🆕 Lithium Kernel Update | typeH+
📱 Asus ZenFone Max Pro M1
📅 11/02/2021
👨💻 By : @ryuKizuha
🔖 Changelogs :-
Merge linux v4.4.257
Enable Z3FOLD and make it default zram backend
Devfreq: add Simple GPU Algorithm
Some miscellaneous improvements
🤗 Thanks to :-
- @irfannim from nobita kernel
- All member of FunProject
📱 Asus ZenFone Max Pro M1
📅 11/02/2021
👨💻 By : @ryuKizuha
🔖 Changelogs :-
Merge linux v4.4.257
Enable Z3FOLD and make it default zram backend
Devfreq: add Simple GPU Algorithm
Some miscellaneous improvements
🤗 Thanks to :-
- @irfannim from nobita kernel
- All member of FunProject