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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Avalonian Duke 🐝⚡️ dan repost
YOU must take the vaxx and show your papers to be able to participate in society, but not the ruling class.

Just go ahead and vote out Party A and replace it with Party B. I’m sure it’ll make all the difference!

Had enough yet?

American Krogan dan repost
Here's what my Portuguese friend had to say about this:

"And here it is... freedom of movement between Portugal and the CPLP (basically our old colonies) signed. That means close to 280 million outsiders (most are non-White) can now freely set foot in Europe with basically no burocratic trouble and NO VISA... great."

FEDPOST dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
"Ever heard of the Three Gorges Dam in China? Massive infrastructure project, big enough to impact the speed of the Earth's rotation based on whether it's filled or drained, huge flex for the Chinese government. Some of China's biggest cities are just downstream from it, including Shanghai.
Three Gorges Dam is also weak - it can barely contain the unfathomable quantity of water behind its wall. There are already signs of it buckling. If it were to break, it would send forth possibly the biggest mega-tsunami in history, straight at the Chinese heartland, killing millions and destroying infrastructure. Damage far surpassing that of any nuclear bomb in existence, brought about by infamously bad Chinese manufacturing.
I don't condone it."
- excerpt from Militant Accelerationism, written in February 2021

History of Marxism dan repost
Old article, but do you think they met their quota?

Alternative History2039 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Robert Ley (rare speech 1940) Communism was not created by the masses to overthrow the bankers, Communism was created by the Jewish bankers to overthrow and enslave the masses. The only written plans for genocide during the 20th-century was not a German plan to exterminate the Jews but rather Jewish plans to exterminate the Germans. Yup! Just watch Europa The Last Battle. You will never be the same after you see Europa: The Last Battle, it is truly a life changing experience.

literally just ban evasion dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
icy vid if we bein real

literally just ban evasion dan repost
yeah i like LGBT

Blackpilled dan repost

Anonymize Bot dan repost
2021 to 2031 Prediction by ‘ADLER’ GERMAN THINK TANK

>All involved will still consider themselves Americans, just as Romans considered themselves Romans long after the date historians cite as the fall of the Roman Empire. However, Federal institutions like Congress, the Presidency, the Federal Courts and the military will collapse for lack of legitimacy and tax revenue. America's key strategic assets, such as its nuclear aircraft carriers and submarines, will likely be docked, under heavy guard by military loyalists, but unable to operate under their own power.

more here: https://web.archive.org/web/20210603220802/https://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/untergang-der-USA -vorhergesagt-1.5311993

This report is now censored 🤬

Translation is courtesy of a German friend. Apologies for any errors he is not a pro.

Anonymize Bot dan repost
2021 to 2031 Prediction by ‘ADLER’ GERMAN THINK TANK

>Majority white states and regions will absorb a mass exodus of radicalized and war weary whites who will spread extremism and likely implement some form of ethnic cleansing using forced relocations. States such as Kansas, Oklahoma, and Montana will form the core of a neo-segregationist America that will be armed and guarded by large numbers of rogue military personnel. They will take physical control of a non-trivial number of nuclear weapons and civilian nuclear sites, making a reconquest by legitimate authority an incredibly dangerous proposition.

>International support and recognition will coalesce around a Federal government still headquartered in Washington DC and controlling the vast majority of the east and west coast of the USA, but with minimal direct power over city-state like BIPOC communities. The Federal Government will likely trade money and protection for the blessing of these cities, whose moral authority will be needed to ensure ongoing recognition of the USA as a member of the world community, rather than an apartheidist pariah state. These BIPOC communities will be governed using a form of direct democracy with final authority resting with a council made up of BIPOC faith leaders and activists. Both White and BIPOC regions will likely create and use internal passports, employing social media histories and stolen private records to bar entry to anyone deemed a potential threat to the ruling ideologies, regardless of race.

Anonymize Bot dan repost
2021 to 2031 Prediction by ‘ADLER’ GERMAN THINK TANK

>Legitimate Federal authority will likely back BIPOC resistance forces if not at first, then once the leanings of the remaining police and Freikorps members are made clear. Federal law enforcement agencies will use their tactical teams to crush a significant portion of the police/Freikorps force, however, large areas of the city will now be self governing, controlled by BIPOC leaders who will decline to relinquish control. These leaders will use social media histories and/or the personal reputations of their residents to conduct a political cleansing of those who would appear to be threats to peace in the BIPOC areas. In the early stages of the conflict these individuals will likely face summary execution, once the autonomous zones begin to stabilize, however, such potentially dangerous individuals will likely be stripped of their possessions and forcibly relocated to remaining areas of Freikorps control or placed in the hands of Federal forces.

>Most large cities will experience similar racial risings and ethnic conflicts, with white and Asian veterans, law enforcement officers, and National Guardsmen forming the core of anti-BIPOC militias. These groups will establish strongholds in suburbs and gentrified areas and attempt to contain the BIPOC risings but ultimately be crushed by Federal and BIPOC forces. The military will begin to fragment along racial and class lines, with the Navy and Air Force likely remaining loyal to the Federal government while the Army and Marine Corps will split, with the majority white combat units engaging in mass absenteeism or defection under the guise of 'defending their homes. ' Recent studies have indicated the over half of American Special Forces troopers hold right wing views, presenting a major threat to the safety of BIPOC individuals, especially leadership.

Anonymize Bot dan repost
2021 to 2031 Prediction by ‘ADLER’ GERMAN THINK TANK

>In their sweeping annual report, prepared at the behest of the European Commission each year since the nineties, the GFWSJ examines the likelihood of the collapse of the United States of America, and how it would play out.

>For the first time, the lengthy document predicts that the USA will likely collapse within ten years. The study's authors make clear that they do not envision a 'continent-spanning Somalia' but rather significant autonomous regions and the factionalization of the military, rendering the USA moot as a world power, though still nominally intact. "The America of 2030 will still have a seat in the UN, a flag, and a national anthem, and most Americans that travel will do so on American passports, but Americans will pay little actual allegiance to the Federal Government," Dr Letitz-Pfeffin explained.

>The study predicts that within the next five years, a significant police shooting of an African American, possibly multiple individuals in a single 'massacre style' incident will spark the complete collapse of civil authority in a major American 'chocolate' (majority black) city. Reprisals against law enforcement will result in many hundreds of dead police within one region, radicalizing the remaining police force, who will begin to work alongside militias theoretically dedicated to the restoration of public order but in fact driven by White Nationalist views. The most effective of these militias will be Freikorps style units led by Special Forces veterans, potentially former military men who already have large social media followings as either political activists or non-political personalities (weapon reviewers, fitness gurus, etc.).

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Beng Beng Beng

Alternative History2039 dan repost
'I should like to put it on record that I have never been able to dislike Adolf Hitler... The fact is that there is something deeply appealing about him… the face of a man suffering under intolerable wrongs... He is the martyr, the victim, Prometheus chained to the rock, the self-sacrificing hero who fights single-handed against impossible odds... One feels, as with Napoleon, that he is fighting against destiny, that he can't win, and yet that he somehow deserves to.' -George Orwell, reviewing Mein Kampf, 1940.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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