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Having set the frame, launch into it immediately.

Spend at least ten minutes strictly within the frame - this establishes it, which makes it much easier to return to after any tangents that occur later on.

How to Conduct a Public Interview

It is natural to proffer your own opinions, and an interview would be quite dull if the interviewer never did so. Apart from anything else, it helps to liven up the conversation to contrast what the guest has said with your own opinion. It also provides aural variety, which is more important than you might think. However, you should do so briefly. As the interviewer, you must accept that the conversation is not about you nor is it an opportunity for you to “sound off” about things. Your job is to help the guest do that. You are the conductor, not the musician.

How to Conduct a Public Interview

This spiritual, psychological, social, cultural, legal and political weakening of White people is how Pakistanis were able to freely prey on the White girls of Rotherham when they, the Pakistanis, were only a tiny minority (about 3%) of the town’s population.

The Muslim Rape Gang Epidemic

The situation is very different in periods (like ours) when Champagne Socialism is made “the order of the day” in society. Now, the Champagne Socialist is encouraged to believe she is “of the elite”.

The Archetype of the Champagne Socialist

Staffordshire Folklore dan repost
Cannock Museum and Theatre to close

In a sad but not unexpected decision Cannock Chase council, having completed the 'consultation period' have decided to proceed with the closure of the local theatre and museum.

This was despite massive local resistance, and in the face of the proposed savings being realistically negligible.

To anyone paying attention this outcome was a foregone conclusion, the consultation period lasted a short time over the Christmas/ Yuletide period when everyone is thinking about personal matters.

The survey they sent out also focused heavily on what should be done regarding heritage once these assets were gone.

This decision degrades the area and robs it of access to importance heritage assets.

My advice is: Take an instrest in your local heritage now, learn and save what you can, before they try to bury even more of it.


Nobody is actually race-blind. We Whites can feign it - most of us desperately try to - and the consequence has been mass rape of our girls by other groups who steadfastly refuse to feign it.

The Muslim Rape Gang Epidemic

Evelyn & Scrump’s Channel dan repost
This story has been put forward in a very misleading way & seems to be an attempt to tee up Labour for an "easy immigration win" from a case that took place under the previous government.

The government pretends to be at the mercy of every institution in Britain when it comes to immigration, one of the many uses for the illusion of "separation of powers."

Ferry Road Drive in Edinburgh, 1986 vs 2023.

The regime established an assumption that White people are to blame for pretty much anything that goes wrong. That sounds cartoonish but it is effectively the mantra of today. In any bad situation involving non-whites, the first assumption made by Whites is that they, not the non-whites, are probably to blame - and even if they don’t think so, someone higher up the chain might, so it’s in their interests to cow-tow to the non-whites sooner rather than later.

The Muslim Rape Gang Epidemic

Nationalist Polls dan repost
Rupert Lowe as Prime Minister?
  •   He'd do a lot of good
  •   He'd do some good but would ultimately be underwhelming
  •   I don't think he'd do anything useful in terms of policy, but I'd still like to see it happen
  •   I don't trust him at all, fuck him
  •   Show results
364 ta ovoz

Traditional Britain Group dan repost
New detailed documentary by Alex Phillips on the ethnic rape gangs in Britain:

Endeavour dan repost
Cthulhu always swam left because he received billions of dollars from USAID to do so.

Enormous numbers of Muslim men have been raping enormous numbers of White English girls for decades. This fact alone destroys the myth of the multicultural nation, the benefits of diversity, the equality of Mankind, and the idea that people can, or ever should, be race-blind.

The Muslim Rape Gang Epidemic

I like this logo.

Champagne Socialists are bad at leadership at high levels, because they are fundamentally feminine in nature - bitchy, petty, gossipy, impractical, obsessed with social status, and disdainful of those beneath them and above them, and of the idea of society outlasting them either backwards or forwards in time.

The Archetype of the Champagne Socialist

Alt Skull's Charnel House dan repost
The USAID funding exposure has revealed that, in order to even exist, almost everything we hate required billions upon billions of dollars in taxpayer money stolen from American citizens. There are no leftist causes that are organic and all of them, even anti-White race issues, must be propped up by a constant flow of money or they disappear basically overnight.

Meanwhile, ourside is deplatformed, debanked, slandered, unpersoned, excoriated, and censored to the point of near totality and we STILL manage to influence well over half the country to our message. That’s because we speak the truth, and the truth isn’t something that has to be taught, only heard and recognized, while lies must be drilled in over and over, combined with threats and trauma, in order to even hope to exist as a fleeting message that sputters and dies the moment all of this pressure is suddenly relieved.

With the equalization of the playing field we're now entering a new era, an advantage we haven't enjoyed in well over a century. Absolutely anything is possible.


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