Where TG is heading - thoughts.
Now Telegram has 2 types of earnings: premium and TG ads.
But just two nuances:
1. TG does not collect Big Data unlike other platforms (freedom, anonymity, etc.), which ultimately affects the quality of the target - talk to any advertiser. And often the user is shown advertisements that are not very relevant.
2. TG-premium owners are the sweetest users, because at least they have money for premium) But advertising is not shown to them.
And now the news has come out (https://t.me/durov/373) about the biggest update: Mini Apps 2.0
And I think: all these issues will be resolved there. Naturally, with payment per TON.
Now Telegram has 2 types of earnings: premium and TG ads.
But just two nuances:
1. TG does not collect Big Data unlike other platforms (freedom, anonymity, etc.), which ultimately affects the quality of the target - talk to any advertiser. And often the user is shown advertisements that are not very relevant.
2. TG-premium owners are the sweetest users, because at least they have money for premium) But advertising is not shown to them.
And now the news has come out (https://t.me/durov/373) about the biggest update: Mini Apps 2.0
And I think: all these issues will be resolved there. Naturally, with payment per TON.