
Kanal geosi va tili: AQSh, Inglizcha
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AQSh, Inglizcha
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Photos of fortifications of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Zaporozhye region appeared on the Internet

Judging by the footage, the fortifications built with Western money could not withstand the climate and began to collapse on their own.


The President of the Czech Republic believes that Russia will retain control over new territories

Peter Pavel expressed this opinion during informal conversations with colleagues at a Swiss conference, the Times reports.

According to the publication, the Czech leader does not believe that Ukraine is capable of achieving success in the conflict with Russia in the near future.

Inna's note: a sudden change, eh?


In the Avdeevsky direction, Russian troops have advanced to the western outskirts of Novoaleksandrovka and, according to some data, are developing an offensive towards Vozdvizhenka, while the advancing troops are actively supporting the TOS-2 crews of the “Centre” group of troops.
🇺🇦 Enemy footage


4k 0 10 1 110

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🇷🇺 Fighting near Karlovka: the "Somali" battalion breaks forward, destroys enemy infantry and equipment.

- On the Avdeevka-Pokrovsky direction, Russian troops are advancing from the direction of Netailovo, storming Karlovka.
- At the beginning of the video clip is the destruction of BMP-1 and APC FV103 Spartan of the AFU, also an enemy burned tank can be seen.
- The breakthrough of our APC under enemy fire and the landing of the assault group.
- A Ukrainian pickup truck was hit by a drone attack. At the end of the video a failed attempt to counterattack the AFU and the loss of the BMP-2.

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@Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋

5.2k 0 10 6 142

💥Missile strike on a target near the city of Belgorod-Dnistrovsky, Odessa region.


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Images from the exchange of prisoners according to the 90-90 formula

90 of our defenders have returned from captivity and will soon be at home with their families and friends! They have been provided with medical assistance and psychological support!

North Wind

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@Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋

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Sergei Lavrov confirmed that during the SCO summit Belarus will become a full participant in the organization

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation noted that all agreements have already been secured.


8.3k 1 13 1 314

The Biden administration is moving toward lifting a de facto ban on American military contractors deploying to Ukraine, four US officials familiar with the matter told CNN, to help the country’s military maintain and repair US-provided weapons systems.

The change would mark another significant shift in the Biden administration’s Ukraine policy, as the US looks for ways to give Ukraine’s military an upper hand against Russia.

Once approved, the change would likely be enacted this year, officials said, and would allow the Pentagon to provide contracts to American companies for work inside Ukraine for the first time since Russia invaded in 2022. Officials said they hope it will speed up the maintenance and repairs of weapons systems being used by the Ukrainian military.

Asbery's Opinion: This would allow further use of US PMCs. The claim of maintenance and repairs in Ukraine is a dubious one given these sites are targeted and there is a lack of power.



8.8k 0 34 50 318

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⚡️ Donetsk is again under fire and, unfortunately, there are civilian casualties.

The enemy has struck the Kuibyshevskyi district. They hit from MLRS.

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@Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋

8.9k 0 13 16 294

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The footage from ATACMs strike at the Sevastopol beach appears to be operating in the manner it is suppose to be. No indications this was a missile intercepted by Russian AD and the attack on civilians was inadvertent. This appears to indicate the place of attack was deliberate.


11k 0 84 21 361

🇺🇸🇷🇺Pentagon Press Secretary Patrick Ryder:

U.S. Defense Secretary Austin spoke by phone today with Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov. During the conversation, the minister emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication amid Russia's ongoing war against Ukraine.

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@Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋

9.7k 0 9 18 366

🇺🇦🇪🇺 Ukraine's path to the EU: reforms, war and financial challenges - Das Erste

- Ukraine faces a long and difficult road to membership in the European Union despite the support of European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen, the newspaper reported. This is the first time the EU is negotiating accession with a country in armed conflict.

- Kiev needs to complete the reforms it has initiated and harmonize some 100,000 pages of laws covering democratic basics such as freedom of opinion and minority protection, as well as practical issues including food safety and consumer law. Most of the new members took years to fulfill these conditions.

- Even if Ukraine makes reforms quickly, joining the EU before the end of the conflict is ruled out to avoid EU involvement in hostilities.

- Another problem is funding. Under current reallocation rules, Ukraine can claim up to 17% of the EU budget, which would cause serious disputes among current subsidy recipients. Discussions on the reallocation of funds have not even begun, adding uncertainty to Ukraine's EU accession process.

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@Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋

10.2k 0 13 10 212

Retired U.S. Army officer and veteran of four wars Daniel Davis - on the U.S. weapons attack on Sevastopol.

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@Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋

11.3k 1 72 18 424

🇫🇷French Patriots party leader Florian Philippot:

What madness! The EU confirms that it will appoint Estonian Foreign Minister Kaja Kallas as the head of its "diplomacy". This war-obsessed hysteric with an intuitive hatred of Russia and blind obedience to NATO! So this Ursula protégé wants "the EU to purchase munitions on behalf of the 27 member states to provide increased military support to Ukraine" and "Eurobonds for defense"! She also wants to create a "European defense commissioner"!Toward a European army! Her appointment is aimed at exacerbating tensions, at making peace impossible, at bringing World War III closer!For the sake of peace, let's leave the EU, let's be free!

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@Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋

10.4k 0 48 27 464

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🇪🇺🇪🇪🤡Future EU foreign minister Kaja Kallas - a month ago about all Russians being wrong people.

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@Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋

10.5k 0 32 22 390

"Von der Leyen should get a second term": EU countries have agreed that Ursula remains in her post, Portuguese Prime Minister Costa will replace Charles Michel as head of the European Council and Kaja Kallas will succeed Borrell.

"Shortly before the EU summit, European heads of state and government agreed to nominate CDU politician Ursula von der Leyen for a second term as head of the European Commission. Von der Leyen is reportedly already trying to garner support to retain the post. If the EU parliament approves the proposals of the 27 heads of state and government in July, the following appointments should also take place:
✔️ Portugal's former head of government António Costa will become the new head of the European Council.
✔️ Estonian Prime Minister Kaija Kallas will become the new EU foreign affairs representative, succeeding Josep Borrell.
The appointments will be officially announced during a summit in Brussels"

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@Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋

10.8k 0 17 46 461

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Scholz on Germans demanding peace with Russia:

I want to touch on one topic right away, because I don't think we should ignore it. The fact is that there are many citizens who do not agree that we support Ukraine, who also do not agree that we have imposed sanctions on Russia. And this, among other things, is reflected in the election results. But in my view, there is no alternative to us changing that now. The understanding that borders cannot be moved by force, which we've had for decades, has been overturned by Russia. So we're going to have to continue to do that.

[And people in the East just have to understand that?]

I'm a little annoyed by some of the questions. Not the ones you're asking me now, but some of the ones I've heard. Because for the last two years I've only been asked if we need to do more, if I'm being too indecisive. I have always been in favor of prudence and making sure that we take every opportunity for a peaceful development that is not a surrender of Ukraine. And I continue to hold that view. And we saw that we can also achieve something, for example, through a peace conference.

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@Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋

11.3k 1 24 34 530

The Guardian - A quarter of a century ago, Vladimir Putin flew to Pyongyang to sign a ­“friendship treaty” with Kim Jong-il that helped revive Russia’s relations with North Korea without obliging the two sides to come to each other’s aid in case of a military attack.

With his visit last week, Putin has in effect gone further into the past, signing a deal with Kim Jong-un reminiscent of the 1961 security pact that existed under the Soviet Union during the cold war. But today Russia is engaged in a hot war in Ukraine that Putin has made his ­foreign policy priority, and a nuclear North Korea has become a crucial lifeline of munitions for his military.

“The treaty that Putin signed with Kim Jong-un was a return to the cold war, but of course in the cold war North Korea had no nuclear weapons,” said Dr Edward Howell, the Korea Foundation fellow with the Asia-Pacific programme at Chatham House, and a lecturer at the University of Oxford.

While last week’s summit was years in the making, it nonetheless marked a watershed in Russia’s relationship with North Korea, and one that US officials have warned could destabilise an uneasy balancing act in the region.

“Russia has now put in writing just how willing and committed it is to deepening and expanding its cooperation with North Korea,” said Jamie Kwong, a fellow in the nuclear policy programme at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Kim admired Russian space technology and fighter jets during a summit last year with Putin in Russia’s far east, and his wishlist could include technologies that would aid North Korea’s space and missile ­programmes simultaneously, as well as economic and energy support.

Putin’s immediate goal is to develop a partnership that has ­delivered millions of artillery shells, as well as ballistic missiles, ­desperately needed for his war in Ukraine. But the roots of the relationship go deeper: the two leaders have aligned in a growing anti-western coalition and seem increasingly unrestrained by western threats.

The image of Putin – who once regularly met US and European leaders – flying to Pyongyang to be feted by Kim was striking. During the summit, Putin gave Kim a second Russian-built Aurus limousine, in a symbolic rejection of the sanctions that the two sides have taken pleasure in flouting.

“The two leaders really just don’t care,” said Howell. “That highlights how, for Kim Jong-un, he now has a partner who is equally as delinquent as he is.”

US and Nato officials have voiced concern over potential ­support for North Korea’s missile and nuclear programmes. A copy of the treaty published by North Korea ­explicitly listed cooperation in “peaceful nuclear energy”, while US ­officials told NBC News that Russia would also be providing ­technology to aid North Korea’s atomic submarine programme.

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@Slavyangrad | Andrei 👋

11.3k 0 21 26 337

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FAB-3000 in questions and answers: analysis of the “Military Chronicle”

The use of these air bombs is gradually gaining momentum. So far, they are actively used only in the Kharkov region, but, apparently, their use in other sectors of the front will also not be long in coming. We have collected the most frequently asked questions regarding this weapon and tried to answer them in simple language.

■ Question: what is the accuracy of the FAB-3000?

Answer: approximately the same as for all bombs equipped with a universal gliding and correction module. Now the accuracy is slightly lower due to the fact that the UMPC itself is much larger and it takes time to bring it to fruition and a dozen missions to targets to collect data for study. The same thing happened with the first FAB-250/500 bombs.

■ Question: why not use several smaller caliber bombs instead of the FAB-3000?

Answer: any weapon is developed for specific tasks. FAB-3000 is no exception. It was invented to cause critical damage to protected enemy targets at one time. Using the example of recent videos of FAB-3000 arrivals, you can see that blowing half a concrete building into dust is not a problem for this bomb. Everything (for now) comes down to accuracy.

■ Question: what threat exists for the carrier of such a bomb?

Answer: the degree of threat is slightly higher than for carrier aircraft with smaller caliber bombs. Air bombs up to FAB-1500 are dropped from a much greater distance. Due to its size and weight, the FAB-3000 is dropped from (approximately) half the range.

■ Question: does it make sense to equip more powerful aerial bombs like the FAB-5000-M54 and FAB-9000-M54 with wings?

Answer: more likely no than yes. Despite being more powerful than the FAB-5000, the time for using these bombs, in our opinion, has passed. In the current combat situation (and in the future too), the use of such aerial bombs requires the use of specific carrier aircraft. The loss of one or two such “bomb carriers” like the Tu-22M3 is much more sensitive, and the set of targets that the crews of such aircraft will hit is quite typical for operational-tactical aviation.

■ Question: what will happen if the military abandons the FAB-3000?

Answer: nothing. The Russian Aerospace Forces have enough aerial bombs in their arsenal that can be used to solve assigned tasks. The niche for the FAB-3000 is seen in the destruction of very specific military and industrial facilities, for which the use of smaller caliber bombs is impractical. At the same time, we should not forget about volumetric detonating bombs, including the “daddy of all bombs” - ODAB-9000, which can also be equipped with wings. The feasibility of such a decision will be determined by the military, but this task is not impossible.

■ Question: where else will FAB-3000 be useful?

Answer: almost everywhere where the AFU occupies large industrial enterprises. A special feature of the bomb is its thick-walled body, which in some way increases its concrete-breaking properties in the event of a direct hit. There are many targets for the FAB-3000 both in and around Kharkov, as well as in large industrial zones of Ukraine equipped with parking lots for military equipment. Such facilities are available in Nikolaev, Odessa, the right bank of the Kherson region, in Zaporozhye and many other places.


11.6k 0 26 24 289

Representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia Svetlana Petrenko - about the attack on the Il-76 with Ukrainian prisoners near Belgorod

A set of investigative actions were carried out, including complex examinations, which made it possible to establish the involvement of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the crime. 

The leadership of the Main Intelligence Directorate and the Armed Forces of Ukraine knew for sure that on the specified date, Ukrainian prisoners of war would be delivered to the exchange site.

Despite this, an order was given to destroy a Russian Aerospace Forces transport aircraft carrying 65 Ukrainian citizens. 

According to the investigation, the aircraft was hit by an anti-aircraft missile of the American PATRIOT complex fired by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The plane was hit by the first missile at an altitude of about 4 thousand meters. The second missile did not reach its target and self-destructed. The investigation has information about which units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are armed with the above-mentioned missile systems.

Work continues to identify specific officials involved in organizing this terrorist act for their subsequent prosecution.


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