Ohio Reich

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Ohio Uber Alles! The Iron Legions of Ohio will redirect the continent from the ashes of Civil War like a Phoenix into the premier continental superpower.

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Two brigades of Iron Legion heavy infantry have been deployed from the Heartland. 25,000 men under the banner of the Reich are about to come crashing down on the pestilential blight that is Chicagoland. We do not want to possess the blighted landscape of Chicagoland. We simply aim to flatten it.

The situation with Chicagoland continues to deteriorate. The enclave of communist presence there has been historically annoying but not existentially threatening. This is changed by the presence of the Californian tunnels. General mobilization of the Legions has begun.

Deep embed intelligence asset in California Technocracy was able to transmit this image of one of the Boring tunnels that reaches from California to Chicago.

Our 4 OSSF teams have returned from their cross training with @AmerKatholicKhanate

The rapid strike cavalry methods they have learned are beyond valuable in a world with such damaged roads and bridges from the past 2 decades of fighting. They will be passing on this training to help facilitate the creation of dedicated dirt bike special cavalry. The enemy can run, but he cannot escape.

Most fighting has moved out of Gary and intensity has dropped off tremendously. Operations to dispose of enemy dead are ongoing.

Scenes of destruction in Gary where intense fighting has leveled significant portions of the city.

Three platoons of new Detroit manufactured King Floppa Panzer main battle tanks arrived to help turn the tide in the Battle of Gary. The effects of these superior fighting vehicles has been unregistered and decisive. Enemy troops are in complete route.

FIRN resistance fighters have been of tremendous assistance. Their familiarity with local street and sewer layouts are proving a decisive advantage.

Conflict in the Chicagoland outskirts has intensified. Infrequent Intel updates are due to admin personal involvement in the fighting near Gary. It is now apparent that California Technocracy must have at least one open bore tunnel inside Chicagoland.

Heavy fighting continues in downtown Portage. Reich troops are preparing to enter the city to relieve the beleaguered Indiana Republican Guard garrison.
Reports have arrived that more sophisticated enemy troops have entered the fighting. Unconfirmed intelligence suggests they may be advisors from California Technocracy.

New Carolinia dan repost
The Goose Creek Fleet launched an offensive siege today on the unsecured portions of the Cuban isles. The siege is comprehensive, blocking off all access and supplies from all angles. A series of small pushes into the jungle have been as of yet unsuccessful, but it is only a matter of time before these foul terrorists buckle under the pressure.

The fleet's aircraft carrier has been deployed for this operation. Victory is expected.

Major offensive in Cuba and Hispaniola happening now.

Two formations of Chicagoland mechanized infantry fighting vehicles, mostly pickup truck technicals, have launched an offensive push into North Eastern Indiana Republic. The infantry garrisons in Portage and Hobart are well fortified due to their proximity to the border of Chicagoland territory. Estimated enemy strength exceeds 350 black militia and almost 80 vehicles.

Chicagoland People's Gazette dan repost
The POC of Chicago can no longer tolerate the existence of white supremacists in our city who provide aid to the insurrectionists and racists who tried to kill Overlord Obama. People's Mayor Lightfoot has proposed to move any remaining non-POC into an isolated district in the city to prevent their interaction with the rest of the population. They will not be compensated for any property that is seized from them.

Let's be real, if you're white and you live in Chicagoland in 2039 you deserve this.

A VBIED exploded in Lafayette, Indiana Republic this morning at 0724EST. The attack was timed to target morning rush hour commuters headed into the city. It is still unknown how many innocent civilians have been killed or injured. This is obvious retaliation for the missile attack last night.

Chicagoland People's Gazette dan repost
Breaking: Overlord Obama is currently missing. His convoy was ambushed by unknown assailants on the way to the airport following the all clear signal after the missile attack. The ambush occurred south of the bridge at the corner of LaSalle and Wacker.

Looks like out of 12 rockets launched the commies swatted 4 with their anti missile systems.

They would have to be people for us to feel bad.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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