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ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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Brixton Market bomb

X-rays from Great Ormond Street Hospital show a nail from the Brixton bomb embedded in an infant's brain.
The first bombing, on Saturday, 17 April 1999, was in Electric Avenue, Brixton, an area of south London with a large black population. The bomb was made using explosives from fireworks, taped inside a sports bag, primed and left at Brixton Market. The Brixton Market traders became suspicious, and one of them, Gary Shilling, moved the bag to a less crowded area after seeing perpetrator Copeland acting suspiciously. Two further moves of the bomb occurred by unconvinced traders, including the bomb being removed from the bag, which is when it ended up next to the Iceland supermarket. Concerned traders called the police, who arrived at the scene just as the bomb detonated at 5:25 pm. Forty-eight people were injured, many of them seriously because of the 4-inch (100 mm) nails that were packed around the bomb. The explosion was strong, sending nails in all directions, blowing windows and blasting a parked car across the street.[2]

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Going to write better versions for these three tomorrow. Too much irl stuff to do. Also the linked Copeland documentaries doesn't work. Try to just copy the name of each and search here on Telegram or the web if you, then you should be able to find each one. Here is a small text also about Copelands attack on this date:

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On April 17, 2018, Jens H., Stephan H., and Terenc H. killed a homosexual by beating him to death near a train station with a metal pole. They targeted their victim because they knew he was a homosexual. After they left him to die, witnesses say they saw the group of young men giving Hitler salutes and bragging about the attack.

This channel, and every one associated with it, DON'T encourage White terror or mass murder. We simply share this content for the purpose of documenting history.

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On April 17, 1986, Steven M. Tielsch (pictured in the green shirt above) killed Neal Rosenblum, a Jewish rabbinical student, in a drive by shooting. This occurred in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, the same neighborhood attacked by Robert Bowers in 2018.

The murder was unsolved for 12 years. However, police developed a lead when Tielsch was incarcerated for a different crime and bragged to other inmates about getting away with murdering a Jew. The other inmates ratted on Tielsch, telling them Tielsch frequently made antisemitic comments and had a swastika tattoo on his leg.

This caused Jewish organizations to start a campaign to convict Tielsch for murder. It took them 4 trials to convict him because the first 3 resulted in hung juries. Tielsch was released from jail on October 23, 2017.

This channel, and every one associated with it, DON'T encourage White terror or mass murder. We simply share this content for the purpose of documenting history.

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
BBC Panorama: Nailbomber

Bunker Backup Channels:

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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1999 London Bombings | David Copeland | Short Documentary

Bunker Backup Channels:

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'Broken people': 20 years on from the London nail bombings - BBC Newsnight

Bunker Backup Channels:

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4/17 -- 4/30/99

AKA: London Nail Bomber
BORN: 5/15/1976
MOTIVATIONS: Hatred of non-Whites and homosexuals
NOTABLE: Inspired by The Turner Diaries

LOCATIONS: Brixton, E.London and Soho - London, UK
TARGETS: non-Whites, Homos
WEAPONS: Nail bombs


- 4/17/99 Brixton market bombing, Brixton (48 inj)

- 4/24/99 Brick Lane bombing, East London (13 inj)

- 4/30/99 Admiral Duncan Pub bombing, Soho (3 killed/79 inj)

ARREST: 4/30/1999
STATUS: In prison
NOTABLE: Copeland showed no remorse. He said the bombings were his destiny, and he'd plant more bombs if released.

QUOTES: "I bomb the blacks, Pakis, degenerates. I would have bombed the Jews as well if I'd got a chance."

"Personally I wanted to get caught, To be famous in some sort of way. If no one remembers who you were, you never existed.”


David Copeland - The London Nail Bomber (1999)


LONDON NAIL BOMBER - Documentary 2

BBC Documentary - London Nail Bomber

'Broken people': 20 years on from the London nail bombings - BBC Newsnight

1999 London Bombings | David Copeland | Short Documentary

1999: Manhunt For The Brixton Nail Bomber

BBC Panorama: Nailbomber

the soho nail bomber (killing spree) | our life

The One Man Terrorist | Catching The Nail Bomber | Real Crime

PICS 1 2

This channel, and every one associated with it, DON'T encourage white terror or mass murder. We simply share this content for the purpose of documenting history.

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4/17 -- 4/30/99


This channel, and every one associated with it, DON'T encourage white terror or mass murder. We simply share this content for the purpose of documenting history.

Bunker Backup Channels:

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Telegram guy "Manic"

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💬 Virginia man admits role in plan to rob Johnstown bank

Brian Tierney, 30, admitted in U.S. District Court that between Nov. 14 and Nov. 27, 2022, he worked with two co-conspirators, Michael Brown Jr. and Luke Kenna, to surveil the bank and purchase items, including weapons, to commit the robbery, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said.

Tierney also ordered handgun parts for use in the robbery and sent photographs of the handgun and radio scanning and jamming devices for use in robbing the bank to Kenna, prosecutors said.

Brown pleaded guilty in June and Kenna pleaded guilty in August.

Tierney faces up to 5 years in prison and a $250,000 fine when sentenced on Aug. 16.

📌 NBC News

New Right News

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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💬 The ‘perfect storm’ turning teenagers into terrorists

Officers are concerned about the rising number of children in their caseload, and are calling for parents and guardians to “pay close attention” to what they are viewing and sharing online.

Some children have been consuming vast amounts of terrorist material, using peer-to-peer sharing to access banned Isis videos and manuals, as well as far Right manifestos and neo-Nazi books, videos and propaganda. Vale says the process often starts when initially harmless research on current events leads young people down online “rabbit holes”.

📌 The Telegraph

New Right News

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Inside A White Supremacist Militia in Ukraine

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
This video sums up the last 100 year history of Western societies. Bring in shit skins, give them aid, and in return for your generosity, they try to rob and/or kill you.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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