Ingrid Mattson, HEART, and the Pro-LGBT “Muslim” Network Distorting Islam
Two years ago, MuslimSkeptic published a report on the nefarious activities of the organization HEART Women and Girls.
We now provide an update on HEART and detail the "American Islam" network that is working hard to reform Islam and indoctrinate the Muslim community.
HEART is funded by the US government and openly announces its plans to reform Islam while supposed “religious” authorities like Ingrid Mattson and Bayan Graduate School rubber stamp them and invite them to “train” the community.
These pro-LGBT activists and "scholars," led by people like Ingrid Mattson, position themselves supposed authorities on “gender-based violence,” “spiritual abuse,” and “holding religious leaders accountable."
Meanwhile they are among the biggest heretics and fahisha mongers at the forefront of pushing LGBT acceptance and feminism onto the Muslim community.
Particularly disturbing is how HEART and Mattson target Muslim youth specifically.
Yet, there are "traditional" scholars, imams, and orgs who continue to promote and work with Mattson and HEART.
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