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Politics and News from Hungary and the greater brotherhood of Europa.

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ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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Keith Woods dan repost
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🇦🇹 Great news from Austria, where the nationalist Freedom Party has just come out as the largest party in today's election. They are projected to receive 29% of the vote – two points ahead of the governing conservative party.

Here's their leader advocating remigration.

Europe Elects Official dan repost
#Austria, national parliament election, Foresight 9:30 PM projection:

FPÖ-PfE: 28.8% (+12.6)
ÖVP-EPP: 26.3% (-11.2)
SPÖ-S&D: 21.1% (-0.1)
NEOS-RE: 9.2% (+1.1)
GRÜNE-G/EFA: 8.3% (-5.6)
KPÖ-LEFT: 2.4% (+1.7)
BIER-*: 2% (new)
KEINE-LEFT: 0.6% (+0.1)
LMP-*: 0.6% (new)

+/- vs. last election dan repost
JUST IN - Right-wing FPÖ party projected to win the election in Austria, beating the center-right conservatives ÖVP for the first time ever.


Europe Elects Official dan repost
#Germany, Brandenburg regional parliament election:

Results for 16-24 year olds (Infratest dimap exit poll)

AfD-ESN: 32% (+14)
SPD-S&D: 18% (+6)
BSW-NI: 13% (new)
LINKE-LEFT: 7% (-4)
GRÜNE-G/EFA: 7% (-20)
BVB/FW~RE: 2% (-2)
FDP-RE: 2% (-4)

+/- vs. 2019 exit poll result dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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JUST IN - Netherlands: One dead, more injured after stabbing in Rotterdam, suspect shouted "Allahu Akbar."

@disclosetv dan repost
NEW - Electric vehicle sales in Germany dropped 69% year-on-year in August, the European Automobile Manufacturers' Association said Thursday.

MORE - Germany's largest car manufacturer Volkswagen is reportedly planning to cut up to 30,000 jobs, Manager-Magazin reports.


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Scenes from the front lines: Hungary's border near Ásotthalom.

Local field police officers report that migrant incursions occur daily, often escalating into violent confrontations. The residents, known for their resilience, are beginning to feel the strain as tensions rise. Migrants are pushing their patience to the limit. This part of Hungary is known for its strong sense of community independence and self-reliance.

Human traffickers often abandon their vehicles on the roadside or set them on fire to destroy any potential evidence.

Meanwhile, the Hungarian border police are stretched thin, doing their best despite restrictions that prevent them from using live ammunition against aggressive and dangerous migrants and human traffickers. These traffickers are often heavily armed, sometimes even with machine guns, making the situation increasingly volatile.

These men and women are heroes to us all!

Ásotthalom, Hungary

Some images from the old country. More to come!

Zorchwave dan repost
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Hungary became one of the most successful Olympic teams in the world. Relative to our population, we won over five times as many medals as the United States!

- United States: 123
- China: 90
- United Kingdom: 64
- France: 62
- Australia: 51
- Hungary: 19

Hungary boasts an impressive 1.98 medals per million inhabitants, compared to 0.34 for the United States and 0.06 for China. Despite the unfair loss of two medals due to politically motivated actions, our team has achieved remarkable success.

Once again, I am a proud Hungarian! WAY TO GO, HUNGARIANS!

Source: @Diasthegoat7 on X


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