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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📍🇧🇪 Brussels. Tribe and Train!

🎵 Cyrex - Afterlife


🇧🇪 België / Belgique


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📌White Lives Matter of April 2021 wishes a happy second anniversary to all pro-White people who have embarked on this journey into legal & anonymous pro-White activism with us.

Undoubtedly, the pro-White activism space is at a much more mature and developed stage than it was 2 years ago. We are confident this trend will continue.

We are inviting present & future oriented families & young adults to join us into securing a future for our children. We are an initiative of light and life, not death and hate. We love our own more than we hate the others.

For those undecided, it all comes down to the following:

Do you want the White Race to survive?

That is the line in the sand. Without any add-ons whatsoever.
We must secure the existence of our race and a future for White Children.

@wlmcontactbot to join.


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
🚨WLM does not condone violence.🚨

WLM is a peaceful, legal & anonymous initiative. Apolitical and non-religious, upheld by freedom of expression and of self-determination.

Any deviation to the above is not to be considered part of this initiative started in April 2021.

Any one person not acting in line with
the manual is not part of WLM.


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
📌It's not hard to see that anti-White hate is derived from envy.

But it isn't a material envy.

While they do envy our architecture, technology, inovation, art, and social order - it is our physical beauty that anti-Whites are after.

It is our DUTY to project, prolong, and replicate through exercising our privilege of being able to create the most beautiful beings that nature has ever seen: White Children.

@wlm_materials for all stickers.
@wlmcontactbot to get involved.


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📌There is a reason this initiative has grown to be so impactful and unifying towards the great 14 words ideal.

That reason is upholding the agreed upon principles set out from the beginning: only engaging in legal, anonymous and explicit pro-White action.

These principles have been reflected faithfully by WLM activists every single day since April 2021. To us and many pro-Whites, these activists are nothing short of heroes.

With our own resources, with our own minds and with our own hands - we will secure an existence for our race and a future for White Children.

As we are approaching our second anniversary, we are calling upon YOU to finally step up and join in impactful pro-White action.


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📌We are the Aryans.

Pro-White activists are the healthy, driving organism of the White Race. It is both a privilege and a duty to be awakened during these apocalyptic times.

The natural conceps of superiority / inferiority apply within a Race too. As such, a new hierarchy, new classes of Whites are forming.

Those who ACT, those who don't act, those who act against. We are those who act, and must forever inspire, lead and mentor those who don't act now but will soon.

At this point, being pro-White grants you the chance to become a hero.

14 or nothing. A life in chains isn't a life at all.



White Lives Matter Official dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📌If you had never heard about it, we would understand.

If you had already chosen the other side, we would understand, too.

What we cannot understand or forgive is you claiming to be on the pro-White side and yet still not being active.

There are hundreds of groups and initiatives worldwide to choose from.
Or you can do solo-activism. You can help us online. You can help us in real life. All legal, anonymous & peaceful.

Just about any excuse has been refuted.

You have the power to not be a pure consumer of content, but to create your own and if you can, get involved in real life activism this very day.

@WLMcontactbot to join.
have the power. WE can save our race.


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
📌 In 2022, WLM and allies have organized over 100 rallies, protests and banner holds. Retrospectives at @wlm_events.

We want
to firstly thank those who have embarked on this journey with us as WLM activists, and secondly to online and off-line allies who have set aside any differences and united behind the 14 words: @NSC131official, @bubbakate2, @CIG_telegram, @friendlyfather, @proud_poland, @rosecitync, frenschan.org, Proud Boys and others.

As we have committed ourselves to this path for life, we hold ourselves to doing even more pro-White activism in 2023.


Once a month. Starting with 14th of January.
@wlmcontactbot to get involved.


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📌It's about to be 2023. When are you going to step in?

How much longer are you going to watch others fight for you?

When are you going to realize this war has already chosen you?

It's either us or anti-White pedos. Your children will ask you what you chose.

Our 2023 calendar will be issued shortly. If you are in need for resolutions, now it is the time to swear loyalty to your Race.

Truly 14 or nothing at this point.

@wlmcontactbot for how to get involved.


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
📌Our enemies are right about one thing:

It is a privilege to be White.

Our beauty is unmatched by any other people's, and our contributions to the world for bad or good have been the most significant in history.

Everyone wants to be us, everyone wants a piece of our land.

We only want our own.

Spread this
new sticker in your ZONE, make it known to our people and our enemies alike that cucking while White is FORBIDDEN.

14 world. Pro-White or enemy.


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📌It's YOU.

It's always been YOU.
That saviour you speak of.
That moment you imagine.
That action you envision.
The "radicals" who save their people.

It's not a fantasy, it's not happening in the future and it's not someone else.
It's you, now, here.

This life, you only have one chance at not being a coward. One chance to follow your heart. If you truly are pro-White and are awaken to our racial battle, you CANNOT sit on the side-lines.

Our last event of the year is December 17th. Join in at

It's you. 1


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
📌 November is Holodomor remembrance month. We are dedicating our event on the 19th of this month to raising awareness about the genocides our people are facing.

We are all aware of our challenges today, but how many of us are aware of our true history?

Watching the material at
@wlm_viewing is the minimum you can do to get yourself up to speed.

12 days to go before event day. 12 days to spread as muc
h of the flyer above as possible.

Action NOW creates the future.


White Lives Matter Official dan repost

Go on twitter and let them know. Our time has come. Pressure & consistency.

All roads lead to 14.



WLM_BE_FLANDERS dan repost
Harelbeke is een deelgemeente van het verlinkste Kortrijk.

White Lives Matter Official dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
For the 19th consecutive month, pro-White activists have taken to the streets to stand up for their race.

Not a lot of words can do justice to the amount of effort WLM and allies have put in for their people, but perhaps 14 of them will do.

We are in the streets because we want to show the world that White People are not done with. From the few that we are today, to the many that will come tomorrow.

Our commitment to the road we have taken is unbreakable. The 19th of November will see our biggest turnout yet.

You can join in at
@WLMcontactBot. 14 or nothing!


White Lives Matter Official dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📌There is no other struggle that can compare with that of securing a future for White Children.

It is an honor for us to fight this most important battle in the history of our Race, and we will not stop at anything short of total victory. We were out on the 17th of September, and we will be out again on the 15th of October, worldwide.

The first step begins with YOU. Just as you have been awakened by another pro-White, it is YOUR duty to get out there and ACT.

Working out is not enough, posting online is not enough, nothing is ever enough in this war. We must look at the infinity of solutions to the one problem. START NOW.

Anonymous, legal, peaceful. Apply at


WLM_BE_FLANDERS dan repost
🇧🇪 GENT VRIJDAG 16/09 :
Kleine sticker actie gedaan in Gent, het linkse Gent dat rap een verrechtsing nodig heeft. WLM banner gehangen onder het gebouw van de Vlaamse overheid, zo willen we tonen dat Vlaanderen een blank Vlaanderen moet blijven!

🇬🇧 GHENT FRIDAY 16/09 : Small sticker action done in Ghent, the left-wing Ghent that quickly needs a turn to the right. WLM banner hung under the building of the Flemish government, so we want to show that Flanders must remain a white Flanders!



Wij bespreken hier:
- wie we zijn
- waar wij voor staan
- vaak gestelde vragen
- hoe je een activist wordt
- hoe je een organisator wordt
- operationele beveiliging- en gedragsregels
- wat je kan verwachten bij een demonstratie
- lees en kijk materiaal


We waren deze zomervakantie niet actief op social media en er waren geen acties.
We zijn onze batterijen aan het opladen om te knallen vanaf september! See yah guys!

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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