Young Dixie

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A new channel devoted to Youth of Dixie and the brotherhood of those who have been abandoned by the federal empire on the Potomac.

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Who want's to form a Dixie Volunteer Company?

Russian Federation's Pro-Putin Channel dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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🇷🇺🇺🇸 Russian military commercial targeted towards American veterans

DF&Co.’s Annual Not-So-Scary Halloween Spooktacular 🎃 👻 dan repost
Good news boys. Phil (Phraudulent Phil, as I call him, as he is only right 40% of the time) may have called for more winter, but the South’s very own General Beauregard Lee called for an early spring! (He has never been wrong because he was given to us by God)

Max Danger dan repost
>Why do young people refuse to enter the trades?
In our economy, we massively over weighted female and services professions - teachers, healthcare workers, writers, designers etc .
And we massively under weighted actual trades and physical labor.

This was done by women pushing for Feminism and for fake "equality", equal pay.
While what we have is the pendulum swang way too far and female professions that aren't as important to the economy get overpaid. And males - under paid.

This only leads to the economic collapse. You really can't pay service workers (teachers, babysitters, poop cleaners in healthcare ) like you do to productive workers.

Boomers and Feminism are the cause of this.

Economy cannot function like this, it will inevitably collapse if we keep at it. You need to swing the pendulum back and to pay producing male workforce more.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
America will fall one way or another. It won't be a violent mass revolt that topples it but merely all it's own self-inflicted ills finally catching up to it. I personally don't see the USA making it to the late 2020s much less 2030. When that happens you'll see real change both good and bad. As Southern Nats we will have to rebuild and restructure our society. There is going to be areas where total anarchy happens nonetheless thus I foresee the rise of Warlords, especially in the cities and rural expands out of Dixie. When Uncle Sam crocks you can bet your bottom you'll see a power vacuum and it's crucial our people get into that vacuum or face becoming victims. Once again the video above isn't advocating committing illegal actions that will get your arrested. Vid is just a mix of dark Comedy,entertainment, "art" and subtle commentary.

I guess Ohio deserves it's horrible reputation as the land of demonic monsters

Dixie Polis dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Noma’lum dan repost

The Southron Reactionary "A Revolution Against Politics" dan repost
Apparently Jared Taylor attended the reinterment of General AP Hill and payed his respects to his descendant John Hill.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
The 1st Klan is somehow a very odd subject as they really had a small window of operation despite what many think. They did however kick off Southern resistance to Reconstruction despite other groups like the Redshirts ultimately using politics and forced to redeem the South in the late 1870s. The first Klan is a complicated matter as it was a grassroots guerilla movement which moved the ball to rebuilding a broken Southern spirit.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Can't believe this loser is actually running for President of the USA. Bolton really should just join the Democrats. It's funny the most aggressive Unionists are neo-cons like Bolton.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Another Young Dixie edit FT Padraig Martin for the vocals. Join the League of the South and save Dixie

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Retake Everything ! Dixie must be Retaken by a new generation of hardened Southern Nationalists.

In a Free South GA will be producing an entire movie series on the Georgian experience in the War with the GA Militia, GMI cadets, and the starring role being Robert Toombs who would be leading the Militia. There's a whole saga to be found in the invasion and destruction of Confederate Georgia. Showing the full extent of the Yankee menace and the evil of Sherman would be #1 goal.

Southern Secessionist Sanctuary-Georgia Divison dan repost
Georgia Military Institute was formed in 1851 to defend the state of Georgia. Unlike Virginia's, it's less renown but the Georgia Cadets saw combat despite their youthful age. Several of the Young Georgians would die in combat fighting against Sherman's invasion in 1864. The institute was destroyed by the dirty Yankees but surprisingly reopened in 2008 in Marietta (it's original birthplace.).

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
I've been reading lately about the military schools of the Antebellum South. Wanted to drop this video in respect for the boys at VMI who fought, bled, and died for Virginia. They found the true meaning of honor and brotherhood at New Market defending their homeland from the federal invaders. #VAexit

Dixie Polis dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

The Official League of the South dan repost
Building a strong Dixie for the future of our children. Could you look into your grandchildren's eyes and admit you did nothing to help?!? Join us and let's make a difference.

By banning abortion, banning divorce, and banning pornography we could begin building a healthy society. We have to take tough and struck measures to righten our society. I also think a new country should raise the right to vote for women up to 21 though I would prefer stripping the right to vote completely from them. I also fully believe in banning birth control outright. Many see this as impossible and while most is now so once the Union is shattered many things will be on the table. Creating a patriarchal society is just as important as building a pro-White one. I would say they go hand and hand.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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