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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🆕 Potato Project Kernel | .205 Update
📱 Asus ZenFone Max Pro M1 | X00T
📅 17/02/2021
👨‍💻 By : @lidds01

🔖 Changelogs :-
- All Features same as Potato Perf
- Stock clock without OC, without Reduce performance

📝 Notes :-
- Performance depends on your!
- Reported If you using custom rom you found bug tell me :)
- Don't share direct link please

🍩 Donate :-
- GoPay : 085156620874
- (VA) BNI : 9889688856620874

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🆕 Project Infinity Kernel | HMP/EAS/NEBULA v4.4.257
📱 Asus ZenFone Max Pro M1 | X00T
📅 16/02/2021
👨‍💻 By : @pkm774

🔖 Changelogs :-
- Upstreamed to Linux Version 4.4.257
- Underclocked PI-HMP and PI-EAS to 300 MHz, both Silver and Gold clusters
- Add simple GPU Algorithm and tune fps in PI-NEBULA
- Miscellaneous Charging Improvements
- Disabled VDD restriction by default
- Fixed frequency stuckup to 1.1 GHz in silver clusters
- More improvements and bug fixes

📝 Notes :-
- Turn off vdd restriction from zenparts if present for better battery backup
- Some changes in fuel gauge so charge upto 100 % after flashing kernel

🌟 Follow : @X00TDAllupdates

🆕 Sloppy Kernel Update | Release TWO
📱 Asus ZenFone Max Pro M1 | X00T
📅 16/02/2021
👨‍💻 By : @MrDarknessK

🔖 Changelogs :-
- Updated AnyKernel3
- Moar Wakelocks Blocked
- fs: f2fs: enlarge minfsyncblocks to 20

🌟 Follow : @X00TDAllupdates

🆕 Overdose Kernel Update | R25S Release
📱 Asus ZenFone Max Pro M1 | X00T
📅 16/02/2021
👨‍💻 By : @MrDarknessK

🔖 Changelogs :-
- Updated AnyKernel3
- Swappiness/VFS Tunables Unlocked
- Based On R24S Release
- fs: f2fs: enlarge minfsyncblocks to 20

🌟 Follow : @X00TDAllupdates

🆕CherishOS | Android11 |Official|
👨‍💻By: @Ken_kaneki_69

• February security patch
• added Zenparts
• enforcing again
• latest pixel props
- any gcam can be installed now on gapps build

•Rom change logs - here

- Gapps build recommended
-Clean flash

•Screenshots - here

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

🆕Lineage 18.1 | 4.19 Kernel | Beta |
👨‍💻by: @pk965

🔖 Change log:
- Fixed incall volume control (thanks to @EdwinMoq)
- Fixed NFC

- This rom comes with 4.19 Kernel. Do not flash 4.4 kernels

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

🆕Aura Kernel| EAS-HMP|

🔖Changelogs: here

Linux version : v4.4.257 (except neo)
Based : EAS - HMP
Android version- 10 and 11

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

🆕Tenx os| Official| Android11|

-Initial build

-Source change logs: here

•Screenshots- here

- Gapps are prebuilt.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

🆕Lineage 18.1 | 4.19 Kernel | Beta |

🔖 Change log:
- Updated blobs
- Fixed "ghost touch" issue on nvt
- Fixed perf issues from last build

- In call volume cannot be adjusted in normal calls but works in wapp,tg calls
- Nfc, wfd

- This rom comes with 4.19 Kernel. Do not flash 4.4 kernels

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

🆕Legion OS-v3.6 | Official|
📅 Build Date: 12/02/21

🔖 Device Changelog :
-Fixed ril
-February Security patch
-Latest Pixel Props
-added Zenparts
-nuked BT-QTI
-Fixed random lags
-misc. Changes

🔖Source Changelogs : here

✏️ Notes:
- recommend not to use qs blur
-recommend nik core with 063 fw
-Clean flash recommended
-Join the support group for ss
-Dont mirror links
-NightLight: Fix



Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

🆕 Lithium Kernel Update | typeH+
📱 Asus ZenFone Max Pro M1
📅 11/02/2021
👨‍💻 By : @ryuKizuha

🔖 Changelogs :-
Merge linux v4.4.257
Enable Z3FOLD and make it default zram backend
Devfreq: add Simple GPU Algorithm
Some miscellaneous improvements

🤗 Thanks to :-
- @irfannim from nobita kernel
- All member of FunProject


🆕 Dot OS 5.0.0 | Official | Android 11
📱 Asus ZenFone Max Pro M1 | X00T
📅 11/02/2021
👨‍💻 By : @Ken_kaneki_69

🔖 Changelogs :-
- February security patch
- Added ZenParts
- Fixed nightlight
- Fixed video green tint
- Other miscellaneous fixes

Source Changelogs

📝 Notes :-
- 059+ firmware recommended
- GApps only has to be flashed once whereas Magisk/Su is to be flashed every time you Dirty Flash the OTA Update
- Clean flash recommended
- Don't mirror links

Dot OS Community

⚜Follow : @X00TDAllupdates

🆕LineageOS - MILKTEA - R
👨‍💻by: @MrDarknessK

Asus Deskclock & Calculator
Network Indicator on Right
Crispy & Loud Audio
Swipe To Screenshot
4G/LTE Switch
More Fonts
Systemwide Audio Recording
Pocket Lock
Minimal Debloat
Navigation Layout
Removed Build date @ QS Footer

Feb 2021 Security Patch
Final Build

WiFi Display

Recommended To Install Overdose Or Sloppy Kernel

⚜Follow : @X00TDAllupdates

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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