convo ideas

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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caption lebaran / eid captions

1. selamat hari raya idul fitri, ingat kita harus saling memaafkan karna kalo saling mencintai aku yakin kamu gamau.
2. minal aidzin walfaidzin, yang ga ngasih thr ga dimaafin.
3. saling memaafkan iya, kalo saling mencintai ga mungkin.
4. minal aidzin walfaidzin, mohon maaf suka ngangenin.
5. aldi taher minum aer, gausah minta maaf kalo ga ngasih thr
6. minal aidzin walfaidzin, keknya aku ga ada salah deh.
7. happy eid mubarak, happy juga hatinya kalo dikirimin thr sabi lah via dana/gopay.
8. mohon maaf lahir batin, tapi maaf ga jadi minta maap soalnya cewe selalu benar.
9. selamat lebaran, mari saling memaafkan karena kalo saling mencintai tidak bisa.
10. mohon maaf lahir batin kalo ada salah dibenerin aja.
11. selamat lebaran semuanya , mohon maaf jika ada salah kata, salah perilaku, dan salah menaruh perasaan.
12. remember when brainly said, maaf kalau salah.
13. sudahi minta maafmu, semua akan sia-sia jika tidak dibarengi dengan uangmu.
14. minal aidzin walfaizin, maaf sudah mencintaimu dalam batin.
15. minal adzin wal faidzin
mohon maaf aku menyayangimu lahir batin.
16. *foto sambil nengok kanan* capt : looking right, because ramadhan left.
17. finna eid mubarak myself back into my feed.
18. i accept apologize in cash.
19. finally looking good after having dates for 30 days.
20. to whoever i did wrong, i just wanna say.. you deserve it, happy eid mubarak bestie.
21. after my fast, here i'm to collect money while apologizing.
22. shaytan may have come out of his cage, but your angel has arrived.
23. i'm the only eidi you can't get.
24. no money no forgive.
25. limited eid-ition.
26. some eidi for your feedi.
27. much nEIDed photo.
28. annual eid post.
29. shaytan is out of jail.
30. feeling ramadone.

bisa juga digunain ketika moots kalian open board "random talk" or "qna", biar isinya ga itu itu aja

simple ways to tell someone you love them without saying "i love you"

1. drink some water please
2. have you eaten today?
3. text me when you get home
4. how are you feeling today? / what's going on in your head? (it shows you care about their thoughts, feelings, emotions)
5. remember their stories
6. give them reassurance
7. make their favorite food
8. send them songs that remind you of them
9. when you talk to them be present, give them your full attention
10. help them with chores/running errands
11. make them some tea or coffee when they seem glum

1. what makes you feel better when you're upset?
2. what do you wanna see/do before you die?
3. what's a moment in time where you truly felt alive?
4. if you could go back in time, and just feel something again, what would it be?
5. what shaped you into being the person you're today?
6. what do you think dreams mean?
7. what smells make you happy?
8. what would 5 year old you think about you now?
9. what's something you wish you never told someone?
10. what makes you feel less alone when you're sad?
11. do you remember the last time you were absolutely happy? what was it?
12. what do you think is the most beautiful sound in the world?
13. what's one thing that you wish never changed about you
14. if we were all going to die today, who would you want to hug last?
15. when do you feel the most attractive?
16. what's the most pain you've been in, that wasn't physical?
17. is there a person in this world that you think is perfect? why? @.convoideas
18. what brings out the best in you? what brings out the worst?
19. what's a childhood dream you never got to accomplish?
20. when you lay in bed at night, what do you think about?
21. what's a song that you wish more people knew about?
22. how do you want to be loved?
23. what's your trigger word? why?
24. what's something you like about yourself that you wish more people recognized?
23. what are your core memories? (inside out)
24. who do you call when times get tough?
25. when you think of your childhood, what shows come to mind?
26. whats something in your life that you consider a miracle?
27. do they really love you? who came to your mind when i asked that
28. if they made a movie about your life right now who would play the villain, and why?
29. who do you miss right now?
30. what did you want to be when you were younger?
31. where do you have your happiest memories?
32. which friends would you invite to your wedding even if you never spoke another word after today?
33. what compliments do you appreciate the most?
34. what's your comfort show?
35. what season is your favorite?
36. what do you miss about yourself?
37. what's something you've done that you still feel guilty about?
38. what causes distance relationships to fail?
39. what's the most creative thing you can cook?
40. how did you learn to love your favourite feature?
41. what do you do when you procrastinate? @.convoideas
42. what's a book you would recommend to everyone?
43. be honest, are you happy?
44. what would make you happier right now?
45. what is a song that brings you emotions like nothing else?
46. what is a song that make you feel like love does?
47. what's your dream goal?
48. so you think soulmates are real? can you have more than one?
49. if we are a mosaic of all the people we have ever loved, who makes up the biggest part of your mosaic?
50. who is the most attractive person you have ever seen?
51. what is something you find unforgivable in a friendship or relationship?
52. if we were to never talk again, what would you miss most me?
53. tell me about a childhood friend you haven't seen in years
54. how would you describe the feeling of being home?
55. what subtle things make you feel comfortable?
56. is there any part of you that you hate being touched?
57. what could someone do to reassure you?
58. do you think you've found your purpose yet?
59. have you ever danced in the rain?

1. kalo lo suka nonton film, film apa yang lo ulang-ulang yang gak bosen?
2. minuman yang non coffee apa yang lo suka? dan kenapa?
3. ehh fashion taste lo bagus, lo suka beli baju dimana sih? rekomendasi dong?
4. ehh lo pernah ke sini gak (nama tempat)? kalo belum lo harus pergi sihhh.
5. menurut lo tempat yang best untuk nge date itu di mana?
6. game/music apa yang bisa lo distract dari masalah?
7. kalo lo malem laper, suka cemilin apaa?
8. film apa yang menurut lo, lo belajar banyak dari film itu dan apa yang lo dapet?
9. kalo lo bisa fix satu masalalu, masalalu apa yang lo akan fix?
10. misal ada option untuk melihat masa depan dan merubah masa lalu, lo pilih yang mana dan kenapa?
11. kalo lo udah jadi orang tua terus anak lo habis break up, lo akan ngapain?
12. menurut lo good comunication itu ada gak?
13. kalo lo sedih, lo biasa ngapain untuk lo bisa baik lagi?
14. kalo lo bisa jadi satu animeted characters, lo mau jadi apa? @.convoideas
15. cemburu apa yang menurut lo paling toxic di hubungan?
16. menurut lo kenapa orang indo suka self claims?
17. kalo indonesia bisa tambah satu bahasa lagi, mau bahasa apa?
18. apa beda nya selingkuh sama seleksi di hubungan?
19. nasehat apa yang lo dapet dari ortu yang ternyata itu betul?
20. kalo lo jadi ortu, anak mau “nginap" di rumah temen, lo akan bolehin gak?
21. lagu apa yang lo denger waktu 2015 - 2016?
22. menurut lo bagus gak cowo pake baju pink?
23. kalo lo punya uang buat beli apapun, lo mau beli apa?
24. lo pernah coba "what's the wrong with you" gak? coba deh, nanti kalo udah kasih tau gue result nya apa?
25. menurut lo sukses itu dilihat dari apa?
26. konser apa yang lo pengen pergi lagi dan kenapa?
27. kenapa orang suka zodiak? menurut lo kenapa orang jadi suka?
28. kalo lo pernah main dating app, udah pernah ketemu orang yang kayak gimana? @.convoideas
29. menurut lo orang yang paling diem di grup itu yang gak ada masalah tapi orang yang suka bicara adalah ada masalah banyak?
30. kalo lo bisa dapet motor/mobil apa aja gratis, lo pilih apa?
31. disney princess character apa yang lo pikir lebay banget?
32. kenapa dunia ini tidak bisa damai?
33. misal lo bisa belajar satu bahasa, lo akan belajar bahasa apa dan kenapa?
34. artist lokal siapa yang nanti bisa go internasional?
35. lagu apa yang bisa describe lo dan kenapa lagu ini?
36. pernah gak lo minta nomor ke stranger? kalo pernah cerita dong?
37. lo bisa keluar dari indonesia tapi gak bisa pulang lagi, negeri apa yang lo akan pilih dan kenapa?
38. kalo lo bisa staycation, lo pengen dimana dan kenapa tempat itu?
39. pernah gak lo bikin lagu buat doi? dan lagu apa?
40. masalah apa yang lo pikir susah untuk diselesain tapi lo udah lewatin?
41. personality apa yang akan lo pilih untuk jadi pasangan dan kenapa?
42. board game apa yang lagi lo suka atau ada rekomendasi gak?
43. kalo punya anak, lo mau punya anak pertama laki-laki atau perempuan dan kenapa?

cr @ruangnyaman

6 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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