Akmal Akbarov - Online English Club

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Employees & Management

In medium and large companies, understanding the organizational structure is essential. In today's Business English vocabulary lesson, we explore key terms related to corporate hierarchy and management.

Read the text above, learn the words and complete the quiz.

❗️Quick note: For privacy, use a nickname instead of your real name.


📱 @akmal_akbarow

Good morning, everyone! It's high time to use more positive language when speaking with friends and colleagues, no?☺️😉


📱 @akmal_akbarow

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
How do you go to your university or work every day? 😁

Happy Monday! 🥳

📱 @akmal_akbarow

🇺🇿 Agar siz orzu qila olsangiz, uni amalga oshira olasiz.

🇷🇺 Если вы можете мечтать об этом, вы можете это сделать.


📱 @akmal_akbarow

Have any scammers targeted you so far? 👀 Yesterday I received a phone call & almost became a victim when, in the very last minute, I found out that I was speaking to a scammer. I'm safe now, but I want to tell you how it all happened and guard you too.
  •   Yes, they tried to scam me once
  •   No, I've never had such experience
6 ta ovoz

In Pursuit of Change: The Struggle to Transform Traditional Education

This happened at the beginning of a new academic year, 2024-2025. My daughter came home from school and started talking about how one of her subject teachers arranged the classroom layout in a П style where the students could sit facing each other. You know, most of us like such a layout as it creates a nice space for the teacher to walk in, reach out to every student (easily), and put them in pairs when initiating discussions.

This simple tweak in how the same chairs and tables are traditionally arranged can dramatically transform the classroom. It shifts a highly teacher-centered setup, where the teacher is ‘a sage on the stage,’ into a student-centered environment that fosters collaboration between students and their teacher.

Hearing this, I was happy. It was, perhaps, only one teacher in the entire school who did that. I thought, well, one step at a time, Akmal, one step at a time. I hoped if she continued this way, perhaps slowly her other colleagues would follow her practice, and gradually the entire school of teachers would adopt working with their students using student-centered teaching methods.

Just the next day when my daughter came home ...
This is my blog that I run in partnership with my colleagues and teachers at the university. If you want to read the full article, please click here.

📱 @akmal_akbarow

Have you watched Donald Trump's inauguration speech yesterday?

If interesting, you can watch the full video here. What amazed me is that not a single time did he look at any paper.

Here are the key points he made in his speech: 👇

Restoring America’s Greatness: Trump promises to make America prosperous, strong, and respected globally.

America First: Focus on prioritizing American interests, securing borders, and restoring justice.

Criticism of Current Government: Critiques the administration's handling of crises and border security.

Promises of Action: Plans to stop illegal immigration, secure borders, and revive American manufacturing.

Restoring Justice and Free Speech: Vows to protect free speech, end censorship, and stop the political weaponization of government agencies.

Gender and Military Policies: States that only two genders (male and female) will be recognized, and promises to reinstate military personnel discharged for vaccine refusal.

Strengthening Military and Global Position: Aims to rebuild the military and secure global peace, avoiding unnecessary wars.

National Unity: Calls for Americans to unite, transcending race and background.

Vision for Peace: Aspires to be remembered as a peacemaker and unifier, leading globally without unnecessary conflicts.

American Ambition: Envisions America leading in space, innovation, and economic growth.

Restoring the American Dream: Committed to ensuring prosperity and success for all Americans.

Final Call to Action: Urges unity to create a strong, independent, and exceptional future for America.


📱 @akmal_akbarow

Interviewer: How much amount of milk does your cow produce?

Farmer: Which one, black one or white one?

Interviewer: Black one.

Farmer: 2 litres per day.

Interviewer: And the white one?

Farmer: 2 litres per day.

Interviewer: Where do they sleep?

Farmer: The Black one or the white one?

Interviewer: The black one.

Farmer: In the "cowshed"

Interviewer: And the White one?

Farmer: In the "cowshed" also.

Interviewer: Your cows look healthy... What do you feed them with?

Farmer: Which one..black one or white one?

Interviewer: Black one.

Farmer: With grass

Interviewer: And the white one?

Farmer: With grass too.

Interviewer: (Annoyed😡) but why do you keep on asking if black one or white one when answers are just the same???

Farmer: Because the black one is mine.

Interviewer: And the white one?

Farmer: It's also mine. 😂👍


📱 @akmal_akbarow

Titans who Changed the World: The Man who Unveiled the Secrets of the Cosmos

CNN has published an interesting article. Here is short introduction:👇

Al-Farghani, a prominent 9th-century Uzbek scientist, made pivotal contributions to Islam’s Golden Age of knowledge. Excelling in astronomy, mathematics, and geography, he secured his place in both the history of science and Islamic civilization.

Read the full article here.

Here are the interesting words and phrases I have found while reading this piece of news this morning. 👇

Uzbek Translation:

– Bayonot
Restore – Tiklash
Provide clarity and assurance – Aniqlik va ishonchni ta'minlash
Face no penalties – Jarimalarga duch kelmaslik
Allow businesses to thrive – Bizneslarning rivojlanishiga imkon yaratish
A strong stand – Mustahkam pozitsiya
Amendment – Qo‘shimcha yoki o‘zgartirish
Arbitrary censorship – Ixtiyoriy senzura
A long-term solution – Uzoq muddatli yechim

Russian Translation: 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
Statement – Заявление
Restore – Восстанавливать
Provide clarity and assurance – Обеспечить ясность и уверенность
Face no penalties – Не сталкиваться с наказаниями
Allow businesses to thrive – Позволить бизнесу процветать
A strong stand – Твёрдая позиция
Amendment – Поправка
Arbitrary censorship – Произвольная цензура
A long-term solution – Долгосрочное решение.


📱 @akmal_akbarow

TikTok is staying in the US, and its administration is personally thanking President Trump. Take a look at the statement, and later I will share the translation of some of the interesting words and phrases found there.


📱 @akmal_akbarow

Uzbek Translation: 🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿

clarity – aniqlik
transition – o‘tish / o‘zgarish
issued – chiqarilgan / nashr etilgan
availability – mavjudlik
enforcement – ijro etish / majburlash
upheld – qo‘llab-quvvatladi / kuchda qoldirdi
banning – taqiq / man etish
imminent – yaqinlashib kelayotgan / muqarrar
negotiate – muzokara olib bormoq
executive – ijrochi


provide clarity – aniqlik kiritmoq
maintain availability – mavjudlikni saqlab qolmoq
definitive statement – aniq bayonot
forced to go dark – faoliyatni to‘xtatishga majbur bo‘lmoq
upheld the federal law – federal qonunni kuchda qoldirdi
vowed that he could negotiate – muzokara olib borishi mumkinligini va’da qildi
signaled he will not enforce – qo‘llamaydi yoki ijro etmaydi degan ishora berdi
delay the ban – taqiqni kechiktirmoq

Russian Translation: 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺

clarity – ясность
transition – переход
issued – выпущенный / изданный
availability – доступность
enforcement – принуждение / обеспечение соблюдения
upheld – поддержал / оставил в силе
banning – запрет
imminent – неизбежный / надвигающийся
negotiate – вести переговоры
executive – исполнительный


provide clarity – обеспечить ясность
maintain availability – поддерживать доступность
definitive statement – окончательное заявление
forced to go dark – вынужден прекратить работу
upheld the federal law – поддержал федеральный закон
vowed that he could negotiate – пообещал, что сможет договориться
signaled he will not enforce – дал понять, что не будет применять
delay the ban – отложить запрет


📱 @akmal_akbarow

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
The US will ban TikTok later today. What interesting times we are living in! 😁

Please check out interesting words and phrases I caught while watching this almost 1-minute video.

📚Target Vocabulary


📱 @akmal_akbarow

Is it possible to find and learn at least 15 new words and phrases from a 1:30-minute YouTube video? 😁
  •   Yes!
  •   No!

Why Staying Foolish Is the Smartest Thing You Can Do

How to understand Steve Jobs’s words: “Stay hungry. Stay foolish”? By this I believe he meant to say that a person should always be hungry for new knowledge. They should always be hungry to learn and discover new things around themselves. This is how personal, academic, and professional development takes place.

But what about staying foolish? Now this might be a bit hard and tricky to understand, but after years of teaching and learning, one thing I understood.

If you want to learn anything new, humility is perhaps the number-one character trait you must have or develop.

What is humility? Let me check the Cambridge dictionary for the proper definition:

The feeling or attitude that you have no special importance that makes you better than others; lack of pride.

So, this is the definition I got. Why I am trying to define the word ‘humility,’ you might wonder. I believe a sense of humility and modesty comes from feeling oneself ‘foolish’ at times, especially when learning new things.

Like Steve Jobs said, when you stay foolish, I believe you start acting with humility and have the “The feeling or attitude that you have no special importance that makes you better than others.”.

Once you have this kind of feeling, you will start learning much better. This is true especially if you are an adult learner who has achieved a lot in his/her life, meaning academic, personal, and professional achievements.

For example, let’s say you are aged between 40 and 60. Chances are that you are happily married, have successful kids, are employed at a reputable company or organization, and are financially stable as well.

All of these usually make the person feel proud and, at times, too proud and even arrogant. As a result, learning new things become extremely hard for them.

That’s why staying and feeling oneself foolish (of course, foolish in positive context) while learning new things is very important.

Simple and modest people are usually highly teachable and they tend to accept constrictive criticism from their teachers (usually younger teachers) much easier. This, in return, boosts their chances of learning effectively.

That’s why, “stay hungry, stay foolish,” and learn effectively well.

If you found these tips helpful, share this post with your friends!

📱 @akmal_akbarow

Hello everyone, can we get at least 100 votes? Then I will write an article and explain. Knowing the meaning of the quote will tremendously help you learn English effectively, especially if you are busy person working all day long.😉

You see, you can spot and learn so many interesting words and phrases in one 6-minute video. Attentiveness is a key.

Do you understand the meaning of the quote by Steve Jobs 'Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish'? 😉
  •   Yes, of course I do
  •   No, but I always wanted to understand

Uzbek Translation: 🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿

New Words

– tiklamoq
underlying – asosiy, asosga oid
fabricated – soxta, uydirilgan
constituents – saylovchilar
malice – yovuzlik, adovat
mobilized – safarbar qilingan
delegitimize – qonuniylikdan mahrum qilmoq
prosperous – ravnaq topgan, farovon
transparent – shaffof
perma failure – doimiy muvaffaqiyatsizlik
accelerating – tezlashayotgan
hidden figures – yashirin shaxsla

New Idioms

eternal decline – abadiy tanazzul
on false charges – yolg‘on ayblovlar asosida
hijacked by satanists – shaytoniylar tomonidan egallangan
work for big banking interests – yirik bank manfaatlariga xizmat qilmoq
incapable of defending its own borders – o‘z chegaralarini himoya qila olmaydigan
deliberately trying to destroy our society – jamiyatimizni qasddan yo‘q qilishga urinayotgan
show competence – mahoratni namoyon qilmoq
lead by example – shaxsiy namuna ko‘rsatib boshchilik qilmoq
take our country back – mamlakatimizni qaytarib olmoq
it will not fix itself – bu o‘z-o‘zidan tuzalmaydi
hold on to power – hokimiyatni ushlab qolmoq
shadow interests – yashirin manfaatlar
nothing left to lose – yo‘qotadigan hech narsasi qolmagan
prepared to take the heat – tanqidlarga tayyor bo‘lish

Russian Translation: 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺

New Words

– восстанавливать
underlying – основополагающий
fabricated – сфабрикованный
constituents – избиратели
malice – злоба
mobilized – мобилизованный
delegitimize – лишать легитимности
prosperous – процветающий
transparent – прозрачный
perma failure – постоянный провал
accelerating – ускоряющийся
hidden figures – скрытые фигуры

New Idioms

eternal decline – вечный упадок
on false charges – по ложным обвинениям
hijacked by satanists – захвачен сатанистами
work for big banking interests – работать в интересах крупных банков
incapable of defending its own borders – неспособный защитить собственные границы
deliberately trying to destroy our society – намеренно пытаются разрушить наше общество
show competence – демонстрировать компетентность
lead by example – вести за собой, подавая пример
take our country back – вернуть нашу страну
it will not fix itself – это само собой не исправится
hold on to power – держаться за власть
shadow interests – теневые интересы
nothing left to lose – больше нечего терять
prepared to take the heat – готов взять на себя критику


📱 @akmal_akbarow

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Mmmmmm... interesting times are coming up. 

Highly influential but controversial Internet figure Andrew Tate is going to run for UK's elections and wants to become the kingdom's next prime minister. 

He is so outspoken on the Internet that all the major social media platforms have banned him, taking down most of his content. However, he still manages to emerge as strong, persistent and unbeatable. 

While I don't support a lot of his views on life, work and personal development, I like the way he expresses himself. I think he is one of the few people whose speech is always highly well-organized, articulate and straight to the point. 

I also like the interesting words and phrases he chooses to use in his speeches. I am sharing some of them below.

PS: This speech like many other speeches that Andrew Tate delivers is also quite extreme and even slightly discriminative.

📚Target Vocabulary


📱 @akmal_akbarow

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.