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Ad Perpetuam Memoriam MDCCCLXXXIX
Father, English, Writer, PA, Social Nationalist (not neo-Nutzi, a Jewish caricature of Aryan NS; a Jewish distortion/corruption sold to the sheeple & adopted by the gullible and naive.

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So today WWII expert and historian David Irving is trending on Twitter because Michael Gove owns one of his books, The War Path after a photo of his bookshelf was shared. Gove also appears to own The Bell Curve about IQ and racial realities and two books by Guillaume Faye, Archeofuturism and Why We Fight by Arktos.

"Literal communist" Ash Sarkar and Owen Jones have kicked off about it as you can expect. The comments are very interesting.

I suppose as I own 60 books on Islam I am a child predator? Retardium Logicum Maximorium.

A lot are saying that what is shocking is the amount of people calling for censorship! But what I find most shocking is his terrible taste in books in general. Oh, and he doesn't even own Irving's Hiter's War (which is basically the massively extended cersion), Churchill's War vol. I & II or Nuremberg or Destruction of Dresden. Just the War Path. Shocking.

This puts Mark Collett to shame as his Bookgate didn't trend on Twitter. Lol


It turns out that an Israeli historian, Joel Rappel has recently discovered that the '6 million' holocaust figure was invented at a Zionist conference in Palestine (now Israel) on January 19th 1944. Strange as it has always been contended by establishment historians and official narrative supporters alike that the holocaust figure was established after the Second World War during the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg.
So, how was it possible to have been created over a year before the end of the war whilst the alleged holocaust was still going on? Magic! And the magicians name was Polish-Jew Eliezer Unger.

What is more, the magical figure of 6 million as it relates to Jewish persecution actually dates back all the way to the late 1800s! And has been used many, many times before Hitler even took power! Don Heddesheimer’s book, The First Holocaust—The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure (now also a documentary) "reveals a Jewish-Zionist propaganda pattern that has been used since the late 1800s, first against czarist Russia, then in favor of the Soviet Revolution, next against Nazi Germany, and finally and ever since in favor of Israel."

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world the figure of 6 million could actually be taken seriously, especially after the memorial sign at Auschwitz was dramatically reduced but the final toll remained the same, and this reduction happened at other "death camps" too! And this all happened decades after the end of the war!

In 16 European countries, with Britain shortly to follow, you can actually be persecuted, fined and imprisoned for discussing this!

As I have said elsewhere, in a free and democratic nation truth does not need to be enforced with laws. On the contrary, falsehoods will be seen as such by the people and just as easily be exposed as such. Truth should not fear scrutiny, only lies should.



"We have to fight to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and people, the sustenance of our children, the purity of our blood, and the freedom and independence of the Fatherland. Only then may our people fulfill the mission assigned to them by the creator of the universe.
All ideas and ideals, all teaching and all knowledge, must serve these ends. Everything must be examined from this viewpoint and turned to practical uses, or else discarded. Thus a theory can never become a mere dead doctrine, since everything must serve life."

- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. I, Ch. VIII, Eher Verlag, July 18, 1925. [Source: Dalton translation. p. 409, Dual English-German Translation by Prof. Dr. Thomas Dalton, Ph.D., May 3, 2017, Clemens and Blair, LLC, 690 pages. ISBN-13: 978-0692684153. English only translation, p. 229, Aug 24, 2018, Clemens and Blair, LLC, 380 pages. ISBN-13: 978-1732353220]




Well, kind of. But keep reading and you will understand the hypocrisy of him shunning and ostricizing people who talk to Mark Collett.

On May 1st 2020 Milo shared a controversial reading list he put together stating,

"A gift for young conservatives! Michelle Malkin & I have assembled this list for those of you wondering what on earth to read to broaden your knowledge of the west, America, and the critical social, cultural and political issues facing your generation. It's the definitive guide to building your library.
The first tab has our full list of reading suggestions, including topic, “rank” (how important it is to read) and and “grade” (how hard it is to read), while the second tab gives tips for new readers, or those out of the habit.
With this list and these suggestions, you can build your own America First library and learn everything you need to know about what you’re fighting to protect. Enjoy. Suggestions, corrections and additions to"

On the list Milo recommends Dr. William Pierce's Hunter and Turner Diaries, Hitler's Mein Kampf, Dr. Kevin MacDonald's Culture of Critique, Jared Taylor's If We Do Nothing, Jean Raspail's Camp of the Saints and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion!

We can expect that from Milo, he thrives on shocking. But the really shocking thing is that TOMMY ROBINSON shared it not long afterwards!

Far "worse" than whatever @MarkCollett recommended! (Bookgate). lol

Not that I have a problem with any of them, they're all excellent books. Bit coming from Tommy? Does he nieces it? Does he check things before he shares them? Are the Jews that pull his strings trying to tarnish and destroy him for some reason? Although, he lying, fraud, and scamming of his donors will do that.


Many a true word is spoken in jest! Imagine my shock...

"Birthday message to Hitler. You're dead and the Jews run the world. HA HA!" - Gilbert Gottfried, Twitter, April 20th 2020



Daughter of Albion Official dan repost
Why do Jews in London have their own police force (Shomrim) and ambulance service (Hatzola)? Can we plz start demanding to know why so many special interest groups insist on living alongside us as separate colonies, expecting us to share our space, but taking no interest in sharing access to their services?

Poisonous Mushroom dan repost
Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, Dalton Translation.
(All Editions: Dual German-English, English, Essential.
Photo: Hamilton P. Rudberry, England, Nov 27, 2019)

Finally a 100% perfect and superior to any other English translation has been made available; the Dalton translation!

Outside of the original German, this is the only translation in English worth bothering with!

It is sure to become the standard edition!

Regarding the English translations of Mein Kampf; Ford, Stalag and Dalton

Purchase links:

Rethinking "Mein Kampf"
by Prof. Dr. Thomas Dalton, Ph.D.

Hitler's Mein Kampf: The ONLY Translation You Will Want! RETHINKING "MEIN KAMPF"

Original publishing history

Vol. I - July 18th 1925
Vol. II - December 10th 1926

You're correct, you were never asked. But then again why would the question of an event that didn't happen be posed to you? And "gas ovens"? At least get your falsified history narrative correct. Gas ovens. Lol.

Here's some help:




""Conservatives" are the world's champion ostriches, muttering to each other down under the sand in "secret", while their plumed bottoms wave in the breezes for the Jews to kick at their leisure. Conservatives are fooling nobody but themselves."

- Commander George Lincoln Rockwell, White Power, Ch. XII: Fifty Years of Failure, August 1967.

"Basically, the conservatives are aracial. Their primary concerns are economic: taxes, government spending, fiscal responsibility; and social: law and order, honest government, morality. At worst, their sole interest is the protection of their standard of living from the encroachments of the welfare state; at best, they are genuinely concerned about the general decay of standards and the trend toward mobocracy and chaos. But, as a whole, they show very little concern for the biological problem of which all these other problems are only manifestations."

- Dr. William L. Pierce, Rockwell: A National Socialist Life

Commander George Lincoln Rockwell, Brown University Speech, 1966, introduced by Dr. William L. Pierce


The White Dragon of England - The True Symbol of the Ethnic English

English Nationalism Channel

English Nationalism Chat


My new article for Patriotic Alternative just went live.


Poisonous Mushroom dan repost
Do you want to understand the world? Then look into Jewish teachings and attitudes towards non-Jews (Gentiles/Goyim).

The Talmud is a large number of volumes of books and is Judaism's most authorative, sacred rabbinic writings. I recommend the following if people are interested; 4 books followed by 1 documentary and 4 articles.

* Judaism Discovered (PDF) by Michael A. Hoffman II (author interviewed about the Talmud, reviewed by Israel Shamir, essay on why he wrote this book)

* Judaism's Strange God's by Michael A. Hoffman II

* The Talmud Unmasked (PDF) by Rev. I.B. Pranaitis

* Immorality in the Talmud by Alfred Rosenberg (purchase US, US or UK)

* The Other Israel by Rev. Ted Like (documentary on Talmud)

* The Talmud: Scalpel that Bleeds the Mideast by Rev. Ted Pike

* The Talmud encourages Jews to Deceive by Rev. Ted Pike

* Have You Read The Talmud Lately by Rev. Ted Pike

* Pedophilia: The Talmud's Dirty Secret by Rev. Ted Pike

Then look into who controls international finance, media, academia.

Source: @ukjewwisecafe

Cable Street: The Facts
by Keith Thompson

More myth busting information on Cable Street:



The Myth of Cable Street by Hengist
The Myth of Cable Street by Gordon Beckwell
Cable Street: The Facts by Keith Thompson
* Read: (message me if you cannot view)
* Buy:
Jewish Communist Inspired 'Battle of Cable Street' Myth
Why victory at Cable Street really belonged to Mosley's fascists
The Battle of Cable Street and Other British Jewish Myths


Regarding the recent discovery that "Eye on anti-Semitism" are behind the mass flagging of pro-White YouTube accounts (for example, here and here), the following two quotes spring to mind...

"What soon gave me cause for serious thought, with a slowly rising insight, were the activities of the Jews in certain fields of life.
Was there any shady undertaking, any form of nastiness—especially in cultural life—in which at least one Jew did not participate?
On putting the probing knife carefully to that kind of abscess, one immediately discovers, like a maggot in a rotting corpse, often blinded by the dazzling light, a little Jew."

- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. I, Ch. II, Eher Verlag, July 18, 1925. [Source: Dalton translation. p. 139, Dual English-German Translation by Prof. Dr. Thomas Dalton, Ph.D., May 3, 2017, Clemens and Blair, LLC, 690 pages. ISBN-13: 978-0692684153. English only translation, p. 91, Aug 24, 2018, Clemens and Blair, LLC, 380 pages. ISBN-13: 978-1732353220]

"The discovery of the Jewish virus is one of the greatest revolutions that have taken place in the world . . . How many diseases have their origin in the Jewish virus!"

- Adolf Hitler, Hitler's Table Talk (compiled by Martin Bormann), Entry: February 22nd 1942, Ostara Publications, 2016. p. 131.


Just fact checking (the other 3 book cabinets not visible. 95% of books are not Waterstones or Government approved.)

[Carl Spitzweg, Der Bücherwurm, 1850]


People tell me to shut up when I criticise Nick Griffin and his black pilling negativity. See here for my original post:

But, you see, people like them are acting in exactly the same way Tommytards act when he is criticised; just as with the Cult of Tommy, we have the Cult of Griffin. I guarantee those criticising me were not a member or supporter of the BNP from 2000 like I and Mark Collett were. I bet they're relatively new to the movement and that's why they latch onto the big name Griffin and his lies and negativity. Sad and naive really.
They act like he is some sort of prophet because of his history. The thing is, they are unaware of his true history. Listen to the links I provide. Ask yourself this, why is he suddenly making a big come-back from nowhere since he destroyed the BNP and following Patriotic Alternative starting to make headlines? And making a come-back spreading only black-pills!

Griffintards are the Tommunists of the ethno-nationalist right.


At 54:32 listen to an excellent & amusing take by Mark Collett on the White Jew, negative and black-pilling Nick Griffin. This interview (alt link) also gives info on why Griffin shouldn't be trusted (This is why it was private).

"Beware of the White Jew, the traitor to his own people and country." - English Proverb

"There are white Jews [i.e., Gentiles who are as bad as Jews].

Sure, there are enough dirty dogs among us, even if they are Germans, who use immoral methods to oppress their own ethnic and blood comrades.

But why do you call them white Jews? That assumes there is something in the Jewish nature that is inferior and contemptible.

That is exactly what we think. Why do you ask us why we are opponents of the Jews when you are one, too, without realizing it?"

- Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Why Do We Oppose The Jews?, Der Angriff, July 30th, 1928 [Source: “Warum sind wir Judengegner?” Der Angriff. Aufsätze aus der Kampfzeit (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP., 1935), pp. 329-331.]

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