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Kanal geosi va tili: AQSh, Inglizcha
Toifa: Telegram

Kanal geosi va tili
AQSh, Inglizcha
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Based Hedgehogs dan repost
go outside

Titties & Kitties ❤️ dan repost
go outside

WdJ dan repost
oh shit we just got Gbanned wsg

Based Hedgehogs dan repost

Glock and ball torture dan repost
Reject Hollywood actor worship. Embrace saint worship (he's literally me. He could be you).

BUNKER dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
NEW - Anti-White propaganda piece, seeking to demonize Whites, Featuring fucking Terrorgram!

Titties & Kitties ❤️ dan repost
Vice News: Why The US Power Grid Is Under Attack

Mark Collett dan repost
A white woman using the 'n-word' in front of a black man is now as heinous a crime as a black man murdering a white woman.

RR dan repost
The types critical of effective doers for being "hardly NS material" disgust me.

Hitler had problems with them, so did Rockwell. They are the losers who gravitate toward the strong in hopes some of it might rub off onto them. The trouble is, instead of the association doing them any good, they by their presence, only tend to short circuit the good works of others.

The problems have been diagnosed and the solutions outlined for literally generations, every tool necessary is at hand. Yet the Movement is retrogressing today. Why?

The degree of control by the Enemy cannot be used as an excuse for it is only an obstacle that exists to be broken, not surrendered to.

The sorry shape of people, likewise, cannot be used as an alibi. Hitler said that the masses are female, that it is up to the male drive to reach them and conquer or win them.

No, the problem still rests in the Movement itself. Those who came before have shown us the way to victory.

With fire, and with lightning!

Channel: @revolutionarysrevery

RR dan repost
Truth, Natural Law, the guiding principle found throughout the natural world. It is everlasting. National socialism and fascism but recent political manifestations.

Understanding of Truth is a thread through history. Evola's "invisible army". The System is the culmination of all those products of the human mind in opposition to Natural Law.

There have always been those amongst us who have understood this.

There are also those who see only symptoms of the System sickness, immigration, miscegenation, communism, or the like.

It is not required for all to see the big picture.

It is not required to be seen to be marching in the streets.

It is not required for all to understand the esoteric meanings.

It is required to act, to strike the System without mercy, to decapitate, and eviscerate it.

"He who would live must fight. He who doesn't wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist."

Get off Telegram.

Have no mercy.

Channel: @revolutionarysrevery

Menace dan repost
💬 Okay you're redpilled now what?

• Post memes forever?
• Laugh at nigger videos?
• Chat all day on telegram?

While you meme and talk endlessly about how stupid niggers are, guess what?

You're losing.

Niggers outnumber you.
They're raping your women.
They're killing your children and your racial brothers.
They're replacing you in your homeland.

Who's the stupid one now?

⏳ Every day you waste this tool that you hold in your hands, a tool that won't be around much longer. And what's worse is that all the while you're reveling in your so-called "supremacy" while YOU LOSE.

📚 Take advantage of this final platform while it lasts. Save information. Read books. Learn skills. Get prepared.
And channel it all into real world action.

💭 R
emember: In the final analysis, a race or species is not judged superior or inferior by its accomplishments, but by its will and ability to survive.

NRN Chat dan repost

New Right News dan repost
💬 Man arrested in connection to 7 bombings in Fresno has links to hate group, authorities say

📌 Los Angeles Times

New Right News

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