
Kanal geosi va tili: AQSh, Inglizcha
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Nuestra Ira No Tiene Limites
There is No Limit to Our Anger
V. M. Molotov

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AQSh, Inglizcha
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Oh no....



7.8k 1 34 51 611

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The epic explosion of an American International MaxxPro armored vehicle on a mine in the city of Toretsk, which is currently being fought over.


8.7k 1 12 25 172

A story about the incredible skill of a pilot and a little luck that ultimately helped save lives

This happened relatively long ago - our Ka-52 attack helicopter was sent on a combat mission and a "whirlwind" was already underway, but at that very moment the Ukrainians launched a British Starstreak HVM at the helicopter.

The principle of this missile's guidance is based on a laser beam and its special feature is its warhead in the form of three "crowbars" that hit the target kinetically.

They saw it in time and quickly swerved, lucky. I saw it flying straight into the cabin. It only scraped.,
- the pilot commented.

As a result, the crew managed to avoid their death, and the missile only slightly grazed the iron "alligator".


8k 0 39 4 320

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Precise landings of glide bombs on hangars with Ukrainian equipment and personnel in the villages of Daryevka and Oleksandrivka in the Kherson region.


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An airstrike by the Russian Air Force with an ODAB-1500 glide bomb on the location of the 14th separate separate brigade's soldiers and their equipment in the Kupyansk area, Kharkov region.


Ukrainian channels report that the town of Selidovo finds itself semi-encircled.


10k 1 11 3 254

Iran has brokered ongoing secret talks between Russia and Yemen's Houthi rebels to transfer anti-ship missiles to the militant group, three Western and regional sources said, a development that highlights Tehran's deepening ties to Moscow.

Seven sources said that Russia has yet to decide to transfer the Yakhont missiles – also known as P-800 Oniks - which experts said would allow the militant group to more accurately strike commercial vessels in the Red Sea and increase the threat to the U.S. and European warships defending them.

The WSJ reported in July that Russia was considering sending the missiles. Iran's role as an intermediary has not been previously reported.

SLG Notes: If Russia is sending anti-ship missiles they are looking at taking out US and UK military vessels not commercial vessels.


10.1k 0 51 22 379

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Units of the 144th Motorized Rifle Division continue to conduct successful offensive actions, destroying everything that gets in their way.

Today, another victim of the guardsmen was a Banderite tank, which tried to fire at the positions they occupied. Having fired one shot, the vehicle turned around and tried to leave, but the skill of the Lancet operator left it no chance.

The first hit hit the power plant and paralyzed the tank, after which the crew, without waiting for a complete stop, abandoned the vehicle. The second use of the Lancet put an end to this confrontation.


10k 0 7 1 201

All night the authors of Western and Ukrainian telegrams were coming up with text and motivation about "useless Ugledar". In the morning, the base was told that it had ceased to be an important logistical hub. Well, now it definitely had. All the exits are blocked. Only through the chimney, into the ashes.



🇷🇺Courage and valor: the Russian army liberated Ostroe from the occupiers, rushing to Kurakhovo!

Soldiers of the 5th brigade of the Southern group of troops boldly and swiftly broke through the defense of the Ukrainian occupation forces in the Kurakhovo direction and broke into the settlement of Ostroye.

The coordinated actions of the fighters, their courage and determination made it possible to achieve significant results - the village of Ostroe was completely cleared of AFU in just a few days.


Russia will continue the special operation if the West does not allow it to get rid of the cancerous tumor in the form of the Kiev regime, as stated by Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya.


12.3k 1 23 10 437

Trump: US involvement in Ukraine war needs to end - Reuters

"Biden and Kamala got us into this war in Ukraine and now they can't get us out."

-Trump said at a campaign event in Georgia.

According to the presidential candidate, he "can handle this."

"I'll negotiate, I'll [help to] leave. We need to get out of there. Biden says: we're not leaving until we win. And what happens if they [Russia] win?"

-Trump said.


13.4k 1 30 24 409

🇷🇺🇺🇦 Russia plans to create bridgeheads near five regional centers to destroy them by the end of autumn - MP Bezuglaya

- "During the fall, the Russians plan to create bridgeheads near five regional centers and destroy them: Zaporozhye and Dnepr, which they are gradually approaching, Kharkov and Kherson, which have been under constant attack for a long time, as well as Sumy, which has become a springboard for our active actions in Kursk region," the former deputy head of the Rada defense committee said.

- Referring to the "inadequacy of the military leadership, which is busy with the 'Kursk sandbox' and takes brigades there," Bezuglaya urged "the military under such circumstances to pay attention to maximum horizontal coordination," that is, to coordinate actions without top leadership.


Turkey May Quit NATO If It Joins BRICS, as stated by the deputy chairman of the Turkish party "Motherland" Hakan Topkurulu.

He believes that Turkey's possible entry into BRICS will open up new prospects for the country and change its foreign policy course.

"Thirty-four countries, including Turkey, have applied for membership, which is amazing. Especially Turkey's application for membership and its acceptance is a revolutionary event in terms of a NATO member country breaking the NATO chain and becoming a member of BRICS,"
- the politician said.

BRICS, he added, "had become a new pole, which at first increased its force of attraction slowly, and since last year rapidly."


14.5k 3 65 50 461

US does not see "Putin's interest" in resuming START talks, as reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the White House.

Earlier, after the White House's statement on its readiness to resume negotiations with Russia on the new START, there followed a statement on Biden's intention to discuss with Zelensky the issue of lifting the ban on strikes deep into Russia.

Moscow had previously stated that Russia’s return to compliance with the New START Treaty was only possible if the United States abandoned its hostile course toward Russia.


14.7k 0 15 14 327

The British newspaper The Guardian reports that many Ukrainians who moved to European countries after the start of the Russian special operation risk ending up on the street due to cuts in aid programs.

According to the publication, there are about 6 million Ukrainian refugees in European countries.


16.9k 1 24 47 372

Подоляка не понимает нихера на оперативном уровне. (c) Ugolny, Bazov variation. 😁

Odessa authorities intend to demolish 19 monuments, including Pushkin, Gorky, Vysotsky and Babel. The list is published on the city council website.


15.6k 0 22 26 503

🇪🇪😂Estonia's special service is investigating the possible disclosure of state secrets by the head of the Defense Ministry Hanno Pevkur on Estonian television, the national state radio portal ERR reported.


17k 1 12 17 409

🚨🇺🇸 Kamala Harris: The Prison Industrial Complex’s Best Investment?

Leaked evidence suggests that Kamala Harris is gearing up for mass repression of political opposition if she wins the 2024 election. With deep ties to the prison lobby, her campaign is poised to profit from expanding the prison system—and she’s not afraid to use executive orders to target both the far-right and left.

From her record as California’s AG to her cozy relationships with corporate prison giants, Harris’ plans for America look more like a police state.

👉Read the full exposé here:

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