Neocortical Warfare

Kanal geosi va tili: Butun dunyo, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

In this accelerated timeline staying aware is halfway prepared.
Next step is staying focused, determined and with a correct attitude and invincible will.

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Kanal geosi va tili
Butun dunyo, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri

History Clearinghouse 📜 dan repost
"One of the most important books of the 20th century, exposing the Bolshevik rise to power (financed by Jewish bankers).

Written by Anthony Sutton, whom modern Communists absolutely despise
" (source)

Vanessa Beeley dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Definitely worth 25 minutes of your time to fully understand the degeneracy of the WHO (World Health Organisation)

Dr. David Martin 2023

The Trutherist dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Rapeseed oil is Canola oil and Canola oil is industrial lubricant. Not safe for consuming!! Share this wide please.

Credit: Ana Lucic dan repost
Mind Control Patents Vol. 2 -

Mind Control Patents Vol. II ²⁰²⁵



🧠 Mind Control Patents dan repost
Mind Control Patents Vol. 1 -

Mind Control Patents Vol. I ²⁰²⁵



🧠 Mind Control Patents

The Rabbi's books dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Simon Dixon explains why they've been collecting our data for years. It's not for ads.

LauraAboli dan repost
January 8, 2024
🚨We now have 71 candidates, 48 elected officials and 1 Surgeon General from 26 states publicly stating the COVID shots must be pulled off the market.
Many are also pledging not to take donations from Big Pharma. Over 17,000 physicians stand behind them.
Keep reading 👇

The Solari Report dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Fiscal Instability Was Not a Problem for Decades, Because the U.S. Had Military to Enforce the Tithe

Solari Report Money & Markets: January 9, 2025 with Catherine Austin Fitts & John Titus

Full Report:

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The Solari Report dan repost
Solari Report Subscribers Know! Stay Informed of Where the Trend is Going

"Of the many revelations of the COVID-19 regime, one disturbing aspect is the use of online psychological warfare techniques to identify, isolate, and even destroy critics of the lockdowns and the so-called “vaccines.”

Recent reports from the United Kingdom have revealed the existence of an online influence operation dating back to 2011. Partnered with British Army intelligence, and with an alleged financial interest in profiting from the “COVID-19” regime, a group called the “Mutton Crew” has been seeking to ruin the lives of COVID-skeptic British doctors and even a member of Parliament."

Read the full story:

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/CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global dan repost
🇨🇳 The claim that countries needs to import migrant labor is a neoliberal lie.

China actually has a factory worker shortage, because no young Chinese wants to work in factories.
Our solution is not to import migrant labors, but to automate and fill the gap with robots.

Another aspect of the solution is to reform our vocational education systems to train more skilled factory workers who collaborate with robots.

This retains the jobs with the Chinese people, it also raises the wage in general.

📎 Zhao DaShuai

LauraAboli dan repost
There’s nowhere to run, we’ve got to face it all and rise!

Middle East Spectator – MES dan repost
— ☦️ 🎄 Merry Christmas to our Orthodox Christian subscribers!

🇷🇺 С Рождеством

🇷🇸 Срећан Божић

🇧🇬 Весела Коледа

🇷🇴 Crăciun fericit

🇬🇷 Καλά Χριστούγεννα

عيد ميلاد مجيد 🇵🇸

🇺🇦 щасливого Різдва

🇦🇲 շնորհավոր Սուրբ Ծնունդ

checkur6 - Covid Jab video compilations dan repost
** Vaxxed 3-5 year life-span explained ** source

The Solari Report dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Organizing a Sovereign State Bank with Professor Richard A. Werner - Full Interview

For the first Solari Report interview of 2025, I am pleased to welcome back Professor Richard A. Werner (@ProfessorWerner), one of the world’s top experts in banking and finance. He returns to deepen our discussion of sovereign state banks, a topic he previously addressed in his superb briefing memo titled Why A Sovereign State Bank Is Good for Tennessee, which was part of our 2023 report on The Future of Financial Freedom. Richard has now produced a similar document for the state of Florida, which has announced its interest in creating a State Bank of Florida.

Currently, North Dakota is the only U.S. state with a sovereign state bank—the very successful Bank of North Dakota (BND). Given that one of the principal aims of a sovereign state bank is to support (and not compete with) the small local banks that are the backbone of vibrant local economies, it is no accident that North Dakota’s community banks and credit unions—and hence, its small businesses—are thriving. In North Dakota, 83% of the state’s total bank deposits are in community banks and credit unions, versus just 30% on average in other states.

Full Report:

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Need to know

Brian Berletic's New Atlas Channel dan repost
🇺🇸NEW VIDEO: Washington's Unstoppable Superweapon & How to Begin Defending Against It

On YouTube:

"At first glance, the NED and other US efforts to control political and information space around the globe don’t appear to be “weapons” at all. Upon closer inspection, they represent the most devastating “weapons of mass destruction” employed this 21st century. They represent a serious threat to global peace, stability, and prosperity. Equally serious efforts must be made to expose and defend against them."

Follow The New Atlas on Telegram:

Cosmotheism dan repost
Cosmotheists understand that the Cosmos is a unified Whole comprised of various parts. It is the pantheon of all nature. Our worldview is not new, but ancient and reemergent.

Cosmotheism dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
“If you worship your enemy, you are defeated.
If you adopt your enemy's religion, you are enslaved.
If you breed with your enemy, you are destroyed.”

- King Polydoros of Sparta

Edward Dowd dan repost
MAHA cannot happen without addressing why pharma, FDA, and CDC decided to ignore human biology. You cannot just wish things to be true because you want a vaccine. mRNA platforms are NOT safe and NEVER will be ever.


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