 'Dr' 👌

Brian Rose, he set up his own 'freedom of speech' platform, grifted alot of money, now is running for London mayor

Have you all seen my video on him?


Those pesky NDAs, Gag orders

You can join the connected chatroom here


The Outdoors Party, 1080 poison and the ITNJ ??

The International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ) was co founded in February 2015 by Sacha Stone and Rebecca Cope.
Sacha Stone is also known as Simon Jean Paul Sacha Adams.

It seems the ITNJ was started with the right intentions but it has been hijacked by Sacha Stone in the early stages and he took control of it.
I have noticed Sacha Stone has been referring to himself as the “founder of the ITNJ” when he is a co founder.
Documents seem to show co founder Rebecca Cope was bullied by Sacha Stone until she left the ITNJ.
(PDF documents are available)

Sacha Stone has already publicly shown among our anti 1080 people in New Zealand that when people ask questions that he can’t or doesn’t want to answer he becomes abusive and threatens legal action.

During the “New Earth Haven” live stream presentation in Norway in 2016 Sacha Stoned makes claims that he has “secured absolute free energy technology” and “it will take about a year for us to get into the full manufacture of this”.
He also said,
“You just plug the god damn thing in and it works”.
I don’t know what other people think but I can’t see how anything that needs to be plugged in can be classed as “a free energy technology”.
Maybe somebody could ask him how the free energy machine is going seeing as he said it would be “available in about a year” which was way back in 2016.

3 minute video link attached:


What an absolute total fraud and crock of shite.
This is who prominent anti 1080 campaigners, Outdoors Party President Alan Simmons and Lawyer Sue Grey of New Zealand have got involved with in the ITNJ

What was the outcome of the ITNJ’s “Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse” in London earlier this year ?
The link below was sent to me by Alan Simmons on 27th September 2019 after I messaged him about my serious concerns regarding the ITNJ.


Was anybody accused of any crimes at the ITNJ’s “Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse” or was it just a talkfest ?
The ITNJ does not have any jurisdiction to accuse, sentence or convict anybody so it is a meaningless excercise and in any case it must have been rather problematical seeing that the ITNJ’s Chief Justice (fake judge) “Sir John Walsh of Brannah” has been struck off from practicing as a lawyer.
Rumour has it that he got his “Sir title” from a Weet-Bix box.
(Only New Zealanders will understand what is meant by that)
Perhaps the fake judge Sir John Walsh could enlighten us as to how and where he got his knighthood ?

President of the Outdoors Party Alan Simmons made the following public post on 1st October 2019 where among other things and when referring to the “People Power” festival which seems to be planned around the ITNJ coming to New Zealand in March 2020 to run a fake Judicial hearing, he said,
“There will be a chance for everyone to record their experiences with poison including events for children to have a junior inquiry.”
Could Alan Simmons please clarify if the ITNJ is still coming to NZ and what is meant by “junior inquiry” as I am very concerned that this meant that children would be used as witnesses in the planned ITNJ fake “Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Weaponisation of the Biosphere”.
Would there be videos of these children circulating around the internet ?
What protections would be in place for these children if they are used by the ITNJ to further their cause ?

Personally I would NEVER risk exposing my children to the ITNJ !!!

ASK YOURSELF should the Anti 1080 Movement be getting involved with these scumbag global scamsters ??

The thing to remember is that the ITNJ seem to have hoodwinked a lot of good well meaning people in the Anti 1080
movement for their nefarious purposes including, it seems, a lawyer and a political party leader.

*Read on for more*

Jordan Sather dan repost
Holy crap, at the "nesara.shop" website promoted by "Dr." Charles Ward, they're selling a novelty $1,000,000 JFK note for 80 pounds, which is about 110 U.S. Dollars.

You can find the exact same $1M JFK collectible note on eBay for $1.28.

The Melania Trump 2020 collectors note on "nesara.shop", also selling for $110, can be found on Amazon for about $10.

And Charles Ward is promoting this? Textbook definition of GRIFT. (Not to mention using Q related insignia, WWG1WGA, to sell shit that has nothing to do with Q)

EVERYONE in this "Team", especially those that consistently work with and promote Charles Ward (Rob Steele, Scott McKay, Ann Vandersteel, Mel K, David Nino, Simon Parkes, etc.) should answer as to why they are enabling the clear misinformation and scammy grifting to continue. Why doesn't anyone speak up about this?!

Jordan Sather dan repost
Yesterday, Simon Parkes made a post on his website claiming "children were being transported in containers" on the ship in the Suez Canal and "the operation was a success", alluding to the Navy SEAL claims going viral this weekend.

Today David Nino reposted Simon Parkes web post with the claims of the alleged op.

Yesterday Michael Jaco claimed that he remote viewed that children were on the ship, had tarot card readers on his show claiming their card pulls showed things going on with the ship, and showed a blog from a website called "Operation Disclosure Official" as evidence of the alleged Navy SEAL op.

On Friday night Scott McKay read a text on his video yesterday from his "inside sources" that he alluded to as being called "Overwatch", this text apparently said, and I paraphase, "seizure of surface vessel from JSOC operation, SEALs and Russians involved, 1300 bodies recovered."

We are supposed to believe all this based on what?
"The Team" gives such easy ammunition for the MSM to clown on us with.

When I hit 10k subscribers a little while back I made a video showing highlights of my journey having a channel, most of last year from its launch in August I was investigating a very popular guy claiming to be king of England, other territories and holding the title christ

I found out there was many holes in his story, I interviewed his family and looked into his ancestory, I was shocked to see he was scamming people with this story, taking money and affecting people's mental health

This led to me also looking at others who were promoting him, like Charlie Ward and David Mahoney

Check out the highlights here


Channel rules

1. No offensive or racist behaviour

2. No spam or promotions

3. Be kind and respectful to other commentors

4. Try to keep on topic

5. No fear porn... Or any porn for that matter

6. The channel admin run the channel, they speak for me, respect their decisions

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Go to Charlie Wards Nesara website to be ripped off with overpriced currency

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