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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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It's amazing to me how many disgusting creatures come out of the woodwork to attack you when you speak the truth about vices. Alcohol and drugs drag you down. Porn rots your soul and mind. Media kills your drive. Drop these things and start living a better life.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Seriously, if you get fit your entire life changes. You will get more respect from others, you will be more capable in your daily life, women will adore you and you will feel better constantly.

Bravehearts dan repost
If the Jewish volcano composite god, Yawhey/Jehovah, who describes himself as “a jealous god,” had actually existed and was the only god who had ever existed, then it would not be possible for him to be jealous of any other god.


/pol/ news archive dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Deus Ex (2000) dropping redpills

source by Scrub Wave

#DeusEX #Game #Redpill

As a former member of the Intelligence community I can say that this is just scratching the surface.

The White Space dan repost
ZOG wants you unhealthy and weak, in body and mind, white man and woman. Therefore treat your body like a temple. Remember: healthy body, healthy mind. Eat well, be well, make our anti-white enemies mad.

The (((CQ))) dan repost
Everyone should email this book to every Christian you know. If they read it, they will hate Jews by the time they are done reading it. BTW, Google is hiding this. If you search for it you won't find it. If you use an alternative search engine it will be the first search result. http://www.germanvictims.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Holocaust-Dogma.pdf

𝐒𝐘𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐌 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
150 Days of Holocaust Articles

Privacy & Security Goys dan repost
As more information comes to light about The Base, it comes clear that there were some security issues. At least one member of an antifa group based in Eugene, Oregon had gotten access to their encrypted chatroom on Wire and leaked screenshots to the media and law enforcement. One of their conversations discussed a "training camp" for new recruits in the neighboring Washington state area. Media influence put pressure on local sheriff Brad Manke to contact the FBI and SPLC for help. Manke later confirmed to a "SPLC researcher" that 30 acres of land was purchased by a Delaware LLC called "Base Global" – minimal investigation revealed tax affidavits associated with the property purchase lead to a man named Rinaldo Nazzaro, who is now the primary suspect of running The Base.

What can we learn from this?
The biggest issue we can see from this investigation is that Nazzaro mixed his identities. Nazzaro purchased the property under a name so similar to The Base while having his own personal identity tied to it. If he had used a different company's name that was suitable to the environment, like Bob's Lumber, such a connection would've been harder to make. Having the property in his own name would have been less suspicious than BASE GLOBAL, especially when they were actively recruiting. Even if there was never an antifa rat in their chat, sooner or later this fatal move would have come back to haunt Nazzaro.

The second problem was the antifa mole. Properly vetting members (meeting in-person and doing certain activities only dedicated people would do to gain trust in one another) before granting access to any sort of chatroom is one way of doing this. And of course, the less you say, the less evidence will be used against you. Crazy lifehack: not discussing potential crimes is a good way to avoid being jailed for life as a political prisoner. Not having a group that discusses, encourages, and plans domestic terrorism is another awesome trick.

On the plus side, they did use an encrypted messaging service. Logs weren't leaked from their servers from rogue employees (Discord comes to mind). Encryption is utilized for a reason.

Moving forward:
1) If you're going to buy property to train combatants against a powerful System with near-infinite resouces that seeks to destroy you and your race, don't make sloppy mistakes like listing your explicitly violent organization as the owner of the property while having its corresponding tax affidavits in your real name.
2) You can't have your organization infiltrated if you don't have an organization to begin with - acting solo or in small cells of trusted people is far harder to infiltrate. This isn't to say you shouldn't network or even join a pro-White organization, but avoid groups that fed/siegepost like the plague.
3) Encryption works, and every goy who wants to ensure their communications are safe from spooks should contact @OpSecGoy here on Telegram or email Ghost at ghost_sec_goy@protonmail.com for details on getting our organization's guide on PGP encryption. 😎

(Guardian article)

Boogaloo Intel Drop📡 dan repost
To those saying the coronavirus isn't a big deal.... It's time you researched social media a little. Officially 26 dead. No big deal.

There are Chinese tweets translated on sites saying individual coroner's are transporting 50 dead A DAY. There's videos of adults dropping dead in the streets, and other videos of hospitals so packed people are sleeping in hallways and doorways. Then there's the messages coming out from medical personnel saying people are attacking staff and no one is collecting the bodies.

Not saying it's the end of the world, but what people on the ground are saying doesn't line up with the official narrative at all. So we have no idea how bad it really is. Honestly we are overdue for another Spanish flu level event, so let's just keep an eye on it.

I know one thing though. You don't do the largest quarantine in human history (41 million) because 26 people died.

Chinese aren't human. Fuck em.

Skull’s Charnel House Mirror dan repost
In a nation of 1.4 BILLION people 17 centenarians have died from the flu during flu season and you guys are all fucking talking about it as if it’s real. Meanwhile, 50,000 more brown people with actual contagious diseases just crossed the border. Stop. Just fucking stop. Please.

Yeah it's not like they've quarantined 18 million people and counting or anything! Totally normal.

Eric Striker dan repost
FBI informants should know two things:
1) if theyre asking you to be an informant, its because they have no case against anyone.

2) if you cant deliver them any scalps, they will settle for you.


Slovak's Siege Shack dan repost
Guerilla gardening in its original form is pretty basic - you see a place that you do not own that could use some plant life and you introduce said plant life to it without the proper permits. This is mostly harmless, even though the owners will probably want to get you in trouble for it - but if you do it to government entities, do you think they will track down people planting flowers around town? I don't.
Now, ADVANCED guerilla gardening, henceforth called SIEGE PLANTING, involves planting harmful and/or invasive plants and fungi in strategic locations.
I heard about a guy who planted death cap mushrooms throughout "inner city government housing projects", resulting in severe organ damage and death for nogs dumb enough to eat them. I heard about another guy who spread kudzu in "the bad parts of town", covering entire houses in invasive vines. I heard that neither the owners nor the local government were able to neutralise these threats in time, which caused a drain on their resources in the long run. I heard the guerilla gardeners never got caught.

This is an excellent idea. While cutting power lines and blowing holes in water mains in inner cities is a great way to cause riots and keep government buisy with the shit skins while we run other more important missions, I understand that not everyone can do that. Death cap mushrooms and vines are a good idea.

Here is a piece written by Julius Caesar on the Suebi. If it doesn't make you want to take over Canada and destroy all urban areas so that you can live out your skyrim fantasies then you are not a man.

"In the following winter, in which the consulship of Pompey and Crassus began, the Germanic tribes of the Usipetes and Tencteri crossed the Rhine in large numbers not far from its mouth. They were forced to migrate because for several years they had been subjected to harassing attacks by the Suebi and prevented from tillng their lands.

The Suebi are by far the largest and most warlike of the Germanic nations. It is said that they have a hundred cantons, each of which provides annually a thousand armed men for service in foreign wars. Those who are left at home have to support the men in the army as well as themselves, and the next year take their turn of service while the others stay at home.

Thus both agriculture, military instruction and training continue without interruption. No land however is the property of private individuals and no one is allowed to cultivate the same plot for more than one year.

They do not eat much cereal food, but live chiefly on milk and meat, and spend much time in hunting. Their diet, daily exercise and the freedom from restraint that they enjoy, combine to make them strong and as tall as giants. They inure themselves in spite of the very cold climate in which they live, to wear no clothing but skins and these so scanty that a large part of the body is uncovered and to bathe in the rivers.

Traders are admitted into their country more because they want to sell their booty than because they stand in any need of imports. Even horses, which the Gauls are inordinately fond of and purchase at big prices, are not imported by the Germanics. They are content with their home-bred horses, which although undersized and ugly, are rendered capable of very hard work by daily exercise.

In cavalry battles they often dismount and fight on foot, training the horses to stand perfectly still, so that they can quickly get back to them in case of need. In their eyes it is the height of effeminacy and shame to use a saddle and they do not hesitate to engage the largest force of cavalry riding saddled horses, however small their own numbers may be. They absolutely forbid the importation of wine because they think that it makes men soft and incapable of enduring hard toil.

They regard it as the proudest glory of a nation to keep the largest possible area round its frontiers uninhabited, because it shows that many other peoples are inferior to it in military might. It is said for example that on one side of the Suebic territory the country is uninhabited for a distance of more than 885km.

On the other side their nearest neighbours are the Ubii, who were once by Germanic standards, a considerable and prosperous nation. They are somewhat more civilized than the rest of the Germanics, for living on the Rhine so close to the frontier of the Gaul, where traders visit them regulary, they have adopted Gallic customs.

The Suebi, after repeated attempts to oust them from their home by force of arms, found them too numerous and strong to be dispossessed but compelled them to pay tribute and greatly reduced their pride and power."

-Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico

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