Zeitungsberichte über die Novemberpogrome
The good prospects for a gradual spread of anti-Semitism have suffered a serious setback as a result of the Grünspan incidents; even the most bitter anti-Semites are anxious to dissociate themselves from methods of this kind. Yesterday in an old Protestant church in Massachusetts they went so far as to have a Rabbi preach for the first time, departing from a 300-year-old tradition, in order to show that in a situation like the present they stand by the Jews. This is perhaps a rather insignificant incident, but it is typical of the feeling here.
I enclose a copy of the latest weekly report of Dr. Sell, our Press Attache. Since the report was written, the tide has rather tended to rise.
With best wishes,
Heil Hitler!
Yours ever, Dieckhoff“
27. ↑ Zit. n. Documents on German Foreign Policy 1918-1945, Dok. 269, S. 332:
„With reference to my report 4394 of October 31, 1938.
Subject: Changes in Anglo-German relations in the last few weeks.
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The good prospects for a gradual spread of anti-Semitism have suffered a serious setback as a result of the Grünspan incidents; even the most bitter anti-Semites are anxious to dissociate themselves from methods of this kind. Yesterday in an old Protestant church in Massachusetts they went so far as to have a Rabbi preach for the first time, departing from a 300-year-old tradition, in order to show that in a situation like the present they stand by the Jews. This is perhaps a rather insignificant incident, but it is typical of the feeling here.
I enclose a copy of the latest weekly report of Dr. Sell, our Press Attache. Since the report was written, the tide has rather tended to rise.
With best wishes,
Heil Hitler!
Yours ever, Dieckhoff“
27. ↑ Zit. n. Documents on German Foreign Policy 1918-1945, Dok. 269, S. 332:
„With reference to my report 4394 of October 31, 1938.
Subject: Changes in Anglo-German relations in the last few weeks.
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