Aristocratic Radicalism

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Hellstorm dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Ethnonationalism dan repost
“What is good? Everything that enhances one’s feeling of power, will to power, power itself. What is bad? Everything stemming from weakness. What is happiness? The feeling that power is growing, that some resistance has been overcome. Not contentedness, but more power; not peace, but war; not virtue, but prowess. The weak and the failures should perish: first principle of our love of humanity. And they should be helped to do this.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Piratical Race Aesthetic dan repost
“In recoiling from what he saw as a flaccid nineteenth-century European culture, Nietzsche often called longingly for “some pack of blond beasts of prey, a conqueror and master race which, organized for
war and with the ability to organize, unhesitatingly lays its terrible claws upon a populace.”
Pedro de Alvarado
Reinhard Heydrich

Wandering Spartan dan repost
The dysgenic can only regard eugenics as something cruel, dangerous and pathologic.
In the same way, the dysgenic will loathe what is beautiful and natural because it's a perpetual reminder of their own shortcomings and inadequacies. The hatred of the dysgenic towards superior specimens can only be rivaled by their own self-hatred, in fact it's that very self-hatred that fuels and is at the base of that deepfelt resentment towards what they regard as the cruel reality of life and nature.

Humanity has always instinctively understood that one must be strong and healthy and beautiful so one can produce strong, healthy and beautiful children. It is now consider taboo to say this, or more accurately it is considered outright "wrong" to suggest that perhaps only the healthy and strong should produce children lest the genetic stock of humans deteriorate and that will affect the whole of human society for the worse. That used to be common knowledge, common sense.

After the war the science of eugenics was outlawed by the winners, and deemed "racist" and "extremist" of the kind that can give rise to movements such as the Nazi one, because Hitler superbad bad man etc.
Yes, nature is racist. And nature always has the last say. And no matter how much our enemies try to create a dysgenic population/society in order to secure their dominance, what is weak and contrary to nature's decrees can never prosper or last.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

The Third Path dan repost
I would believe only in a god who could dance. And when I saw my devil I found him serious, thorough, profound, and solemn: it was the spirit of gravity - through him all things fall.

Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

Sekte Der Sonnenkrone dan repost
It was the end, but it was the purest happiness we had felt for years in these bombed out buildings that once held families. It was almost as if we felt the same glee we did on that first day when we stepped onto the world as men who didn't accept demands, but made them. We stepped together in ranks that are much bigger than the small troop we are now, knowing the boys in the houses lining the streets wanted to be just like us. We did not escape death, and neither did those little ones. Did I confuse you? We are not the victims, we did everything we are accused of and we smiled as we did all of it. Everyday for years now, that was my life. I am a killer, I am no boy scout - I better not hear men talking in the caskets above us about how we "weren't so bad after all". In the final days, we smoke together the cigarettes we looted off the deceased comrades and drink the last of the nectar we have in our flasks. You were all my comrades, and you will be yet again, *in the next war*!

Eja, alala!

Be like Achilles
Be like Alexander the Great
Be like Julius Caesar
Be like Genghis Khan
Be like Napoleon
Be like Hitler


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Glory awaits those brave enough to take it

Wandering Spartan dan repost
ΔΟΞΑΝ ΔΙΩΚΕ — Pursue Glory

"It's an honor, Sir"

Bronze Age Revival dan repost
Stop roleplaying the tuna-stained jack Brooklyn "dissident" professor and hoping for a pat on the head from shitlib jewrnalists NY Review of Books, stop calling it "Neoliberalism." It's a meaningless term that first stood for a) a German economic school from the 1970's seeking to make Capitalism more "sensitive" to the welfare state and b) Chomsky's and other Commie Jews' attacks on Reagan and Thatcher's reforms in the early 1980's, which, while you don't have to support, you'd be a cretin to believe are the principal cause of problems at hand now, of worldwide Hutu'ism and the planned dispropriation of white middle classes worldwide. In fact much of the ideology dominant now comes from people like Rawls who are not "Neoliberals," or, if you call them this, the word lacks any meaning...which it does. We've all used this term, casual or occasional use is neither here nor there, but it's been overdone by now anyway. And I tell you that its origin and overuse, as well as its underlying assumptions, is in certain facefag pundits or pundit wannabes who want nothing more than to be fulfill the Hollywood role of "dissident leftist intellectual"...but with a NATIONALIST twist. It's all vanity. The real enemy is GLOBAL NIGGER COMMUNISM. Even someone like James Burnham could see and admit that in his time.

This is one of the stout-hearted old warriors: he is angry with civilization because he supposes that its aim is to make all goodthings--honors, treasures, beautiful women--accessible even to cowards.

- Nietzsche

Ethnonationalism dan repost
"The chivalric-aristocratic value judgments are based on a powerful physicality, a blossoming, rich, even effervescent good health that includes the things needed to maintain it, war, adventure, hunting, dancing, jousting and everything else that contains strong, free, happy action." - Friedrich Nietzsche, The Genealogy of Morals


Ethnonationalism dan repost
"Christianity is at the root of the evil that has corrupted the West. This is the truth, and it does not admit uncertainty. In its frenetic subversion of every hierarchy, in its exaltation of the weak, the disinherited, those without lineage and without tradition; in its call to 'love', to 'believe', and to yield; in its rancor toward everything that is force, self-sufficiency, knowledge, and aristocracy; in its intolerant and proselytizing fanaticism, Christianity poisoned the greatness of the Roman Empire. Enemy of itself and of the world, this dark and barbarous wave remains the principal cause of the West's decline." - Julius Evola

Hellstorm dan repost

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