To help remove or reduce spike protein and graphene oxide as well as boosting the immune system which is heavily compromised. Chlorine Dioxide Solution 3000ppm (CDS), Glutathione, NAC N-Acetyl, Zinc, Ivermectin, Zeolite; Vitamin C, D3, the sun, ginger, turmeric, garlic for immune system; Cayenne pepper (removes blood clots); Wormwood, Black Walnut, Clove, Nicotine, Fulvic acid, EDTA, Licorice Root, Astaxanthin, Milk Thistle and Melatonin. Nattokinase (natural Japan product) degrades spike proteins (2000 units twice a day); Bromelain (pineapple) breaks down spike proteins (500 mg a day); Curcumin reduces inflammation and spike protein damage (500 mg twice a day) - best combined with black pepper (5/10 mg) because Piperine in black pepper enhances the absorption of anything.